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Everything posted by Paulobig

  1. [!] “I Have No Gods; Except The God.” The Steel Company 2 11; Lightning and steel. The thanhic storm raged on. Showering our armour and weapons. The devil bats did not cease to circle the skies above us. Taking dives at our defenses in the night only to be met by spears and the heavily choreographed combat of our 2 11. Accompanied by The School of the Manticore, we took the West of Mordskov while they took East. Meeting together in the middle of a ruined temple, Solsvaerd. There we stood toe to toe with hundreds of mutated abominations that could create weapons with their own bones and bodies. The battle for Mordskov was on… some did not return. Several hundred years later, a new threat emerges to Aevos. The Beast returns. A new cause. - Excerpt from the 2 11 Handbook SECTION I: PREFACE SECTION II: ORDER OF COMMAND SECTION III: ON MORTAL UNITY SECTION IV: THE STEEL CODE SECTION V: A COMPANION’S ARMATURE I. PREFACE After years spent watching the insidious entrenchment of evil within the heart of humanity, we grew tired. We found ourselves disheartened by a world full of injustice, relentless egoism and the tyranny of evil. In this somber era, there was no guardian of the Mortal Realm, no defender who did not rely upon the intangible Aenguls to orchestrate their affairs. Ensnared within the confines of human notions such as good and evil, we yearn for an end to this cyclic struggle. Since the era of Aegis, only few mortals have emerged, rallying against the yoke of malevolence that gripped our Realm. Yet now, the days of inaction are at an end. The guardians of our Mortal Realm have arisen, placing their unwavering faith solely in the divine Creator, GOD. Armed with intellect and might, they strive to uphold the rule of Mortal Authority using the forces bestowed upon them by God. No longer shall humanity remain complacent while our lands smolder in the infernal embrace of damnation. No more shall we tolerate those who consort with the forces of DOOM and those who seek to condemn our nations. And thus, we stand united, resolute soldiers beneath the radiant light of Sol. A company bound by an unswerving devotion to their cause and the emancipation of Mortalkind that will readily lay down their lives to safeguard Mortal Authority without hesitation. Worshiping none but the singular Creator, known as God. The bestower of one of the cherished gifts to Mortals—the primal orb of flame that illuminates the night skies, a celestial body named Sol. Its radiance proven to purge the fell and the tainted, while nurturing the spirits of the righteous. This luminance possesses an irreplaceable significance within the task of the 2 11, a symbol of inspiration that adorns the pauldrons of sworn Knights. With unyielding fervor, we engage in battle, waging a relentless war against the legions of Iblees and other devilish forces. Our mission to ensure the eternal fortitude of the barrier that separates the realm of Being from the abyssal Void, aptly named the Veil. Through unwavering dedication, we secure the perpetuity of Sol's luminous embrace. We stand at the forefront, battling the Axis forces both in the realm of intellect and physicality, for in our creed, these realms are indivisible. We are the champions of humility and loyalty, steadfast defenders of a future free from corruption, a future where humanity can flourish devoid of the shadow of DOOM looming overhead. Our allegiance lies solely with the Creator—an omnipresent energy that courses through the tapestry of the cosmos, birthing all that is. The 2 11 extends its hand in invitation, allowing individuals to join, to pledge their loyalty, and to take up the mantle of the oath. Yet, let it be known, once that pact is forged, a Companion’s heart and soul become inextricably intertwined with the cause. Such a calling of paramount significance forbids treachery. The act never justifiable. For, should such emerge, a Knight shall swiftly locate and extinguish the errant from the Steel Company 2 11. II. ORDER OF COMMAND “From the Creator’s hand comes the strength to bear our burdens.” - The Litany of Fortitude The Steel Company 2 11, founded in 1630 and now newly reformed in the year 140 S.A, is an Order tasked with achieving utmost mortal unity and progression, and vanquishing the Wrong in the entirety of Aevos. The Steel Company is headed by its original founder, Grandmaster, SER DARIUS ‘LION’ DENUREM, who has a cadre of Lords including Lord Mechanicus, JEFFREY DE WEES; Lord Arcanus, DARGICUS. Companions of Steel are organized into a complementary structure to achieve hierarchical unity. Therefore granting equivalent rank and status between Support Units and within them—allowing the 2 11 to function as a loosely connected network of Companions based in the 2 11 Temple. These distinct segments are classified apart as they provide meaning to the organization established by the Creator. In warfare, this is seen through vanguard and enforcement; in the realm of alchemy and sorcery, it manifests as intellectual and arcane advancement. Moreover, a Companion is not constrained to be exclusively associated with just a single Chamber. They come to be recognized as the following: I. THE CHAMBER OF WARFARE Tactics Diplomacy Espionage R&D Those that lead the cause as combatants. Direct pieces in the playing field that act as asset recovery for the Scholars. Those that walk the path of the righteous by the way of the blade are the dam-breachers and war dogs in combat. Their grouping of militants are composed of the Warfare Command Echelon and its Combat Support Unit. II. THE CHAMBER OF ALCHEMY Mutagens Tinkering Herbology R&D Those that lead the fight as non-combatants. Support pieces in the playing field that provide 2 11 Soldiers superior power in the ways of alchemical inventions. Potions, salves, and mechanical artefacts are developed in their laboratories. Their collective of artificers are composed of the Alchemy Command Echelon and its Scientific Support Unit. III. THE CHAMBER OF SORCERY Voidal Arts Arcane Mysteries Enchantments R&D Those that lead the fight as support combatants. They will cast spells, or provide ranged support in combat situations. Aiming to defeat enemies distracted by their companions that walk by the way of the blade. Their assembly of arcane scholars are composed of the Arcane Command Echelon and its Arcane Support Unit. III. ON MORTAL UNITY “And shall the righteous stand in God's light!” - The