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Everything posted by GoodGuyMatt

  1. "The world is healing" remarked Leon
  2. Leon Barclay reads over the missive. He scratches his chin, thinking for a moment "I've been locked up in this castle for too long, perhaps the young prince needs an escort." thusly he sends Henry a letter, making to send one then to Bishop Theodore of Gelimar.
  3. Leon smiles at the beautiful heraldry, sitting within his retirement home in Salvus.
  4. Depiction of Duke Leon and his warband. ”DING, DING, DING'', three slow rings sounded about Neu Brandthof, akin to the calling of the mother eagle calling for its eaglets. So came the time of year for the tribesmen and kinsmen of Minitz to gather for the annual moot. Town criers paced about the streets, calling for the populace to attend. “Come, o ilk of Reinmar, come o sons of the plains, for the High Chief calls upon you!” shouted one of them. “The time of the Moot has come, the Seated of the realm have been summoned. Come, o ilk of Reinmar '' sounded the other. For a few hours, such callings echoed around the walls, and even more summoners were sent to the rural farmhouses, the Barony of Hussen. The Golden Boar tavern filled up before the Moot Hall did. Such was tradition. Before every Moot, the men and women of Minitz came to share drinks, to laugh, to see one another. They found great joy in such, even though tavern nights akin to this one were usually held every other day. Such were their relations. A talkative people they were, finding comfort whenever one another they met. The bartender sat at his post, diligent and present, akin to the guard who watched over the gates. “Maxwell, bring me some beer!” called one “Anton, the Reinmaren Golden!” called the other. So ran Maxwell and Anton about, distributing goat horns filled with all sorts of drinks, all of them alcoholic. On the corner, one Ludrik Katzak played the Reinmaren drums, filling the tavern with song and music. It was a tune the sons of Minitz knew well. So they sang in unison, a choir of rugged voices “REINMARIA, GRAVE BY GRAVE, THEIR ARMY WILL BE FOOD FOR OUR EAGLES!” O how they sang, with drunken laughter and joy. O how Otto von Minitz would have sang at the top of his lungs, if he were there. Tragedy had struck him, and amongst the Reinmaren ancestors he sat in the Seven Skies, likely singing the song from up above. “To Otto, our brother! And to Hans, our Mayor!” toasted Leon as the singing quietened, and such the tribesmen all raised their horns, smiles in their face, despite the toast for the fallen. “DING, DING, DING” called the bells once more. So was the Moot called. The filled tavern found itself empty before it knew what happened, its alcoholics and drinkers all rushing to the Moot Hall next door. Soon, the entirety of the seats were taken, filled with the Seated of the Landtag, all of them tipsy at the very least. Such was tradition. So he sat on the throne, awaiting for the Moot to begin. He sat the same throne he had sat countless times before, donning the same set of armor he had worn for the last two or so decades. He found himself somewhat spaced out, trapped in his head as a silent yet filled Moot Hall surrounded him. The lines of his speech ran through his mind as he let out the occasional huff. He looked about the familiar faces of the tribesmen around him. He had seen a lot of them grow up, and even more of them he had recruited for the warband. Now, they called Minitz home, and the Reinmaren culture their own. So he smiled, having felt accomplishment in life. “Ah, the life of the migrating stallion.” he thought “To seek glory I left the bosom of my home; away from the mountains of Reinmar I walked to make a story of my own… And finally, another home I found.” It was through these thoughts that the oldened, graying Barclay realized an important lesson. The heroes and legends whom he idolized since his days of youth, the same ones he wanted to one day equal, they all fought for home, not glory. The glory they achieved was a byproduct, for it was the love of Fatherland that drove them. As such thoughts passed through his mind, Leon’s nose caught a rather familiar smell. He inhaled through his nose once, and then a second time, deeply. He had smelled it before when he first set foot upon the Moot Hall. It was a distinct, wooden smell. His eyes wandered about, lingering upon the wooden structure of the building. How beautifully the planks and logs supported the roof, how graciously the Lawspeaker’s throne stood tall on the podium. It was made of oak, a most abundant wood within the territories of Minitz. The same type of wood was used before, but for a different purpose. The Herzog remembered how the sons of Minitz felled many trees during Acre’s rebellion in Aaun; how they carried the logs and again erected them all around Alt Brandthof. “Trees have grown and have fallen, yet the forest remains” he thought “Men have come and gone, yet here endures the land of our domains”. “Ah Petsch, for this realm many trees you fell. Ah Dietrich, if you could be here to know this smell”. So continued his thoughts in the form of rhymes. He had always been a poetic man, awed by tales and ballads of knights and horsemen since he was too young to carry a proper sword. “Ah Teft, how you were taken from your cell. Ah Hans, how our enemies you fought as well. Ah Otto, only if I was there to bid you farewell.” These were the heroes of Minitz, those who died for Fatherland. They held no titles and were no Chiefs, yet for Reinmaria they fought like Galimar, yet Theoderic’s soul of freedom burnt eagerly within them. Memories played in his head, filled with joy and regret. “What if I said this? What if I acted differently?” he asked himself, knowing full well he didn’t get a second chance. His eyes then wandered in actuality. Lawmen proposed and Tribesmen voted. He looked to his side, seeing his brother. He finally felt at ease. “What would I do without you, Sieg?” he asked his brother silently in his head “What would Minitz do without you?”. Amongst Siegfried’s many golden hair, Leon noticed the few white strands. Within the time it took him to blink, he saw his father. Siegfried had always resembled Emil, in both appearance and spirit. He was moderate like his father, calm and collected. He was reminded of his first quest, that of Lost Balian. He remembered how he sneaked into the caravan that took Emil and his fellow squires to the sire of their final quest. If father was going to be a knight, so too was Leon. He had only seen six winters and five summers, reclusive as he was back in the day, he was a brave lad. So and so continued his trip down memory lane, countless faces coming and going, few of them staying. Yet he was glad to have seen them all, to have gazed through faces with whom he made memories. With whom he laughed, though he never allowed any of them to see him cry. Not even his wife or son. So was the nature of Leon Barclay, a man whose outer shell left little clue to the matter that rested inside. A man of both pride and compassion. A man who threw the mantle of lordship just to pick it up again. He continued the work of his cousin, Dietrich. Yet, the responsibility he took upon his shoulders without hesitation, for he considered it his own. His duty as descendant of his ancestors, his duty to Reinmaria. He knew not if he succeeded. He knew not if he could have done better, or if he could have done worse. Naturally, he wondered how he would be remembered. Would his name be praised or cursed? Or would it be forgotten? Would it be like the trees of the Reinmaren plains, which many generations gazed upon? Or would he be like the roses of Rosenfeld, beautiful and colorful, but only so for a few years? He didn’t want to admit it, but he cared for the answer. Yet, there was nothing he could do now, for his time had come… When he looked around once again, he found a Moot Hall filled to the brim, kin and kith had surrounded him, and he prepared for the final farewell. Before announcing such, however, it was his duty to finally enlist the men of Cingedoz amongst the tribesmen of Minitz. They had wanted to settle the lands, men of traditional tribal ways, as were the Reinmaren sons and daughters of Minitz. Thusly, had the Herzog and his son allowed them such, to be reckognized as kithmen of the realm, to bind their word and their blood with the Reinmaren majority of Minitz. So proceeded the Ritual of the Blood Bond. As Theoderic and Gelimar had done before, Leon and Brigodrenx of Cingedoz drank one another’s blood, both mixed with the milk of a horse, drinking as the foals do from their mother, forming a bond of brotherly kinsmanship. As the rather tribalistic ritual concluded, Leon nodded to Brigodrenx solemly, inviting him to now sit amongst the members of the Moot as one of their brothers, and so the man of Cingedoz did. It was such that Leon ascended to the podium once more, and finally began his speech. He talked of the first years of Minitz, of the first Warband of Theoderic, and of the work that led to the Minitz upon which they all stood today. Thereafter, the Herzog of white beard called forth his son “Blood of my blood, step forth before your men and women.” and so Brandt did. Leon asked then “Have you respected the mountains and the rivers, o one-eyed stallion of golden mane?”