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Status Updates posted by Blank123

  1. Out of all the races I've interacted with as a Halfling. It has literally only been dwarves who have attempted to kill my character... I'm so confused. I would have thought orcs would have been the cruel ones. But they actually helped me when I first joined lol

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Blank123


      I mean yeah that would make sense. But if you want to be bad guys then realise that people will change their attitudes towards Dwarves. Originally, I saw a dwarf in Dunshire so naively I thought I could help them. Now any dwarf in Dunshire I see will be seen as a potential threat. I guess if you play as the bad guys then people will expect you to always be the bad guys.

      Edited by TrixieTheHalflingTrap
    3. Algoda


      Ofc, now I know that the other dwarven nations are much more peaceful by nature but we do know what we are doing by raiding peaceful settlements. I hope you find enjoyment in trying to protect yourself against the raids through rp!

    4. Blank123


      In all honesty I do, it's been great for my character development. Who has very quickly gonne from a hippie Halfling smoking cactus to a political monster ?

  2. When you can't find any Teachers of Shade Magic... ?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ixli




      I just tagged u a shade teacher but o-k def was annoyed 

    3. Blank123


      Oh, I am so sorry! I thought your aaaaAAaaaasss  was a scream of frustration. I've been debating with someone about lore and so I just naturally thought that this was someone else pointing out that I don't understand anything. I feel so bad right now about sassing you! Clearly I'm far too cynical for my own good...

      Edited by TrixieTheHalflingTrap
    4. Fitermon
  3. Favourite trap? ?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Blank123


      I was asking more about Traps in general. ?

      Still, this trap always likes to hear that people like them! ?

      So who are your favourite non-LOTC traps? ?


      @dkink14 You're too kind! ? Still I'm detemined to meet Velvet Roundbottom IG ? Although I think they're avoiding me... ?

    3. saint swag
    4. Myleres
  4. Are Shades a twisted part of a person's personality or are they an actual person who lived? ?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Blank123


      That's cool, it's nice to hear there's so much freedom for someone RPing a shade. Sounds like they can be intriguing characters. Thanks for answering all my questions! ?

    3. Zacho


      i play a holy mage and i recommend a shade, they're pretty kool yo

    4. Blank123


      Yeah they seem it, now I just need to come across one in RP! ?

  5. When the elves don't take too kindly to incessant Halfling babbling...

    1. Inferno_Ougi


      You must kill-kill those elves, yes, yes!

    2. Bunemma
    3. Blank123


      @emma !! You don't need to apologise, I can easily see how your elf found my Halfling annoying when she just wanted some peace and quiet ?

  6. Off on a camping trip, gonna be back on Friday. Have had a great couple of weeks on this server so far, can't wait to get back. See ya all! Xx

    1. NotEvilAtAll
    2. Inferno_Ougi


      i can't live without your trap stories, please come back soon ?

    3. Blank123


      You're lucky! I came back early ?

  7. Just got back from my camping trip. It's a lot easier to light a fire in Minecraft than the real world! ?

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      That’s why you use a gallon of gasoline and a lighter 

    2. Blank123


      Very true ?

  8. When your Senpai ignores you ?

    1. Inferno_Ougi


      you are my senpai, you are my GOD

    2. Blank123


      Awww, you're too kind! ? But why do you like me so much? ?

  9. When you sass someone who's just trying to help... ?

    1. Inferno_Ougi


      i feel for you man, good luck on all your journeys my long donged goddess

    2. Blank123


      Thanks for the support! I appreciate it ?

  10. Dunshire's drinking night is tomorrow. Feel free to turn up and hang out with Trixie and the other Halflings. For more info check out the post in the Halfling forum section!

    1. Inferno_Ougi


      I pray to what gods there are that I will make it. I will go through fire and rain just to meet you. You are what makes my day shine bright, all of your posts fill me with joy. I look forward to everything you do.

  11. Halfling Traps = Best Traps ?

  12. But then when you get great news ?

  13. [!] A pigeon would attempt to  land near to Koralon carrying a message.


    Dear Teacher Koralon


    I 'ave recently signed up to join your class on the Arcane in the Academy o' 'olm. 'Owever, I am afraid your reputation precedes you, I 'ave 'eard many a gruesome tale regardin' 'ow you like to treat us 'alflings. But, I am more than willing to let the past remain exactly tha', the past. I 'ope tha' neither me' race nor me' lateness will sour your view o' me. Still, I 'ave a great passion to learn your subject and I am aware that you come 'ighly recommended. I 'ope tha' I will make you a proud teacher as your future student. If there is anythin' I need to do prior to joinin' your next class, please inform me.



    - Trixie

    Edited by TrixieTheHalflingTrap
    Added appropriate 'alfling accent. Because for some reason Trixie has to write the way they speak...
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