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Status Replies posted by Inferno_Ougi

  1. palestine unite against israel apartheid!!!! remember we are all together and pray for you!!!??

    we will win this brothers!!!

  2. ya'll gay check out my event posts that may eventually become full-fledged things in lotc


  3. I too, would like to remind everyone of something. Don't do drugs, stay in school. 

  4. Probably one of the most philosophic LOTCers actively playing the server  -->

  5. another bad move from the gms! NO MORE HOOKAH! SAD!

  6. another bad move from the gms! NO MORE HOOKAH! SAD!

  7. I am the bandit lord, I should reform the dreadlands...


  8. How's the Gaming tonight, everyone?

  9. How's the Gaming tonight, everyone?

  10. Why is the Krug's strength thread locked? I wanna brag and accuse them of dark magics lol

  11. elves fighting on two fronts. staff team and orcs.

  12. im too old for this but why does my soul always itch to come back 

  13. Why is lotc turning into a politically correct medium

  14. How hard can it be for a GM to send someone a forum message to the person they ban with the reason. 

    Grow a backbone, GM's.. jesus christ. 

  15. lolcharge.png 



    big kills on holm

  16. 99% of the people on this server take irp **** too seriously *cough* dominion *cough*

  17. 99% of the people on this server take irp **** too seriously *cough* dominion *cough*

  18. the slave thing needs to stop, unless it is some weird fetish, then sorry for kinkshaming ^^'

  19. 17 in 2 days finally.


    feel free to send me robux @xxdemiproxx 

  20. We need to bring back the Global Assembly so we can ban the slave trade again smh.

  21. hey guys im going to go walk on the roads now i hope nothing bad happens to me

  22. Have you ever wanted to be an orc but deal with a more toxic playerbase that do nothing but kidnap people and con you? Play a Hou-Zi.

    Seriously though I feel bad for anyone that actually buy slaves when 9 times out of 10 the one enslaved isn't going to willingly do slave RP. Just wait for them to be able to SS out of captivity in 2 hours.

  23. I run the roads.



  24. Why do you get so many slaves

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