. With a straight and proud posture, Brandt replied “I have ridden my steed across the mountains, from the rising of the sun in the east, to the noon of the south, to the setting of the west. I have swam and fished the rivers, and paid tribute to them.” “Have you imprinted your glory and your honour alongside those of our ancestors, o one-eyed stallion?” And again asked the Herzog “Have you brandished your hooves to ride strongly along the plains on which you were born?” to which replied the younger Barclay “So I have. Having given my eye in search of honour. My cannons, destroying ill monuments to iniquity have rang in the plains, and I follow my men into battle.” “Are you ready to tend the harras that Dietrich, the brown stallion founded, and that your father upkept? Are you strong enough to take the throne of Minitz, Brandt?” Thusly, Brandt made to unsheathe his dagger before his father, not saying anything towards the man. He gave a last, determined look before the moot, throwing the dagger before Leon's throne. “This is my birthright, ordained onto me by the lineage, thus, I challenge you.” As the words were uttered, gasps followed around the Moot hall, many confused faces surrounding Brandt. Knowingly, however, Leon made to stand from his throne. He unsheathed the Black Cross, a sword old, yet sharp, symbolical as it was practical. At such, he nodded “Then against the Black Cross of Ernst Barclay you shall fight. If triumphant you emerge, the throne of the white stallion you shall sit. As Theoderic threw his spear in front of Gelimar, you threw your dagger in front of me. If you lose, one-eyed stallion, I shall have your other eye” spoke the Herzog. “Let it be so, in the sight of Gott and Kanun alike.” answered the son, unsheathing his sword of steel. “Is your sword brandished, blood of my blood?” asked the older Barclay one last time. His question was answered through a simple nod. He removed his crown and his ceremonial green cape then, with the help of Ser Yvian, his Herrenmeister. Now wearing naught but his armor and the Black Cross on his hand, the Herzog descended the podium, standing at eye-level with his son. Without further word, the duo got into position, and began dancing about the Moot hall, as the tribesmen and guests watched. Both of them were good warriors, parrying and exchanging blows. Both suffered some cuts, yet it was Brandt who emerged victorious, his sword having sliced behind his father’s knee, making him kneel. Despite being a proud man, Leon knew when he was bested. This was one of those few times. He then stood up with some difficulty, helped by his son, upon whom his eyes rested “You are ready” he said. Helping his father up, Brandt looked about the Moot, and cheered between breaths as a stream of blood flowed from a nick on his neck “Tribesmen, the Herzog!” Thus erupted the Moot in similar shouting, echoing the same words throughout for the next minute or so. Leon felt somewhat overwhelmed, yet showed it not. It was the first time he found joy in the loss of a duel. Then, he announced “Let the plains and the rivers know. Let the mountains and the hills echoe, that from this moment onward, Leon, son of Emil, ilk of Reinmar and First Duke of Minitz, shall step down from his throne, and abdicate! Hold the Black Cross with honour as Ernst did, hold with with the chivalry of the Ritter whom it knighted, and those who it will knight. Respect the plains and the rivers, for they are now yours.” so advised the Herzog to his blood, and his blood nodded as the Black Cross he received “Long live Herzog Brandt!” cheered the defeated Herzog promptly, he placed a hand on Brandt’s shoulder, and the other raised up for all to see, as Brandt himself had raised his sword. Once again, the Moot erupted in shouts and in joy, wishing good health and Godly protection to the new Herzog. The now former Herzog, eyed about his people, a bittersweet look about his face “May may son prove a better leader than I ever was. Thank you, sons and daughters of Minitz, sisters and brothers mine, for being with me through the many decades, for seeing Minitz grow with me, and for aiding its prosperity. All those Reinmaren here shall renew their oaths to the new Duke. And I, having lost my face in battle, shall take my leave, as is right. GOTT save Minitz, GOTT save Aaun, GOTT save Reinmar!'' These were the last words Leon uttered. With a solemn nod to Brandt, he smiled confidently, for he saw an able torch holder before him, one who deserved the throne of Minitz and all that came with it. He had prepared the lad for this moment, and the lad delivered. Thusly, having bid a silent farewell to Brandt the Bosnan, Herzog Leon walked out of the doors, limping. He left with a joyful smile, the echoes of cheers and wishes for the new Herzog emerging behind him. ANKÜNDIGUNG DER ABZIEHUNG ANNOUNCMENT OF ABDICATION Issued by the Herzog of Minitz in the year of our Lord 1911 SÖHNE UND TÖCHTER VON MINITZ, Brothers and sisters mine. Within the northern lands of Reinmar grew a foal, inside his mother’s cradle, surrounded by the river and the mountains, which he respected. He grew tall and proud, covered by a mane golden as the sun, which he proudly wore. Grow did the foal, and a stallion he became. A stallion of the mountains and the rivers, his hooves stepping on the cold snow of the highlands. He galloped the short grass of the plains, and found them pleasing. So settled the stallion, far away from the land which he once called mother. Yet, her presence was always with him. A harras of studs he founded, and with them he fought many battles. You, o sons and daughters of Minitz, o brothers and sisters mine, you are the harras which I fought with. Like the red roses of Rosenfeld I saw you grow, and like the earth sees the forest grow, so too I saw the growth of Minitz, our Fatherland. Many drops of sweat have I shed for this Duchy. I see now what we have found, and I see how the harras expands along the plains and the river, and I find it pleasing. Yet, as time passes, the stallion of Reinmar which once donned golden grew, so too has his mane turned white, like the snow of the Reinmaren mountains, which with them bring winter. Our first winter has come and gone. Many wars have we fought, many brothers have we lost. May they rejoice with our ancestors. The time of the snow, however, ends, and the snow melts. The grass once covered by whiteness becomes green once again, and upon it gallops another stallion, one of golden hair like the first, donning only one eye. Thus, has come the time of my son to step on the throne of Minitz. His own father he challenged for his birthright, and a duel he received. The duel he fought honorably, and before the eyes of his tribesmen, of GOTT and of the Kanun, he won. As such, the old stallion shall descend his throne, and pass the harras to the new stallion of golden hair and one eye. It is thus that I write to inform the realm and the Crown of my abdication as Duke of Minitz, Count of Neu Brandthof, Viscount of Tucay, Baron of Boriënwald and Brandthof, Lord of Durres, and Protector of Aaunic Heartlands to my son and heir, Brandt Wilheim “the Bosnan” Barclay. The right to the throne he won fairly as per our traditions, and he shall take my place as Patriarch of the House of Barclay von Minitz. His now are the plains and the river, the hills and the forest. His is the harras, and his are the tribes which once were mine. GOTT MIT UNS, Lastly, His Grace, Leon Brandt Barclay Herzog von Minitz KRE, GMSTSR Duke of Minitz, Count of Neu Brandthof, Viscount of Tucay, Baron of Boriënwald and Brandthof, Lord of Durres, Harvest Lord, Protector of the Aaunic Heartlands, High Chief of the Reinmaren
  5. A raging Ludrik Katzak goes Bosnan mode within his home in Neu Brandthof as the Mootgoers lose once again. He begins cursing in Old Reinmaren as he holds a Barcston cigarette in his hand. "IK SE TQIVA ROBT! O KURVICA KOO O KUR SHPARO! IK QEN IK! RREZOHU MER SHKERDHAT, RREZOHU O HAJDUT O HAJDUT. O HAJDUT MU-" those nearby who didn't speak old Reinmaren probably did not want to know the translation...
