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  2. THE KOYO-KUNI - SUNLIT COVENANT CONTRACT Issued from the Flower Capital of Sakura-Gakure Year of the Kaerumon, 184 SA (1103 Kamijikan) PREAMBLE The contents of this passage shall serve as the official written testament to the contractual agreement between the Koyo-Kuni Shugonate and the Sunlit Covenant and their accompanying partners of the Luxem band. All parties participating within this contract declare adherence to its terms under oath of blood, honor and soul to our ancestors. - The Sunlit Covenant and its participating partners agree to enter an exclusive contractual agreement with the Koyo-Kuni Shugonate to act as a state sanctioned guild operation in service to the state and an auxiliary combative force to act in cooperation with the Ashigaru and under the command of the Stratocracy (the Samurai class) in times of emergency. - The Sunlit Covenant will be given permission to pursue contracts outside of the State with the expectation that they will respect the laws of lands not in quarrel with the Koyo-Kuni Shugonate. Targets are expected to be approved by the Shugo. - The Sunlit Covenant shall enter a rental agreement with Clan Honma and will be expected to pay a total of 15 mon per kami week for the amenities provided to them. Future housing agreements may be agreed upon and backed by the Stratocracy in the future should further accommodation be sought after. - The Sunlit Covenant members shall officially be declared citizens of the Koyo-Kuni state and afforded its protections while within its borders or if unjustly persecuted for no wrong-doing beyond them. - The Sunlit Covenant may have permission to recruit for their guild within the Flower Capital of Sakura-Gakure with independent agreements needed to be made between the Shōya and the Sunlit Covenant to recruit from vassal holdings. By the judgment of our ancestors, this document is adhered by and those after them under oath of blood, honor and spirit, KATO OIJIN the Black Swordsman, Shugo of Koyo-Kuni, Governor of Sakuragakure and Protector of the Farfolk and Descendants of Ai-Zho Ser Richard of House Othaman, Quartermaster of the Sunlit Covenant, Warden of Order
  3. A depressed former paladin--now full-time bodybuilder--sat in a dark alleyway in Saki-Gaki brooding over the defeat of Zanu. Upon reading the Shugo's wisdom he suddenly stood up and rejoiced in enlightenment, a single tear falling from his eye, "SUBERASHIII. TO SKIP LEG DAY IS TO FOREGO MY PATRIOTIC DUTY!" He then departed the city to go squat sacks of rice in the storehouses.
  4. Miroslav Korvacz was only excited for the cake, if there would be cake at least. No cake? No Miroslav.
  5. Yvaine Conradine silently noticed Mahaut, feeling vague envy in her lonesome. The teen of similar age to her cousin simply went to find more beef jerky to consume, and more of the Brotherhood to spar.
  6. Josef knew not what to make of his mother’s disappearance. In the following days, the Prince spent his time by the gates, hoping to see his mother within the many crowds that came and went from the Royal City, yet he did not find her. Wherever she was, he hoped she was safe, she had much to teach him.
  7. Mahaut was already scouring Aevos to find the perfect gift for Sifrá’s nameday!
  8. Alekszej Korvacz was quickly scrambling around the house as he prepared for the Nameday "Got to get the food ready- GODAN e the invitations!"
  9. Written and issued by House Korvacz. c. 533 E.S. A depiction of Sifrá and her father Alekszej There comes a time in every maiden’s life when she reaches the age of a debutante, and such is no different for Sifrá Korvacz. We eagerly invite those who have spent their time in her company to join us for her 18th Nameday and introduction to adulthood. I. Feast Of The Wild Within the comforts of the place of celebration, an elaborate feast is pieced together of the creature the Korvacz has received a moniker of. In this scenario, the menu would feature dove and some sides to make sure it is as filling as possible. II. Dancing Flames A phoenix is known to crumple to ash and be reborn through flames. It is commonplace for family and friends to celebrate the new life the Korvacz is about to begin by partaking in a dance about a campfire. However, it should be noted that Sifrá Korvacz instead requests a simple dance in the open for the sake of others and fire safety. III. Send Off From The Nest The last Coming of Age Rite is at Eighteen, in which a member must conquer a fear. Traditionally, a Korvacz was meant to hunt a creature they fear the most, but in the modern day, it can be conquering any fear. The fear must be conquered alone, and there must be evidence that it has been conquered. Seeing as the celebration takes place just before the girl’s true nameday, we hope those present will wish her the best of luck or offer anything which they may believe to be of aid in her trial. Their Royal Majesties, IVAN VIII and NATALIYA OF GHAESTENWALD, King and Queen of Hanseti-Ruska and their royal pedigree The Most Honorable, HENRIK-OTTO LUDOVAR, Margrave of Kvasz and his noble pedigree The Honorable, ERIK KORTREVICH, Viscount of Krusev, and his noble pedigree The Honorable, KARL WEISS, Viscount of Novkursain and his noble pedigree The Honorable, HENRIK AMADOR, Viscount of Zvezlund and his noble pedigree Lord Otto Sigmund Ludovar Lady Astoria Amador Firress Mahaut van Leuven Firress Verena Ivanovich Lady Juliya Barclay Firr Cathan and his Mother Firress Deia Firress Rae Firr Alekszej Korvacz, Firress Sifrá Korvacz,
  10. Deep within the Kastel's halls, where few ladies and fewer royals dare step, Deia sits at a small table and stares at the parchment in front of her. It is quiet and cold, and there are many who share the bunks with her now, but she remembers a time when it was just her. When the butlers had moved out and her little sister - her sweet sister, cursed and lost- was exiled, the halls were her own, as large a space as she'd ever had for herself. The fire stayed dim, the chairs stayed rickety, and the blankets stayed thin. She ate alone. And then there came a boy. "She doesn't want to look at me," he mumbled churlishly, glaring at the floor. "I'm to live here now." (She remembers him before then, of course. Everyone knew of the king's- the Crown Prince's - bastard, of his shame, and kept their distance from the wailing in the nursery lest they earn his wife's ire. She remembers Amaya sneaking in to feed him and lingering by the door, too wary to follow.) "..Well, you can't stay in that room all by yourself," she'd said. "You'll stay with me." So she taught him to wash his clothes in the tub instead of calling for a maid, set out a second plate at mealtimes with pieces cut smaller than her own. When he spoke of missing windows, she spent her pay on paints for the ceiling- a night sky and its many stars- and when his hair grew over his eyes, she cut it evenly and ushered him off to play with the toys she'd found second-hand. Little by little, his scowls softened into smiles, and she remembered how to be a mother again. The shouting from the Aulic Chamber echoes in her ears now, where he's grown so much taller, and she mulls over what to write. What would teach the right lesson. What would keep him safe. What would help, when a servant is helpless to royalty. Come home when you're ready, she writes. Be safe.
