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Status Updates posted by OzYmandi

  1. Come play an orc! Try it out!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Vilebranch


      you can take the orc out of San'Kala but you can't take San'Kala out of the orc

    3. Arteh
    4. Sargan
  2. >be me

    >read facts from internet about WW2

    >don't support nazism or communism at all


    >continue happily with facts

    >get banned

    >'Toxicity - 1 day no appeal'


    >find out that thanks to Space anything that isn't SJW banter is bannable.

  3. Good fight marnatines!

    If you hadn't metastalled, more guards would have fallen!


    1. argonian


      let it go bro iron armour is worth like 5 mina these days ill replace ur gear

    2. Skylez


      >fighting/banditing on a nations turf or near
      >not expecting more people from THAT group to catch wind and show up

    3. Guest


      u were literally fighting in a room next to court with 15 ppl in. more like someone went to the room along and called them all in to kill u!

  4. nIcE duDE, +1 oN tHiS laD!!!

  5. I wanna sign my signature into your signature using a good ol' signal request to sign your signature. Is that alright with you? I mean, we could always signal someone else to sign your signature for you, but I feel that I, the Great o' Great Soviet should sign your beloved signature with MY signature, so that your signature isn't signed.



    1. drfate786


      I believe I should sign your signature so that his signature is signed. 

    2. OzYmandi


      Agree. DO sign my signature with your signature so my signature is more complete with your signature.

  6. Poland can into space?

  7. Grats on Trial Web Developer, friend-o.

  8. i have The Culling, Arma 3, CSGO, R6 Siege, zero shame and needing some friends to play with.

  9. I need a pet bird in my life. So cute.

  10. Admin update, nice.


    Now how about fixing the server and unbanning chuckaboo?

  11. Ah, getting banned for 1 day for innapropriate language...



    Sure is nice to know that you called no one no names nor sweared, except just went with what 50 players did and got banned.

    1. Unwillingly


      sounds like a target ban fam

    2. OzYmandi
  12. Any AT's interested in doing a project with me, hmu later IG or in the forums.

  13. can one male a lore app for a new aengul/daemon/whatever?

    1. mitto


      yeah, if its good enough you can propose lore for an aenguldaemon, but 2 things to consider

      1. is it necessary

      2. does it make sense

      it is extremely hard to pass a piece of lore like this

    2. Archipelego


      **** man do we rlly need more deities, or lore in general rn?

    3. mitto


      it ones of those things, a lot lf the time people write for the sake of it. just because of cool concepts or whatever. in my personal opinion if it doesnt really add anything to roleplay it shouldnt there, or even if it doesnt really make sense

      i would like to add itd be cool to see more fake religions which worship fake gods irp but are spread as if theyre real. i feel as if theres a stigma that in order for a god to have followers it has to have canon lore or something. itd be nice to have ridiculous gods to believe in

  14. Check out this new culture!


  15. Community guidelines sound like my mom lecturing me.

    1. Telanir


      your mom is very insightful and positive

    2. OzYmandi


      @Telanir my mom is dead.

    3. Telanir


      oh that doesn't really add up then

  16. Downloading Arma 3, if anyone wanna play, hit me up on skype (would like to have TS)

    Skype: Soviet

  17. either I have a really bad reputation around here, or it's my name. ******* hell

  18. hello its not working

    (is this a trend?)

    1. Archipelego


      fix your monkbread system

  19. I #StandWithGallicus

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