  6. Ludrik Katzak puts forth his vote, definitely not voting for himself.
  7. Ludrik eyed the document, unable to fully read it, he went to Maxwell to get it deciphered. He never learned how to read or write, though nevertheless scratched his beardless chin, asking Maxwell to fill the form for him. NOMINATION FORM: Full Name: Ludrik Katzak Rank of Prestige: Tribesman Position: Lawman [Username: GoodGuyMatt2k]
  8. DER WÄLZER DER RITTERLICHKEIT THE TOME OF CHIVALRY Issued by the Herzog of Minitz and Herrenmeister in the year of our Lord 1910 SÖHNE UND TÖCHTER VON MINITZ, Founded in the year of our Lord, 1887, the Order of Saint Tylos the Stallion of Reinmar, also referred to as the Order of Saint Tylos, has acted as the first and thus far only Chivalric Order within the Duchy of Minitz. He who his knee bends before the Black Cross, who repeats the Oath of Saint Tylos and raises before his Herzog as a Ritter of the realm, upon his shoulders fall responsibility, glory, and the burden of service and duty. They serve as the very embodiment of the Virtues of the Kanun, the living soul of the Reinmaren ideals. Thusly, let their lives, deeds, and even misdeeds be recorded upon this Tome of Chivalry, so that the generations to come may gaze upon their lives, to learn from their virtues and their sins, to be inspired by the soul of Chivalry, and its holders to commemorate through the eons. Following the establishment of a Minitzian Heraldric culture from Duke Leon I, the identity of the realm’s Ritters now lie not only in their stories, portraits, and exploits, but also in their held Coat of Arms. Such were designed to not only reflect the Ritters’ stories and upbringing, but also reflect their character and intellect, so that through their arms and colors they may reflect the honourable personas that make up the Order of Saint Tylos As such is penned the Tome of Chivalry, may her writing hold true and her ballads remain uncorrupted. May her Ritter be remembered by the children of Reinmar. GOTT MIT UNS! SWORN USHTAR IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD, 1882 SWORN RITTER IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD, 1887 Knighted as the first Ritter of Saint Tylos, Marro von Minitz hailed from the distant lands of Freimark, akin to the later-Herrenmeister Johann Barclay. Considered by some as a founding member of what was to later become Minitz, Marro was recruited amongst the first Theoderic’s Warband before the Barony of Minitz was founded. With his presence and military experience, the man assisted the then-Warchief Leon and the to-be Viscount Dietrich of Minitz. He served rigorously, and rumor started from within the Warband that Marro had never missed a single training, rally, or fight when called from his Viscount, even when he was sick. Forever present during his tenure, and a loyal warrior of the Warband, Marro was later dubbed the very first Knight of Miniz after its founding. He was the first and last of the “Ushtar” order, a Chivalric order found in Minitz briefly and unofficially. It was this order that was later to officiate as the Order of Saint Tylos the Stallion of Reinmar, and Marro made to become its first Ritter. Marro was said to be rather close with Viscount Dietrich, seeing him as his own father. Thus, it was not a surprise that after the disappearance of the Viscount, so too did Marro’s presence amongst the Warband. Once again rumor spread that desperation had hit him, and, staunch as he ever was, the then-Ushtar left Minitz and went to search for the kidnapped Viscount. Ultimately, he was never able to find him after years of searching, and it was then that he returned to Minitz, and was made a Ritter of Saint Tylos by Duke Leon of Minitz. SWORN RITTER IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD, 1887 ELEVATED HERRENMEISTER IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD, 1887 Ritter Johann of Freimark was a young man with a fierce determination to protect his people and his homeland. He had grown up in the small town of Freimark, nestled in the mountains of the Principality of Savoy. He had always dreamed of becoming a knight, like his father and grandfather before him, and so he joined the Freimarkish Military at a young age. During his training, Ritter Johann was introduced to the teachings of Saint Tylos and the Sons of Saint Tylos, a group of warriors who were known for their fierce loyalty and martial prowess. He took to their teachings quickly, and soon became one of the most skilled fighters in the Freimarkish Military. However, the kingdom of Savoy was in turmoil, and the neighboring County of Freimark was not immune to the chaos. The Thanhic corruption of Savoy swept through the region, destroying everything in it's path. Ritter Johann's home town of Freimark was corrupted with the Thanhic plague, and he was forced to flee with the remaining survivors. As he wandered the countryside, Ritter Johann came across a man named Leon Barclay, a seasoned warrior who had the ambition to travel from his own ancestral lands of Reinmar to raise a Reinmaren host. Leon took pity on the young Johann, due to both their ties to House Barclay, and offered to train him in the arts of war. Ritter Johann accepted the offer, and soon found himself learning from the future Duke. Under Leon's tutelage, Ritter Johann became a skilled and deadly warrior. He passed all of the knightly trials with ease and was soon knighted by the future Duke of Minitz. He was now a true Knight of Minitz, and he swore to protect his people and his homeland with his life. Ritter Johann thus began the task of building the Order of Saint Tylos. He worked tirelessly to establish principles and precedent of how a knight ought to behave to defend the homes and livelihoods of his people. He also was thus proclaimed by Duke Leon as the first Harrenmeister of the Order, tasked to protect and defend the people of Minitz. Herrenmeister Johann knighted the first batch of Minitzian Ritters, amongst them were Yvian Galken, Wilhelm and Teft Barclay. After years of service, Johann was replaced as Herrenmeister by Ritter Wilhelm in 1887, joining the Council of King Charlie I of Aaun as his Royal Marshal. SWORN RITTER IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD, 1898 ELEVATED HERRENMEISTER IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD, 1902 Ser Wilhelm Barclay was a knight of Minitz, known for his impressive hunting skills and his devotion to Duke Leon. Born of Reinmaren descent, he was an avid hunter, often spending his days riding through the countryside in search of game. He was particularly renowned for killing the great brown bear of Minitz, a feat that earned him much respect and admiration from the people of Minitz. After the resignation of the sitting Harrenmeister, Ser Johann, Duke Leon seated Ser Wilheim as the next Harrenmeister on account of his loyalty. Aside from hunting, Ser Wilhelm was also an experienced sailor and spearfisherman, which made him well-rounded and well-loved by his fellow knights. He served Duke Leon for most of his life, proving himself to be a loyal and trustworthy knight in battles and in peace. Despite his many accomplishments and his unwavering service to the duchy, Ser Wilhelm remained humble and dedicated to his duties, never losing sight of his love for the people of Minitz and his