  11. Ratibor's brow furrowed, as he recalled the Queen's absent stare in the plaza. It seemed, to him, that her eyes had seemed to look past all; even with his verbal prodding, it had taken rather some effort to produce any response from Nataliya. When it had came, it was a short, terse order. Something must have wore upon her.
  12. You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.” ((How do you respond?)) Arabella steps forward, her movements graceful despite the uneasy surroundings. She meets the old hag’s gaze with calm composure, her hazel eyes reflecting curiosity and a hint of wariness. “Good evening,” Arabella begins, her voice soft yet clear. She offers a polite nod before continuing, “I am Arabella Pembroke. I come seeking answers and perhaps a bit of solace in this peculiar place.” She carefully sits on the cushion, smoothing her dress with practiced ease. “My story is not one of grandeur but of simple purpose. I am a wanderer, traveling from town to town, seeking knowledge and understanding of the world and its people. What is it that you have foreseen about my visit?” Her tone is respectful, a blend of genuine interest and readiness to listen, her demeanor warm.
  13. The Grand Lady - in her decrepit state, plagued by an unending infection - sat opposite the Queen in the Aulic Chamber. The hearth cast shadows across her gaunt features, the otherwise dark room flickered in the crackling flame's light as the pair sat in a heavy silence. Vy should have seen him dealt with when vy had the chance. The woman’s voice echoed in the Queen’s mind, the Grand Lady’s illness-riddled form only worsened in Nataliya’s nightmare. Marjoreya lectured the Queen with eyes unmet with the Barbanov's own gaze. Her features were painted with contempt as her eyes slid to meet Nataliya's at last. "He will see vy undone." she spoke plainly to her. "He stains vyr household." she drawled on, though her utterance cut short, interrupted by a fit of coughs the Ruthern pushed into a monogramed handkerchief - now stained with blood.
  14. While the Queen tossed in her nightmares, Torugr stood guard in the chambers of Prince Marius, silently watching him as he lingered awake in the dead of night. Court drama and familial debacles gave the hulking, monstrous snow orc no heed; such intrigue was lost on him. Instead, as his fat belly began to rumble and growl, a more important thought entered his vacuous mind. Gazing intently at Marius, he muttered out the simple yet profoundly powerful question: ”Food?” @Dogged
  15. REQUEST COMPLETED. By this point, you should already have your Map Art. If you haven't received it or believe this to be a mistake, please contact Community Management.
  16. Milena vas Ruthern was often hidden away within the Kastell Lesanov, not called upon lest the King needed his carrion or Prince Josef wished to pass the hours contemplating the departed. More often than not, she was reading--or dreaming. But no dream she had ever had would matched that first one, her first prophecy. Two crows, at war amidst their flocks, with golden crowns atop their heads. Blood stained the stone-carved feet of Lady Haense, with nothing remaining but despair and turmoil. She had warned the Queen, but felt little else could done. As Ser Mikolaj had said, in one of their few lessons, the future was not something to be avoided. So, she awaited its coming, a weight upon her young shoulders and with some small hope that perhaps she was wrong.
  17. Skin: Armour Skin [7] Bid: $25 Discord: areontrade IGN: Areontrade
  18. Today
  19. Freja


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  21. Tigergiri


    Welcome to the server! We're thrilled to have you here, and I hope your time on Aevos is nothing short of amazing. If you ever find yourself with questions or in need of assistance, don't hesitate to reach out. You can contact me here on the forums or through my Discord (Tigergiri). If theres a Trouble whitelisting you make a ./creq in game! [ Ex : ./creq help im whitelisted but im still a wondering soul!] Feel free to browse the Wiki, and you can also join our LOTC Discord which is a wonderful place where you can ask questions to our various staff teams, meet other server players, and learn about new roleplay opportunities for all character races! The LotC Discord is a great help in getting you situated on our server. ✿ Your skin may need a touch up! If you need help picking a skin you can find skins here. There is also the LOTC discord where you can request a skin. There is also Planet minecraft’s FTU outfits, from the community! Ftu | Minecraft Skins sorted by Relevancy | Planet Minecraft Community Feel free to also look at our skin archive! https://sites.google.com/view/lotc-skinarchive As you embark on your journey in Aevos, simply type '/creq I need a monk' upon arrival, and the monks from Cloud Temple will be right there to guide you toward your chosen destiny. And If you ever need me in game, my IGN is Capytiger! Happy roleplaying!
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    . ✿ Failure to finish edits In time. You are also encouraged to join our LOTC Discord , a great place in which you can ask questions toward our staff, and mix with the general LOTC community. If you need any additional help please look at our New player guide You may reapply at anytime however please make the above changes before you do so.
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