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saint swag

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Everything posted by saint swag

  1. OOOObhgGGg :DDD

  2. A bird built of clockwork and mechanism seeks the woman out, returning her answer to this question torn off from the rest, circled and underlined a few times over. “Genius!” is written beside it. Come by the factory sometime. I don’t have the time to teach alchemy, but I can show you something else that you’ll absolutely be interested in. - Sir Everett Ferro ((discord dm me or forum w/e
  3. it’s not that deep bro lotc is sh*t simple as, move tf on
  4. disco sh* t

    Edited by _Hexe_
  5. does this interact with afflicted
  6. A letter is sent to the three; Hello all! Hope you’re well. Please send me your times of availability. Cheers! Everett.
  7. saint swag


    life is better without, good luck.
  8. ahahahahahaahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  9. A clockwork bird searches about Siramenor and Aegrothond to deliver the following message, it squawks the mans name and age until it finds him. I’ll send you a letter of when you start whenever I can be bothered. See you soon, maybe! – Everett ((when the alchemy rewrite is done)) The notices have a second piece of paper pinned to them. No more spaces! Still taking applications for later, though. Feel free to put your name down!
  10. A clockwork bird searches about Helena and Haense to deliver the following message, it squawks the mans name and age until it finds him. I’ll send you a letter of when you start whenever I can be bothered. See you soon, maybe! – Everett ((when the alchemy rewrite is done)) A message is finally delivered to the Alchemist’s Guild. Saevel, why would I teach you? What would I teach you, even? A friend of mine told me long ago of your guild, if you already have your hands on my father’s map, enough knowledge to further your own studies, AND assumedly your very own workplace, there’s nothing that I can do for you! Everett
  11. alchemy roleplay here link in post

    Edited by _Hexe_
  12. A clockwork bird searches about Siramenor to deliver the following message, it squawks the womans name until it finds her. I’ll send you a letter of when you start whenever I can be bothered. See you soon, maybe! – Everett ((when the alchemy rewrite is done))
  13. Inconspicuous notices are pinned about Helena, Haense, Aegrothond and Siramenor. Everett Ferro’s Apprenticeships. If interested, please fill out the form below and deliver it to the factory outside of Haense. You will receive word back if selected. Name: Age: Race: What are you good at? What do you know about alchemy? What do you know about tinkering? Why do you want to learn? Why should I teach you? Are you clever or dumb? No hippies! Cheers, Everett.
  14. paid warps is a really good idea, it was a thing in vailor and worked out fine. i just think that the price per trip should be more than it was.
  15. beat me to it, first post too
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