commitment to protecting them. After servitude as a true hero of Minitz, Ser Wilheim undertook a pilgrimage to Kalden, to live a monastic life. He is remembered for his bravery, his skill, and his devotion to his Duke and his people. He will always be remembered as a true gentleman, an excellent rider, and a hunter with unparalleled skill. SWORN RITTER IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD, 1898 ELEVATED RITTER-KASTELLAN IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD, 1903 ELEVATED HERRENMEISTER IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD, 1906 Born to a humble Haeseni family on the outskirts of the north. With his father being a soldier, Yvian was dutifully taught the blade and dually taught the teachings of canonism by his mother until her untimely passing. At the age of eighteen at the behest of his now passed father, Yvian would venture off into the heartlands in search of a knight to squire under. Coming to Minitz he would then squire under Johann Ritter Barclay for numerous years as he completed his trials. When he was twenty-four he had finally completed his trials and was knighted, becoming a Ritter of the Order of Saint Tylos. Immediately starting service as he fought with Ottomar von Asterheim and Sir Wilhelm Ritter Barclay manning the guns against Bold Blue at Yong Ping. He then rose through the ranks in the coming years, being promoted to Ritter-Castellan at twenty eight, he was assigned to safeguard the land from tower Osttrum, doing so dutifully for many a year. Handedly arming and armouring the sons and daughters of Minitz. It was then, at the age of thirty one that Sir Yvian Ritter Galken would be ordained as the Herrenmeister of the Order, taking charge after Sir Wilhelm's resigning and thereafter pilgrimage. His tireless service still continues, through the Siege of Atrus to the continued forging of arms. SWORN RITTER IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD, 1898 ASCENDED TO THE SEVEN SKIES IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD, 1901 Teft was found as a baby in Reinmar by a small, and not noteworthy, band of mercenaries. Growing up with this band, the future Bailiff learned to defend himself quickly, the path of his life balancing between him picking up a spear and fight, or dying of starvation since the early stages of boyhood. Teft was never satisfied by this, however, and after meeting a fello traveler Damon, the duo set off together until eventually the call of blood drew Teft to Minitz. Here he found home, and his diligence soon earned him a place amongst the then-Count’s Council as the second Bailiff of Minitz. During Teft’s tenure, many new houses were built in the Barony of Brandthof as the population increased rapidly; property policies were further put in place to ensure stability and order. During this time, it soon became clearer and clearer to Warchief Siegfried Barclay that Teft’s blonde hair and noble facial features too closely resembled those of the Barclays. Such theory was supported by the gathered Barclays at the Moot, and, upon the suggestion of Ser Uther, the boy was subjected to trial by ordeal, and thrown into the lake. If he floated, it was to be deemed a sign of GOTT that the man was indeed a Barclay. And so he floated. An undeniable fact of his lineage, Teft was later identified to be one of the Barclay youth that was lost from the Reinmaren line of Barclay. He was oathed in 1899 by then-Count Leon I of Minitz, serving dutifully until his sudden disappearance in 1902, and after some years was pronounced dead, murdered by the scion of House Vilac. SWORN EHRENRITTER IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD, 1902 Born to Johanna and Ser Vanhart Barclay, and grandson of Saint Johann Barclay, there was never doubt within the Duchy of Reinmar that Wilheim, who adorns the reversed name of his uncle, Ser Konstanz Wilheim, would grow to be a most competent fighter. Although trained in the sword, befitting of his status as a Lord of Hanseti-Ruska, Wilheim had shown mastership of combat through mace, particularly a morningstar he owned since his younger years. Reports also suggest the man was greatly skilled with a bow, proving such when he felled a bear and a Crowdrake with almost exclusively a bow in his earlier years as a soldier. Despite his martial prowess, Wilheim was not knighted in the typical manner. Rather, he stands as an honorary Ritter of Minitz, an honor bestowed upon him as per the Adlerpakt, due to his status as Duke of Reinmar and Prince of Sutica. With his signature being one of the two to originally grace the document alongside Herzog Leon Barclay, he was the first Duke of Reinmar knighted as part of the familial pact. SWORN RITTER IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD, 1902 Set to inherit the Duchy of Minitz from his father, Brandt always had the expectation of becoming a Reinmaren warrior as all his forefathers before him had done. As such, he joined the Warband at the young age of fourteen, and began his military career. At a young age, the Baron lost his left eye to his own brother, Ottomar. During the first jousting tournament of Minitz, celebrating the marriage of King Charles I of Aaun, Brandt's horse faced against his younger brother's. So was Brandt unhorsed, falling down on the ground. With rage he got up on his feet, and challenged Ottomar to a fight, thus gaining his honour back as per the old Reinmaren ways. In line with these same traditions, the brother who against his younger kin lost, would also give the latter claims to his titles and to the inheritance as Chieftain. Knowing this, Brandt instead proposed that, in exchange for disclaiming the title of the Barony of Hussen, and thus inheritance to the throne of Minitz, his brother would instead extract his left eye. The left eye was specified, symbolizing the eye lost from Sir Brandt Barclay, first of his name and founder of the Brandtian cadet line of Barclay from which the House Barclay von Minitz descends. Thusly, Brandt, eager and warmongering, yet equally young and inexperienced, lost the fight, and his eye was cut by his brother during the Leonite Moot that same year. Due to his bookish and scholarly nature, Brandt was curious about many of the wonders of the world, leading him to gather a following soon after due to these qualities, both as a leader and for his wisdom. Despite his status as the heir to the Duke of Minitz, Duke Leon insisted that his son pass all the trials of knighthood as all other knights. He passed all of his tests successfully, and thus was knighted at the age of nineteen. During his knighting, he is said to have been favored by God. It was during the First High Moot of the Reinmaren, called forth by his father, Leon, that Brandt took upon himself the initiative of extracting the blood price from the Vilac brothers, who had slaughtered Sir Teft Barclay, Brandt's kinsman. It was also from this same moot when the song "REINMARIA" was written by the Reinmaren poet and skald Ludwig Katzak, in which Sir Brandt was refered to as the "Bosnan". Coming of olden Reinmaren origin, the moniker is used to denote someone of short-temper and militaristic tendencies, usually coupled with explosive rage, a trait usually passed down through the Reinmaren people of Bosna-Banard as a common trait. Thus was the Knight known as Brandt