Litany of Faith See, in the time when the Creator breathed life into Man, both man and woman were formed to tread upon the land of Arda, being assigned a sacred duty. From the loins of this primal being, His offsprings were entrusted with the stewardship of the realm of mortality. Four brethren emerged, known as Horen, Malin, Urguan, and Krug, bearing the legacy of the original Man. Thus, as destiny wove its threads, there arose a shadow named Iblees, the First Disbeliever, who defied the divine will and trespassed into the realm of the Mortals. With sinister intent, he and his fallen kin sought to taint the souls of Man through otherworldly manipulations. A web of deceit was spun, veiling their schemes in cursed charms and hollow blessings, fueled by a twisted belief in their supremacy over Man. They resented that Man had inherited Arda as a divine bequest. For they were made of flame, and thought superior to the earthen body of the Man. Were Krug's offspring not already worthy of honor, having defied Iblees with valor? Did the descendants of Urguan need further fortitude, having toiled within ancient mines? Was not the ascent to the Seven Skies already guaranteed, without the intervention of Aenguls to aid Horen? Even the elves, graced with longevity, bore the heavy cost of madness in their twilight years, a bitter reminder of the afflictions concealed within the so-called "gifts'' of the Aengudaemons. Ergo, the discerning mind can deduce that the malevolent aim underlying these curses and blessings was to fragment mortals into disparate races, to ensure perpetual disunity beneath fractured banners. A blatant scheme to sow division and claim dominion through conquest. The brethren suffered transformations, save for Horen, birthing the destructive Mortal Race. Lest the world comes to doom, as the bearers of the torch of mortal progression and unity, we are summoned to renounce these fabricated schisms, to scorn those who sow seeds of discord and fraternal strife. The Companions united within the 2 11 are heirs to the sacred mission of Man and GOD. Only through collective purpose can they forge a greater union, preserving Mortal Authority by quelling the flames of racial discord that might otherwise ignite within their ranks. IV. THE STEEL CODE “Tvorauee Ist Meinae Poschtol.” - Old Marian Saying Within the Steel Company, every individual bears the responsibility of embodying a dignified and exemplary archetype of Mortalkind. Hence, each member is entrusted with the obligation to uphold the subsequent principles—which serve as guiding beacons for their conduct in matters of social etiquette: You shall have no gods, but the Creator; You shall oppose all Aengudaemonic influence. It corrupts the Cause; You shall pursue the defense of mortal unity at all times, thus you shall not make personal judgments, nor shall you ferment corruption in the lands; You shall not see yourself as superior to your brother or sister due to your birthright. Knowledge, not bloodline, is what makes one great; You shall not abuse the authority rank grants you. Your subordinates are your brothers and sisters, not servants; You shall not harm the innocent life and property of your fellow descendant. You are to be their shield against the darkness, not another threat; You shall take no actions which would reflect poorly upon the Steel Company. Conducting yourself with utmost respect and stature; You shall treat members of foreign guilds and governments with the utmost respect; You shall not question your orders until they have been completed and the scope of your actions can be revealed. Have faith; You shall not desert the Steel Company after having taken your oath. Retirement due to old age, health, etc. will have to be approved by your superiors; You shall not spread any classified information to outsiders without direct clearance to do so; You shall not trade, bargain with, sell, or gift any weapons or equipment without direct clearance to do so; You shall not neglect the maintenance of any weapons, equipment, or attire issued to you. You may modify your uniform within reason, so long as it remains practical and recognizable. V. A COMPANION’S ARMATURE “Thought for the day: God protects, but a drawn sword helps.” - A Sariant’s Memoir Armaments and garb for the members of the Steel Company 2 11 are provided by their respective Command Echelons. Within the equipment parcel presented to each dutiful Companion, one finds a pair of standard issue blades, forged through an ancient technique refined by Teutonic blacksmiths and artisans over six centuries prior. The first blade, hewn from resolute steel, is intended to be used against racial targets, poised to defend with an edge honed by tradition. Its twin, designed to be used against monsters and fell beasts, is crafted of slayer-steel, ensuring a calculated auxiliary should such ungodly creatures come to the fold. Alongside these weapons of purpose, a Companion will receive rations for three Saint’s Days, to sustain vigor in the heat of endeavor—finally, a basic yet fundamental first aid kit stands ready. Thus, within this provisioned trove, the foundation is laid for their resolute undertaking in safeguarding the realm, an embodiment of the Steel Company's indomitable spirit and commitment.
  2. Ser Alaric DeNurem raised a hand to his heart in salute as he read the missive. "So it begins - usaer hteaati verschoen reatz svaerdv." The olden knight uttered in Old Marian, then gazing upon his racked warhammer.
  3. Sir Alaric DeNurem stood within his and his wife’s, Viktoriya DeNurem, wooden abode in the far off North-East of the Orenian Empire, his broken mind having drifted the man off to a deep slumber – missing the descendant’s defense of the city of Aegrothond. Though, as the visions of his unconscious mind swarming the halls of his mind, a glimpse of a light was shed amidst that fog – in the far off distance he felt a great burden being relieved, the once jailer of the love of his live had perished, at long last, the threat of her return to the grasps of the Inferi streamed down into the Void. -=- A few hours passed on, the Orenian knight slowly gaining his consciousness back, eyelids carefully opening to peer at the darkened spruce above where he laid, simply staring at the ceiling – a hand sliding upward to touch the newfound scars across his torso, furthering the route till his visage, the same wounds cast across his skin. -=- Biding his time; Patience paid off; Yet for how long?
  4. Aegis vs Arcas map ending

