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Everything posted by TinyBiceps

  1. Philip, though not legible to apply, bounces happily around the Keep training occasionally and seemingly making sure everyone's spirits are up!
  2. A courageous 11 year old boy goes to withdraw his steel sword in which to later slay the beast, but not before his dad can say no, causing the boy to trudge off back to their keep.
  3. when you evolve your meme chat to a more classy level



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TinyBiceps


      You have my eyes, you have your mother's name

    3. forwhatpvrpose


      When you came into the world, you cried... and it broke my heart.

    4. TinyBiceps


      I'm dedicating everyday to you,

      Domestic life was never quite my style.

  5. lyonharted for admin

    1. Chorale__


      are you insane, lyon for owner


    2. shortchangehero


      tryenfail I mean tyrenale

  6. i showed my dad my PK post and now hewants me to write a bio for his DnD character

    1. Zindran


      tell him to pay $3 and you'll do it ;)

  7. me; man i need to get off the forums for a while this is intense

    also me; 24fd026f896c463d9e6e0170487cef7a.png

  8. 0644be0d6db347adbd83aab0be216f2a.png

    1. DoomedDM


      Well it seems I just missed that 

  9. i was so close to making a shitpost but i saved myself and cancelled. 

    1. Doug


      Here's the rep I would 've gave if you didn't save yourself

    2. tilly


      Good for you buddy. 

  10. pardon me for not shitposting the rebellion but i thought i would show you some pages from my favourite book






  11. why is it so hard to make friends

    1. Vege


      because of Oren join the rebellion today sir 

  12. Vaynth is right this is totally cute, nice
  13. guys i figured it out. if you want rep just post unfinished hamilton lyrics. works everytime

    1. ToodIes


      it must be nice

  14. My name is Phillip, I am a poet, I wrote this poem just to show it

    1. ski_king3


      And I just turned nine, you can write rhymes but you can't write mine

    2. Papa Liam

      Papa Liam

      My name is Liam, but I can't rhyme, I have social anxiety and crippling dysthymia.

    3. BonesOfTheEarth


      I practice french and play piano with my mother

  15. when your forum post you thought no one would post on does well


  16. my fingers no longer feel like hell is trying to escape my fingertips when i play ukelele so i'm either not playing enough or somehow calluses developed very fast

  17. my human has turned into a grumpy old man


  18. watching the best livestream of my life right now


  19. the true test of friendship is remembering who was on your buddylist

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Vaynth


      I remember every single person on my buddy list.

    3. TinyBiceps


      i have the longterm memory of a newborn baby

    4. Arctic_Guard
  20. I hope you have a fantastic holiday no matter what you celebrate. Cheers :)

    1. Bvie


      Thanks! You too!

  21. where are all the bees going

  22. when you log on and bae sends you a message ?139f9b9ecdd946838a1b65a11e3c88a7.png

  23. ran out of +1's so i give you one in spirit! i liked reading this nice job on the character creation
  24. playing ukelele feels so easy until you stop and realize you've basically graded off layers of skin from your fingers. it hurts to type

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