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Brelyna Elibar'acal's Character Card


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Character Name: Brelyna Elibar'acal
Nicknames: Lyn
Age: 48
Gender: Female
Race: High Elf
Status: Alive and Healthy

Height: 6'8
Weight: 70 kg
Body Type: Slim, and a bit slender
Eyes: Blue colored
Hair: Silver white
Skin: Slightly pale
Markings/Tattoos: N/A
Health: Healthy
Personality: Nice to the mali'aheral in tahn'siol, but sometimes arrogant and hatefull to impures, and lesser races
Inventory: A book, some cloth, and alot of food.
Further Details: She wears a blue dress, with a golden owl necklace. As she wears golden colored gloves, and the glove around her index finger, seeming to wear a Korset also. A golden belt around her waists, as a big stripe goes down, just above her feet, seeming to have long, and tied hair at her back.

Life Style
Alignment*: Neutral Lawful
Deity*: Creator
Alliance/Nation/Home: Haelun'or, Tahn'siol.
Job/Class: Tailor
Title(s): N/a
Profession(s): Making clothes.
Special Skill(s): N/A
Flaw(s): N/A

Current Status: Just learned Fi'hiiran'tanya (anti-magic)
Arch-type: Fi'hiiran'tanya (Anti-magic)
Sub-Type: N/A
Rank: T1
Weakness(es): Not discovered yet.
Strength(s): N/A
Current Spell(s): N/A

Fighting Style: N/a
Trained Weapon[s]: N/A
Favored Weapon: N/A
Archery: N/A

Parents: Yulnii Elibar'acal, Galanthil Maehrindor.
Siblings: None
Children: None
Extended Family: Seth Calith, Anya Alfakyn Calith, Elibar'acal family, and more of the Calith family. Her real, but not discovered family.
Pet(s): none


Brelyna was two when their parents left her at the cloud temple, her parents also left a silver box, with a note, drawing and an emerald shaped silver ingot, with a necklace. The reason why her parents left her, because their family were being hunted by humans for such reasons. But her parents are still alive, and searching for their daughter. The monks took care of her, but at her sixth age she had been kidnapped by a dwarf, but she escaped eventaully, she wandered around for months, and months, starving as she started to get weaker and skinnier, untill she came up at the gates of Tahn'siol, as Earendur Vym'vallei let her in. He took care of her very well, untill she was eight, and had been adopted by Yulnii Elibar'acal, and Galanthil Maehrindor. She got new clothes, she started to get more healthy, and read alot of books, as she gets smarter each by the day. Years passed, when at her Seventeenth age she got a task for a ritual to learn Fi'hiiran'tanya. That is anti-magic. The ritual is secret however, but she did it. She started to get more skinnier, but started to eat alot more, as she went a bit crazy for a while. As her parents were started to get maried, she opened a dressmaking shop, for people who needs new clothings. As she starts to get older, she got more mature. 



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