the Bosnan. SWORN RITTER IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD, 1902 Born as the son of a simple farmer Irid lost all he had known when orcs destroyed the village he lived in. medieval german knight artWith all those he knew slain he was taken in by the Canonist church to be raised. Mercenaries guarding the trade caravans that passed told tales of the outside world to Irid. Once old enough Irid left the church to find his way in the world. After living in Helious for a few months he found his way to Minitz. Being welcomed by the community he chose to squire under Johann Barclay. After a time Johann passed Irid to Yvian to finish his training. During his time as a squire he was approached by Brandt Barclay and was made a Hirdman. Irid then finished his trials and became a Ritter under the rule of Duke Leon I. SWORN RITTER IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD, 1902 ELEVATED RITTER-KASTELLAN IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD, 1909 Hailing from Aeldin, the man that would become Sir Robert Stroheim was born into a lavish and cushy life as the first born son of a Noble family, House Cervidae. Wanting little else but to crack skulls and get drunk amongst friends, he often clashed with his parents. A strain developed over the years until, when politically engaged to a girl who was the product of generations of inbreeding and looked the part, he decided to cut ties with his family, and fled to Almaris. Getting intoxicated in a tavern with the coin on hand, he was discovered by a soldier of Minitz, who’d later go on to become his tribe brother, Damon Stroheim. The two drank the night away, and when they came to, Robert accepted an invitation to Minitz. Minitz has ever since been his home, and in line with his talents and passions, the man undertook a position of arms, and progressed to be a Reinmaren, then a Chieftain, then a lawman, then a Knight, maturing over the years from a carefree drunkard into a man of principle, duty, and honor. With unflinching loyalty, and with the warhammer as his tool of destruction, as iconic and prominent as the Stag that decorates his armaments, when they’re both present in battle, one may witness his wrath. SWORN RITTER IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD, 1902 Born to a Heussen mercenary in lands of yore, Maxwell was trained in rough swordplay from an early age. A pious and principled man, he highly reveres the ancient Vander Code and the teachings of Owyn. At the age of nineteen, he migrated to Almaris in search of a Waldenian homeland. Serving therefore in Aaun under Leon I of Minitz, he squired under Yvian Ritter Galken and was knighted at the age of twenty-three. After being elected as one of the first Lawmen of the Minitzian Landtag, Sir Maxwell spent many sleepless days and nights studying the complex nature and word of the Grand Kanun. Rumors started spreading that he learned its contents by heart after a few months, able to preach and execute its law with high efficiency. After his first term as Lawmen, the Ritter was elected as the third Lawspeaker of Minitz during the Seventh Leonite Moot, chosen unanimously by his fellow tribesmen. GOTT MIT UNS, His Grace, Leon Brandt Barclay Herzog von Minitz KRE, GMSTSR Duke of Minitz, Count of Neu Brandthof, Viscount of Tucay, Baron of Boriënwald and Brandthof, Lord of Durres, Harvest Lord, Protector of the Aaunic Heartlands, High Chief of the Reinmaren His Excellency, Yvian Ritter Galken HMSTSR Herrenmeister of the Order of Saint Tylos the Stallion of Reinmar, Kastellan of the Westturm
  9. EINLADUNG ZUM SIEBTE LEONITISCHEN MOOT VON MINITZ SUMMONS OF THE SEVENTH LEONITE MOOT OF MINITZ Issued by the Herzog of Minitz in the year of our Lord 1910 SÖHNE UND TÖCHTER VON MINITZ, Following the summonings of the first High Moot of all Reinmaren and the continued struggle against the blood criminals of Vilac, the time of year comes for the Landtag of Minitz to come together in this seventh Moot of Minitz. With the end of the Mayor and Lawmen coming to a close after this Moot, the new nominations shall soon commence, and the current seat-holders shall participate in this last moot before the new elections. Additionally, high time has come that the next Lawspeaker of Minitz is elected, to oversee the processes of the Landtag and the upkeep of the sacred law of our Kanun. It is by the wish of the Herzog that the SEVENTH Leonite Moot of Minitz be summoned, for the Landtag of the realm to propose and vote on edicts of the Law, and to elect their THIRD Lawspeaker. The Moot shall be held soon within the newly constructed Moot Hall of Neu Brandthof. The Herzog shall stand as the host of the Moot OOC : Time: 5pm EST this Friday (TODAY) Place: Moot Hall of Neu Brandthof GOTT MIT UNS, His Grace, Leon Brandt Barclay Herzog von Minitz KRE, GMSTSR Duke of Minitz, Count of Neu Brandthof, Viscount of Tucay, Baron of Boriënwald and Brandthof, Lord of Durres, Harvest Lord, Protector of the Aaunic Heartlands, High Chief of the Reinmaren
  10. can u put me on the waldenian/reinmaren ultranationalist part of the graph pls
  11. REINMARIAS BLUTPREIS REINMARIA’S BLOOD PRICE Issued by the Herzog of Minitz in the year of our Lord 1909 Depicton of Herzog Leon, Brandt the Bosnan and their men preparing to ride out of Neu Brandthof O PERFIDEN GWENDEL UND DEN HINTERLISTIGEN ANTONIUS; The blood of our blood has been drawn, our ilk dishonored and slain. Through confession from the blood of Vilac, We have learned of the fate which befell Teft Barclay, the Ritter of Reinmaria. We have learned from your kinswoman, that her betrothed, from the lands of his home he was kidnapped through most vile deception. You have extended him the gesture of hospitality and the bread, in accordance with our Grand Kanun, only then to take him to the pits of Petra, outmatched and without arms. Our own flesh and blood, an honorable Ritter of Reinmar has been butchered right on our doorstep. Our Grand Kanun of the people had been trampled beneath your boot. As you, O, perfidious Vilac, riding high on your pride, saw it fit to aggravate the ire of the Eagle, then I say unto you, Gwendel and Antonius Vilac; If you have an inkling of honor coursing through your veins, then you will come and present yourself before the sons of Reinmar for fair justice of our courts. Should you refuse this, and hide behind your betters, as you have been doing thus far, we, through the august will of our people and the consent of the princes of Canondom will uproot you from forth whatever crevice you may hide yourself within. The sons of Reinmar, united in our ire spit upon your face. Through the unprovoked murder of our kinsman, you violated our friendship, although we have not offended you neither by war, or anything otherwise. You have taken as a fugitive in otherwise righteous principalities indiscreetly, and thereby have exposed your own ilk and people to fear and danger. If you shall keep hiding, and obfuscate the truth, you have nothing to expect but death, which you have brought upon yourselves. Should you not present yourself before our just court, formed of mine own and Prince Wilheim's will, then according to our customs, we shall thence put you to the plough, and expose your flesh to be eaten by dogs and other beasts. Let it further be known, no matter if you present yourself before