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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by NotEvilAtAll

  1. "Do ye do trades as well?" Gerald the halfling of Mellsburry would ask
  2. There's a halfling festival Tomorrow. Be there if you want to


  3. Footman App: IGN: jumperhand3 Skype: You have it RP Name: Salvatore Bodvar RP Race: Heartlander Char Skills: A little bit of everything, he does odd jobs for a living
  4. ((Nice to know, I will probably still call it Amherst and not Amhurst because that's what I'm used to calling it))
  5. ((As a former resident, I think it's called Amherst not Amhurst, though I could be wrong))
  6. I think the halfling village of Mellsburry is a fledgling nation now, if you are showing fledgling nations on your map then consider showing Mellsburry as a nation. (The farthing of Haysend is its name, I do believe) (The farthing of Haysend owns/will own tile a44, the tile I is on)
  7. 8/10 I like the nerd part of the picture (my picture is of a bunch of people in Sutica wearing pumpkins on their heads, I took the screen shot back when I was a soul, it seems like Knoxism is spreading)
  8. Agreed, its a nice post and all, but it needs to be in a different location
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