    WhatsApp Image 2020-05-28 at 10.50.38 AM.jpeg

    1. argonian


      lmao legit 

  5. Red Women’s Coat – 2315 Red and White – 2255 Discord: Paulobig#2719
  6. Alaric DeNurem sharpened his sabre upon a whetstone within the Bastille as a courier delivered the missive, “Justice will be served to the Sutican citizens. We march soon, comrades.” He remarked, returning to his daily routine.
  7. Very cool! I was unlucky to join the Clerics just when they were disbanded a year or so ago. This rewrite got me hyped, I hope it’s accepted! Can’t wait to do some cleric rp
  8. Marius browsed the available goods Name: Marius DeNurem Username: paulobig Giveaway Item #1: Storm’s Call, Hammer of the Thunderlord Giveaway Item #2: Orgadhad Stone Giveaway Item #3: Nora’s Sword
  9. ?????? ??????? ”Blood for Science. Death Before Dishonor." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Information Full Name: Marius DeNurem Titles: Prince of Hanseti-Judah, Lion ov Judah, Hochmeister of the Steel Company 2-11, Director of the DeNurem Inc. Nickname/Aliases: None Important Information Age: Late-Forties Gender: Male Race: Human Sexuality: Heterosexual Languages Spoken: Common, Marian, and Flexio Physical Disabilities: None Jewelry/Accessories: DeNurem Ornate Circlet. Physical Attributes Body Type: Soldier physique Height: 6’6” Weight: 208 lbs Hair: Short silver-white hair Skin: Fair Eyes: Green Markings/Tattoos: Black cross tattoo on the back of the neck General Appearance: Marius appears older than he actually is, as his hair color resembles that of an elder. He often wore a neutral expression. Current-Attire: Regularly wears a full plated armor and a white cape over chainmail, the Black Cross of the Teutonic Order displayed on his tabard. Hygiene: An above-average sense of hygiene. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Present Current Location: Caius Circle 3, Carolustadt, Empire Of Man Religion: Canonist Personality: Formidable and wise when it comes to military actions, stern and quiet most of the time but capable of booming commands when the event calls for it. Battle-hardened and seasoned veteran of many wars, a realist and more acceptive towards reason and logic in his decision-making process. Occupation: Hochmesiter of the Steel Company 2-11 and Director of the DeNurem Inc. Moral Alignment: Lawful-Neutral
  10. [Scholar Application] MC Name: paulobig RP Name: Talion Aldwin Wulff Reason for wanting to join: I want to guide those who lack the knowledge and experience of the Art of War, and I want to preserve the knowledge that has been bestowed upon me and further improve my knowledge in the Art of War. Field of Mastery: The Art of War Years of Practice (IRP) ((Take a guess if you don't know)): 22 Link me a picture of a Cat/Dog/Your preferred cute animal:
  11. RP Name: Talion Aldwin Wulff MC Name: paulobig Known Arcane Arts: None Position Desired: Student When is the best time to contact you for an interview: Anytime
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