Our Ducal thrones, that the sons of Reinmar have no ill will towards whatever ilk of you roams the earth, such as that of August Vilac and the honorable Azrielle of Vilac, and many of your unmentioned kinsmen. We grant onto them the safety from thence that our own tribesmen so enjoy within our halls. GOTT MIT UNS, His Grace, Leon Brandt Barclay Herzog von Minitz KRE, GMSTSR Duke of Minitz, Count of Neu Brandthof, Viscount of Tucay, Baron of Boriënwald and Brandthof, Lord of Durres, Harvest Lord, Protector of the Aaunic Heartlands, High Chief of the Reinmaren His Lordship, Brandt “the Bosnan” Barclay Freiherr von Hussen RSTSR Baron of Hussen, Heir to the Duchy of Minitz, Ritter of Saint Tylos His Princely Grace, Wilheim II Prinz von Sutica HRSTSR, Prince of Sutica, Duke of Reinmar, Count of Freimark and Kretzen, Baron of Madvon, Freising, and Sigradz, Lord of Wilheburg, Erwinsburg, Freiburg, Neuberg and Rozenfeld, Chief of the Haeseni Reinmaren His Highness, Ottomar II of the House of Alstreim, Prince of Merryweather and the Rhine, Landgrave of Alstreim, Elected Margrave of Vanderfell, Baron of Corwinsburg, Lord Vandalore His Royal Majesty, Charles I Alstion, Prince of Alstion, Sovereign of the United Kingdom of Aaun, Duke of Corazon, Protector of the Realm, Honorary Lieutenant of Snowy Field’s Watch. His Royal Majesty, Georg, by the Grace of Godan, King of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Hetman of the Army, Hochmeister of the Order of the Crow, Prince of Bihar, Dules, Lahy, Muldav, Solvesborg, Slesvik and Ulgaard, Duke of Carnatia and Vanaheim, Margrave of Korstadt, Rothswald and Vasiland, Count of Alban, Siegrad, Werdenburg, Alimar, Baranya, Graiswald, Karikhov, Karovia, Kaunas, Kavat, Kovachgrad, Kvasz, Markev, Nenzing, Torun, and Toruv, Viscount of Varna, Baron of Esenstadt, Kraken’s Watch, Kralta, Krepost, Lorentz, Rytsburg, Buck, Thurant and Astfield, Lord of the Westfolk, Protector and Lord of the Highlanders, etcetera. His Royal Majesty, Alexander I, by the Grace of GOD, King of Balian, Viscount of Eflen and Anatis, Baron of Brucca,Valens, Malenos and Ciavola, Lord of Atrus and Monterosa, Protector of the Heartlanders and the South, etcetera. Her Grace, Renilde I, By the Grace of GOD, Archduchess of the Petra, Countess of Temesch and Moere His Grace, Heinrik I Sarkozic, Duke of Adria, Count of Veletzia, Baron-Consort of Aldersberg, Protector of the South, Keeper of the Swans The Right Honourable, Lady Guinevere von Reuss, Margravine of Velen, Countess of Cantal, lady of the Aschenwald, Commander of the Household Guard, Defender of Velenic Peoples His Lordship, Uther of the House of Pendraic, Lord of the Barrow Marches, Chieftain of the Harren’hil, Protector of the Adunians, Templar of the Archangel Michael, Knight of the Realm. The Right Honourable, Louis II August de Rosius, Margrave of Haute-Epine, Count of Beaufoy and Arentaniebourg, Baron of Rosius, Lord of Mont Louis, Lord Commander of the Rose Guard, Protector of Arentania and the Magistrate of the United Kingdom of Aaun The Right Honourable, Jan of the House of Jazloviecki, Count of Warsovia The Right Honourable, Jan Arpad of the House Ivanovich, Count of Vaška and Pravets, Baron of Cherskavy, Hetman of the Host of St. Arpad, and Keeper of the Hussariya
  12. Leon Barclay proceeds to have a mental breakdown over the news.
  13. EINLADUNG DES GROSSES LEONITE MOOT OF REINMARIA SUMMONS OF THE HIGH LEONITE MOOT OF REINMARIA Issued by the Herzog of Minitz in the year of our Lord 1906 Depiction of the High Moot led by High Chief Leon SÖHNE UND TÖCHTER VON MINITZ, The time of year once again nears that the Landtag of Minitz must gather, to propose edicts and vote on the law of the Grand Kanun of our realm. Let all the seated Tribesmen of Minitz be present, as per their duty, as will the Lawmen, with propositions ready. As the term of the positions of the Lawmen and the Mayor of the Lantag come to an end, the SECOND nominations shall be announced, so that the good Reinmaren tribesmen and tribeswomen of Minitz may serve their Fatherland through participation in the Landtag of our realm. It is by the wish of the Herzog that the SIXTH Leonite Moot of Minitz be summoned, for the Landtag of the realm to propose and vote on edicts of the Law, and to propose new SÖHNE UND TÖCHTER VON REINMARIA, Furthermore, since the signing of the Adlerpakt between the great houses of Reinmaria many moons prior, the kin of our people have not yet all joined into a common High Moot. As per tradition of our people, who in times immemorial gathered round from all the scattered tribes of Theoderic, Gelimar, and of Chief Hoxha. So too does High Chief Leon call for all the sons and daughters of Reinmaria to gather within the walls of Neu Brandthof, to discuss, vote and fraternize as brothers and sisters, and to bring before the High Chief their concerns and their proposals. This High Moot is called to address the matter of revenge upon the enemies of Reinmar. This is a matter of great importance for all Reinmaren, including those from the Duchy of Reinmar, who are expected to attend. The outcome of this Moot will determine the course of action for the Duchy of Minitz in the coming days. Thuusly: We call upon Prince Wilheim II of the Barclay Bloodline, and all those of Reinmaric descent from his retinue to attend the Reinmaren High Moot. Your presence and participation in this Moot is crucial, and your voice will help shape the future of the Reinmaren. @Fionn__TWG We call upon Baron Brandt of the Barclay Bloodline, as Baron of Hussen and heir to the throne of Minitz, to sit amongst his kin and kith as a fair Chieftain and Lord. @MadOne We call upon Chieftain Robert of the Cervidae Bloodline, as Chieftain of the Tribe of Stroheim, leader elected amongst his people, to represent their wishes. @TheShadowMatrix We invite King Charles I of the Alstion Bloodline, Liege of the Reinmaren tribesmen of Minitz, and our Lord, to take the honorary seat as a kith of the Reinmaren @seannie We invite King Georg I of the Barbanov Bloodline, Liege of the Reinmaren men and women of Reinmar, to take the honorary seat as a kith of the Reinmaren @gusano We invite Prince Ottomar of the Alstreim Bloodline, as Lord Vandalore of all Waldenians, you shall be given your seat amongst our people, to be called brother as we call one-another, and to have your voice heard on behalf of all Waldenians. @Ramon We invite Viktor Cardinal Nescia of the Most Holy Mother Church, as Cardinal of Reinmaren blood, and the ear of the Vicar of GOTT, to sit amongst us as a Father of the Church. @Borin We invite Viscountess Cosima of the von Augusten Bloodline, as a Waldenian friend of our people, to sit with us as kith. @Frank_Dog The Moot shall be held soon within the newly constructed Moot Hall of Neu Brandthof. The Herzog shall stand as the host of the Moot OOC: Time: 3pm EST this Sunday (TODAY) Place: Moot Hall of Neu Brandthof GOTT MIT UNS, His Grace, Leon Brandt Barclay Herzog von Minitz KRE, GMSTSR Duke of Minitz, Count of Neu Brandthof, Viscount of Tucay, Baron of Boriënwald and Brandthof, Lord of Durres, Harvest Lord, Protector of the Aaunic Heartlands, High Chief of the Reinmaren
  14. Hi bickando i miss u

  15. "Justice for Jazloviecki!" said Leon, huffing at the news before speaking in his somewhat practiced Lechian "Krew dla Jazłowieckiego!"
