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  1. Bandit "rp" is the worst rp on lotc.

    I love it when people just start lame ass combat 1 block away from you and then say "d20" afterwards, not giving you any sort of actual roleplay.

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    2. Aengoth


      Weren't you on that wheel

    3. saint swag

      saint swag

      you can generalize it all by saying that having to spend time CRPing with someone you aren't friends is typically an awful experience in any case. when someone begins crp with you spontaneously there's rarely a time where they aren't doing it for their own benefit, be it for items, or some magic or CA related thing, and what this means is that their intentions are far from creating actual good roleplay, or a storyline (if either of those were what they wanted, they probably wouldn't have begun with CRP in the first place). you can be certain that they aren't going to do anything in good faith, and they will do everything that will get them what they want, or seek compromise when they know they can't.


      just combat log lol

    4. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      @Aengothwith that hidden glizzy



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