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Rachel Redoak

Shelby !

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Character Name
Nicknames: Ray (only her brother calls her that)
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Status: Stable

Height: 5'5
Weight: 117 lbs
Body Type: Relatively average.
Eyes: Dark green.
Hair: Blonde.
Skin: Fair.
Markings/Tattoos: None.
Health: 100%

Rachel is a very prideful girl. She takes pride in her work and in the way that she lives her life. She is extremely clean as she constantly keeps herself and her surroundings in tip-top shape. Of course she was practically born to be a maid for a royal family and she sees no shame in it. In fact she might even gloat about the family that she serves, despite being a simple commoner with little to no background worthy of mention. Rachel doesn't see herself as a commoner and would take great insult to being associated with those with lesser lifestyles.


Though she has no extreme fear of anything, she has a strong disdain for most animals and bugs of course. Animals are dirty and do not belong in households of any kind, though she respects the family she is serving and thus will not make a fuss if they allow creatures into the house. She will not tolerate, however, any bug of any kind. She has no love for such creatures and kills them on sight without so much as a warning. She does not even take kindly to butterflies or harmless little things such as sugar ants or dragonflies.


She hardly thinks much of men, though she might bat her eyelashes a few times. She has no idea how to flirt and therefore finds no satisfaction in trying to make any sort of playful comments. Though she is far from uptight, Rachel is simply terrified of commitment and has no idea how to treat men of any kind that have affection for her. 


Though a proper girl, she used to run around in the dirt and the mud with her brother, but after her mother was murdered she took comfort in trying to act a little more like her. Rachel still would happily go on an adventure or run around barefoot outside, but she finds that she has gone too far to turn back.

Life Style
Alignment*: Neutral Good
Religion: The Church of the True Faith

Alliance/Nation/Home: The Holy Oren Empire
Job/Class: Commoner, Maid
Title(s): None
Profession(s): Cook, Maid, Gardner
Special Skill(s): She can lie extremely well and is a strong swimmer.
Flaw(s): She's a tad clumsy despite how dainty she tries to portray herself and allows herself to get in over her head.


Current Status: N/A
Weakness(es): N/A
Strength(s): N/A
Current Spell(s): N/A

Fighting Style: Nothing close combat, if she were ever in combat it would be a lot of arrows and throwing knives.
Trained Weapon: A bow.
Favored Weapon: A bow.
Archery: ---


Parents: Marcus and Cosette Briarwood
Siblings: Harrison de Silvarois
Children: ---
Extended Family: None.
Pet(s): None at the moment.


-coming soon because i'm a lazy butt-

-also coming soon because yeah-

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