  16. DAS UNBLUTIGE FEST THE UNBLOODED FEAST Issued by the Herzog of Minitz and Theoderic’ss Warchief in the year of our Lord 1708 KRIEGER VON THEODERICH, Our numbers have grown, and the number of our Unblooded increases day by day. Yet, the fresh faces of our Warband find themselves not yet familiarized with their brothers-at-arms. It is such that by the wish of Herzog Leon, a Feast be held amongst all of the Warriors, Unblooded, and Knights of our realm. Thus, you, o new warriors of Minitz, shall experience the revelry of our warriors alongside their training, you will see them as brothers alongside your mentors. Goat meat shall be present galore, songs shall be sung and drinks shall be drunk. However, as you shall feast with your betters, you shall serve them, as Theoderic served his Chief Galimar in times of old. You, o new sons of Minitz, shall slaughter the meat that will be cooked, as per Reinmaren tradition. Come thee, come thee, then, on this next’s Saint’s day within the Barracks of Minitz! OOC: Time: Slaughtering of the Goat starts at 3pm EST this Wednesday (TOMORROW) ; The Feast will start afterwards around 4pm EST! Place: The Military District of Neu Brandthof GOTT MIT UNS, His Excellency, Siegfried Barclay Warchief of Theoderic’s Warband His Grace, Leon Brandt Barclay Herzog von Minitz KRE, GMSTSR Duke of Minitz, Count of Neu Brandthof, Viscount of Tucay, Baron of Boriënwald and Brandthof, Lord of Durres, Harvest Lord, Protector of the Aaunic Heartlands, High Chief of the Reinmaren
  17. DIE EDIKTE DES FÜNFTEN LEONITE MOOT THE EDICTS OF THE FIFTH LEONITE MOOT Proposed by Lawmen Robert and Maxwell of the Landtag in the year of our Lord 1908
  18. DAS EDIKT DES KRIEGERS THE WARRIOR'S EDICT Proposed by Lawman Maxwell of the Landtag in the year of our Lord 1908 SÖHNE UND TÖCHTER VON MINITZ, For Waldenian soil belongs to the Waldenians, and therefore must be protected by us. A Reinmaren man who would sit and watch as his brothers fight to protect their soil is no Reinmaren at all. Let this edict apply retroactively to existing Reinmaren men, so that they may prove themselves before their brethren. EDICT I: ON THE KRIEGSMACHT Thus is it proposed FOURTH Subsection in the SECOND Section in the SECOND Chapter in the THIRD Book of the Kanun: "ON THEODERIC’S WARBAND: The Reinmaren Tribesmen of the realm, who shall be known as the Sons and Daughters of Minitz, shall be allowed to serve their motherland as her protector, and join Theoderic’s Warband as warriors." BE REWRITTEN AS "ON THE KRIEGSMACHT: The Reinmaren Tribesmen of the realm, who shall be known as the Sons and Daughters of Minitz, shall be required to serve in Theoderic’s Warband for a period of five years, known as a tour of service. Let women, children, and invalids be excused from this responsibility. If the officers can conclude their participation has been adequate, they may be relegated to auxiliary forces in times of peace. In times of war, the Herzog may declare that auxiliary forces be called upon to resume their service." EDICT II: ON THE FEIGHEIT Thus is it further proposed that the FOURTH Wrongdoing in the SECOND Chapter in the FIRST Book of the Kanun: "ON DESERTION: The warrior who abandons his Herzog and his fellow warriors shall be judged by the Kanun as a deserter. Unless the Lawspeaker or the Herzog interferes in accordance to the Reinmaren customs and demands another price, The shield brothers of the deserter are entitled to extract the owed blood price through their crossbows or their whips; for the deserter is the brother of a murderer." BE REWRITTEN AS "ON FEIGHEIT: The warrior who abandons his Herzog and his fellow warriors shall be judged by the Kanun as a deserter. Let also those Tribesmen who refuse the call to arms in times of war or their tour of service upon oathing, without exclusion from the Kriegsmacht by the Herzog or the Lawspeaker, be branded as a coward and a cheat. Let these two groups, the coward and the deserter, be branded together as Feiglingen. Unless the Lawspeaker or the Herzog interferes in accordance to the Reinmaren customs and demands another price, The Reinmaren brothers of the Feigling are entitled to extract the owed blood price through their crossbows or their whips; for the deserter is the brother of a murderer, and cowardice is the father of dissent." Thus voted the Sons and Daughters of Minitz: JA Maxwell Ritter ad Landren Hans von Minitz (Personal Vote) Hans von Minitz (Mayoral Vote) Anton von Minitz Robert Ritter Stroheim Siegfried Barclay Alija Linster Otto von Minitz Marro Ritter von Minitz Yvian Ritter von Minitz Frode von Minitz NEIN (None) ABSTAIN (None) GOTT MIT UNS, Maxwell Ritter ad Landren RSTSR Ritter of Minitz, Lawman of the Landtag. His Grace, Leon Brandt Barclay Herzog von Minitz KRE, GMSTSR Duke of Minitz, Count of Neu Brandthof, Viscount of Tucay, Baron of Boriënwald and Brandthof, Lord of Durres, Harvest Lord, Protector of the Aaunic Heartlands, High Chief of the Reinmaren
  19. DAS EDIKT DER STÖRUNG THE EDICT OF DISTURBANCE Proposed by Lawman Robert of the Landtag in the year of our Lord 1908 SÖHNE UND TÖCHTER VON MINITZ, Let the appropriate amendments be made onto the topic of Disturbance in the first book of the Kanun, to change the punishments to one that may be more fitting and fair to the victim as opposed to simply punishing the wrongdoer through death. EDICT Thus is it proposed that the SEVENTH section to the FIRST Chapter in the FIRST Book of the Kanun: Wrongdoings "The one who menaces the people of Minitz with intent to extract taxes, tariffs, goods or tribute and the one who levies illegal taxes under the threat of violence, whether he be alone or in a band, shall be damned for his banditry. Is the will of the Kanun that all work hard and honestly for the ensured prosperity of the Reinmaren peoples, and the disruption of this harmony is a most detestable crime under the Kanun’s watchful eyes. Let him be stoned by the will of the Herzogtum." BE REWRITTEN AS "The one who menaces the people of Minitz with intent to extract unlawful taxes, tariffs, goods or tribute and the one who levies illegal taxes under the threat of violence, whether he be alone or in a band, shall be damned for his banditry. Is the will of the Kanun that all work hard and honestly for the ensured prosperity of the Reinmaren peoples, and the disruption of this harmony is a most detestable crime under the Kanun’s watchful eyes. Thus, they shall be branded with the mark of a thief, to be flogged and to be deprived of a sum of minas twice the amount of the sum value of the objects stolen, so that the robbed may receive his Weregild. The Kanun shall deprive the disturber of all arms and tools with which the wrongdoing was carried. These shall be given to the victim as additional Weregild." Thus voted the Sons and Daughters of Minitz: JA Maxwell Ritter ad Landren Hans von Minitz (Personal Vote) Hans von Minitz (Mayoral Vote) Anton von Minitz Robert Ritter Stroheim Siegfried Barclay Alija Linster Otto von Minitz Marro Ritter von Minitz Yvian Ritter von Minitz NEIN (None) ABSTAIN (None) GOTT MIT UNS, Robert Ritter Stroheim RSTSR Ritter of Minitz, Lawman of the Landtag. His Grace, Leon Brandt Barclay Herzog von Minitz KRE, GMSTSR Duke of Minitz, Count of Neu Brandthof, Viscount of Tucay, Baron of Boriënwald and Brandthof, Lord of Durres, Harvest Lord, Protector of the Aaunic Heartlands, High Chief of the Reinmaren
