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((How can the founder not be the leader? When you say new server, you mean the new map? Also when do you come online? I've never met you and want to since your the leader lol. Bed for me now))

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((So many questions. I am the leader because ninja bequeathed the title to me when he left the guild. I have led ever since. I'm not on all the time because I have classes, work and homework so I get on at odd times. (like right now I'm at work). New server = new map.

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((Oh ok, So Ninja was the leader, he left and you became the leader. But wouldn't he re-take title of leader? Why did Ninja leave :( so many questions indeed.))

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((You do have so many questions. I can't answer why he left but prior to his leaving I was pretty much co-leading so it wasn't that big of a step for me. I never gave it up because he didn't ask for it back when he returned. Now it's been so long I don't even see the point.

We're definitely rearranging the administration in the next map but I'll prolly wind up leading again. I might not but it's likely I will.))

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(( I left, because I was stressed out with how things were going. I wasn't the best leader anyway, being as I was such a bad rper back then.

I also have a tendancy to brag, so people meta'd me from OOC chat and came to ME asking for membership/contracts))

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*in a scrawl, you recieve a note (members only)*

"Brothers and sisters,

It appears they wish to test us. So, test us they shall. I wish for 3 possible candidates to respond to this. The first 3, get the job.

Your Sanguine Council,


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((Very, pm me some information. Mostly regarding price and targets.))

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((Ninja was the founder, fatty is the leader, and I shall forever be the glue that helped resurrect us. Even when I'm just an OOC member for a while.))

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I'm leaving the guild. Don't ask why.


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Hahaha yeah were gonna have to kill you by the way. And if your leaving I'm sure you have to say why, otherwise were just going to hunt you down.

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