  20. DAS EDIKT DER UNMORALISCHER ANGRIFF THE EDICT OF IMMORAL ASSAULT Proposed by Lawman Robert of the Landtag in the year of our Lord 1908 SÖHNE UND TÖCHTER VON MINITZ, We owe our order and sanctity to the Kanum, though the Kanum is not all encompassing, and lacks certain laws, out of an oversight or otherwise. Let it be known then that the First Book of the Kanun be expanded upon to shed no light of judgment away from the wrongdoings of all those that would seek to turn The Duchy of Minitz into their area of operations. EDICT Thus is it proposed that a NINTH section be added to the FIRST Chapter in the FIRST Book of the Kanun: Wrongdoings " It is the act of the profane, who lurks the streets in search of a victim they can force themselves upon for their grotesque amusement. The wretched man or woman who so does and breaks the word of the Kanun will be subjected to a branding for their wrongdoing, as well as a subsequent removal of the parts used to carry out the act, be it tongue or otherwise. And, if it so happens that one falls victim to the most immoral of such crimes, they shall be allowed to demand the blood price, and be given the wrongdoer's head." Thus voted the Sons and Daughters of Minitz: JA Maxwell Ritter ad Landren Hans von Minitz (Personal Vote) Hans von Minitz (Mayoral Vote) Anton von Minitz Robert Ritter Stroheim Siegfried Barclay Alija Linster Otto von Minitz Marro Ritter von Minitz NEIN (None) ABSTAIN (None) GOTT MIT UNS, Robert Ritter Stroheim RSTSR Ritter of Minitz, Lawman of the Landtag. His Grace, Leon Brandt Barclay Herzog von Minitz KRE, GMSTSR Duke of Minitz, Count of Neu Brandthof, Viscount of Tucay, Baron of Boriënwald and Brandthof, Lord of Durres, Harvest Lord, Protector of the Aaunic Heartlands, High Chief of the Reinmaren
  21. DAS EDIKT DER SCHWURBRECHEN THE EDICT OF SCHWUR-BREAKING Proposed by Lawman Robert of the Landtag in the year of our Lord 1908 SÖHNE UND TÖCHTER VON MINITZ, The process of the Reinmaren court is a sacred one, as to ensure that justice at the end of the day prevails, in spite of those that would seek to evade its watchful gaze. The Kanun looks down on any who would weave falsehoods in their testimonies when standing before the court in an attempt to sway the hammer of judgment, and so they too will feel the justice of Minitz. EDICT Thus is it proposed that the THIRD section of the SECOND Chapter in the FIRST Book of the Kanun: Wrongdoings "A Reinmaren who says Schwur once cannot break their pledge and cannot be unfaithful to it; For the allegiance of the Reinmaren is not for sale and their Schwur is embedded within their heart. The one who breaks their Schwur, through judgment by the Kanun, shall either lose their tongue, so that they may not falsify their Schwur again, or be branded with a hot iron upon their forehead, so that the world may know them as an oathbreaker. Be it so decided by their trial, the Reinmaren that the Schwur speaks in ill manner, or breaks it in a vile way, shall be stripped of all their honor and right to blood, for they themselves have forfeited it. Every Schwur-breaker will be judged based on the significance of their Schwur. He who kills against his Schwur shall be extracted the blood price." BE REWRITTEN AS A Reinmaren who says Schwur once cannot break their pledge and cannot be unfaithful to it; For the allegiance of the Reinmaren is not for sale and their Schwur is embedded within their heart. The one who breaks their Schwur, through judgment by the Kanun, shall either lose their tongue, so that they may not falsify their Schwur again, or be branded with a hot iron upon their forehead, so that the world may know them as an oathbreaker. Be it so decided by their trial, the Reinmaren that the Schwur speaks in ill manner, or breaks it in a vile way, shall be stripped of all their honor and right to blood, for they themselves have forfeited it. Every Schwur-breaker will be judged based on the significance of their Schwur. He who kills against his Schwur shall be extracted the blood price. Be it so that all who usher lies before the justice of the Kanun or its Lawspeaker, be they of the ilk of Reinmar or not, suffer the punishment of the Schwur-Breaker. Thus voted the Sons and Daughters of Minitz: JA Maxwell Ritter ad Landren Hans von Minitz (Personal Vote) Hans von Minitz (Mayoral Vote) Anton von Minitz Robert Ritter Stroheim Siegfried Barclay Alija Linster Otto von Minitz Marro Ritter von Minitz NEIN (None) ABSTAIN (None) GOTT MIT UNS, Robert Ritter Stroheim RSTSR Ritter of Minitz, Lawman of the Landtag. His Grace, Leon Brandt Barclay Herzog von Minitz KRE, GMSTSR Duke of Minitz, Count of Neu Brandthof, Viscount of Tucay, Baron of Boriënwald and Brandthof, Lord of Durres, Harvest Lord, Protector of the Aaunic Heartlands, High Chief of the Reinmaren
  22. "LEON BARCLAY LEBT NOCH" "LEON BARCLAY IS STILL ALIVE" Minitzian War Song Composed in the year of our Lord 1908 Composed by a Reinmaren bard who accompanied the Aaunic fighters to the Siege of Atrus against the dragon Cloudbreaker, the song was written after the return of Duke Leon Barclay to his Duchy in Minitz. Rumor had spread that the Duke had died, after he was kicked off the wall by a shaman orc. Although meant to protect the easter wall of Atrus together, the Aaunic fighters came to clashes with the orcs, as the Duke prepared for a tactical retreat to the square behind the walls, which had come close to collapse. With little orcish intelligence, the Sons of Krug had seen this as a dishonorable move, wishing instead to go into a suicide charge. As inner conflict grew amongst the warriors, the city had fallen and burned, and, with the men surrounded, a final stance against the hoards of undead before them was the last decision. Thus the Duke prepared to fight with his men, when one of the shaman orcs came behind him, kicking him off the wall and straight into the pikes. Many believed the Duke to be dead, and he so would have been, if it wasn't for the aid of King Alexander I of Balian, who carried him for kilometers to the war clinic camp. Depiction of the battle against the undead before the inner-fighting had begun. Thus are the translated lyrics of the song, the original version of which was sung in the uncommon language of Ancient Reinmaren: The sky reddens and the clouds darken "Get up" the mother tells her son Charles calls "Atrus is falling, Who has no canon, oh take the crossbow" Yelled the old man, Charles Alstion "Strike them my Sons, patience o Men, To stop the enemy in their tracks Leon Barclay is still alive!" Heeeey "Leon Barclay is still alive!" The Orc kills, burns and slaughters. Screams of honour yet knows none. For the Duke to turn his back he waited, Atrus is being washed with blood and tears. Yelled the old man, Charles Alstion "Strike them my Sons, patience o Men, To stop the enemy in their tracks Leon Barclay is still alive!" Heeeey "Leon Barclay is still alive!" Yvian's armor becomes bloody. He fights, oh his sword sings. This we hold near, next to GOTT, We never bow for orcs or shamans. Yelled the old man, Charles Alstion "Strike them my Sons, patience o Men, To stop the enemy in their tracks Leon Barclay is still alive!" Heeeey "Leon Barclay is still alive!"
  23. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" screamed the Herzog of Minitz as the first team of Minitz lost the preliminaries. He was devastated, this was worse than the news of schism. He then goes to beat up the coach Franz Bauerbecken
  24. "Ha*nsers kill Bishop Konstanin in Sedan, try blame it on Aaun, then demand the church reform after trying to crusade in Her name for their secular profit. Their god has always been self interest, high time came that they showed it" said a disgusted Leon, spitting on the parchment before burning it.
  25. Herzog Leon smiles at the official opening of the tavern, making to sign himself up for the tournament. FORM Name: Leon Barclay Race: Human Age: ~50s OOC: In Game Name: GoodGuyMatt2k
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