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Raigeki Kato (Wip)

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Raigeki's Profile (Work in Progress)







Nicknames: The Eastern Knight, The Kinshra Knight, Slantie, Ramen Man
Age: Early to Mid Fifties
Gender: Male
Race: Human Farfolk (Easterner)
Status: Alive

Height: 5"5
Weight: 143lb
Body Type: Somewhat muscular, fairly lean, short
Eyes: Almond shape, dark brown
Hair: Jet black, Short matted coils.
Skin: Cool skin tone, pale.
Markings/Tattoos: None
Health: Decent for his age. Losing sight in his left eye.
Personality: Raigeki would be considered loyal despite his pessimistic views at times, especially if said loyalty makes his life difficult. He's willing to do what he has to do within his own morals to see to the end of any enterprise undertaken and is quite loyal to his childhood friend Voron Rovin. Once optimistic of the future, he tends to just get by everyday departing wisdom to the next generation and preaches to prepare for the worse. Raigeki is kind, never wishing ill will on anyone, including enemies. However his temper gets the better of him leaving violent moments in his history. In frustration, he sometimes uses his fists to get his way when dealing with subordinates or those he views lesser than him. He's also hard working, having done stewarding with the knowledge he gained from talks with Joseph Lane. Raigeki is fairly controlling and lacks confidence in many other than a select few. 
Inventory: Normally, Raigeki wears a gold wedding ring, given to him by his estranged wife. He wears a stainless steel 'hoop' earring on his right ear often covered by his coiled hair. In far off lands, Raigeki keeps a Lucienist Sword on person. In his pack, letters of old and recent can be found from his estranged wife. He also keeps a journal which includes significant events, important reminders, and recipes.
Further Details: There's a deep scar along his back, dealt from punishment during his six months as a prisoner of war during the Trench Wars with the Dwarves.

Life Style

Alignment: Chaotic Good
Deity: The Creator, God
Religion: Lucienism
Alliance/Nation/Home: Aesterwald
Job/Class: Noble, Guild Master
Title(s): Ritter-Alter, 1st Lord Kastellan of Aesterwald, Commander Emeritus of the Order of St. Lucien
Profession(s): Nobility crap, Knight, Chef, Stewarding.
Special Skill(s): He enjoys cooking and fishing. Has a knack for business and politics.
Flaw(s): Short stature, short temper, poor common, claustrophobic, not the greatest fighter. Huge control freak.

Current Status: None, not interested in magic.

Fighting Style: Mostly offensive, unorthodox. Arming sword and buckler (or kite shield in war). Incorporates grappling and a degree of hand fighting.
Trained Weapon[s]: Arbalest, arming sword, certain siege weapons.
Favored Weapon:Arming Sword
Archery: Arbalest

Parents: Ryuu Kato (failure to thrive, heart disease) and Akira Kato (Seppuku)
Siblings:Akaishi (KIA)
Children: Aki "Shrimp Boy" Kato (Alive), Minako Kato (Alive)
Extended Family: Koneneme Kato (Cousin, Wife-Estranged, alive)Lee Kato (Cousin, Unknown). Wutarii Kato (Cousin, Alive) Hibiki Kato (Uncle, Deceased)
Pet(s): Mochi the Chicken (KIA)


Raigeki Kato was born to True Faith converts who hailed from the Old Yamamoto County controlled by Lord Ishikawa in Anthosian Oren. Unlike his parents, he was born in Kaedrin where his family tried their best to keep some of his ancestral culture alive by teaching him the Eastern Language (said to be a bastardized Elvish-Flexio hybrid). Raigeki grew up alongside a young Voron Rovin and they became good friends. His father, Jack Rovin, was a men at arms in the Order of the White Rose which appeared far more appealing than his own father, Ryuu, and his line of work. The Kato Family opened a small hole in the wall inn where they also resided. Serving Eastern Cuisine, the family was able to attract those brave enough to try it. Overtime they continued to peak the interests of travelers and built a respectable regular base to make a profit. Growing up, Raigeki was forced to work in the kitchen and was beaten with pots and pans-whatever his father could get a hold of for messing up on little things. Perfection was demanded, but Raigeki's interests lied outside of the inn. When Raigeki got older, he would at times sneak out of the kitchen to seek training from Jack Rovin while he trained his own son.


"No ye Slantie!" Jack would commonly respond back to the eager easterner youth before beating him with a stick. Raigeki would not take no for an answer though so when Jack's stick finally broke one day, he gave in and decided to train Raigeki alongside Voron. Coming of age before enlisting themselves, The Exodus occurred. Jack took up smithing full time and Raigeki, disheartened, returned to the kitchen. Ryuu would not have it though, for his son slacked off in his training to take the inn after him. The angry easterner father sent Raigeki out to "find his own success" if he ever wanted to return home again. During Raigeki's departure, Voron and Jack would have made their way to Brom'Krah.The young easterner tried his hand at selling spices but when investing money in a supplier, he lost what little money he had when he was sold sand. Raigeki kneeled down and cried out to the heavens as he grasped the sand in his hand. Only five days since he left home and he utterly failed.


Ashamed by these turn of events, Raigeki dared not return home. Instead, he followed a tip which lead him to Brom'Krah where he reunited with Voron and his family. Raigeki resided in Brom'Krah for six months where he made his first bowl of ramen outside of the family inn and was almost murdered twice by an insane elf and the barbaric "Adunijani." Other than this, Raigeki made a few friends including Rymeul Elendil and Liam Mcleod. During the political strife in the Adunian community, Jack decided it was best to return to Oren, specifically New Abresi, in search of work. His family had quite a following which included some Adunians that adhered more towards humanity which included the House Marsh, Mcleod, and Rymeul Elendil.


Raigeki, although not involving himself in these talks, overheard talks between Emperor Siegmund Carrion and Jack during the relocation phase. A small district overlooking the capital was given to those who followed Jack from Brom'Krah. Raigeki himself was given his first house away from Kaedrin by a steward named Theobalt. Capital life was difficult to become accustomed to. The streets were busy with merchants and manhood swinging duelists. Once, Raigeki was attacked for cutting down a tree on the outskirts of town. Luckily he was able to defend himself from the brute who fell unconscious with a blow to the head. The young easterner was sure to make a swift escape after that. The city often faced numerous raids from orcs and dwarves which made Raigeki want to leave Abresi as soon as possible. Wanting to fulfill his father's wishes, he opted to open a ramen shop. With the financial help of Jack, Voron, and Rymeul, Raigeki was given a moderately sized shop by Joseph Lane. Raigeki moved into the top floor of the shop and worked endless hours to make his place of business well known and a success. Joseph, impressed by the easterner's culinary skills and work ethic, helped spread the word of his shop. In four years, Raigeki was able to make 10,000 minas. At this time, wishing to become a soldier once more, Jack Rovin formed the Vandorian Order with his son Voron as his second in command. Although not officially oathed to anyone, they were given permission to operate seeing as they were aligned with the kingdom. Raigeki, feeling idebted to the Rovin family, joined the order while working his ramen shop. His business became somewhat of a base of operations in the city other than Jack's house which held most of their belongings. 


During Raigeki's time as a chef, he met many interesting people including Edgar Tarus who became a regular customer and two young boys named Allen and Roland. The latter looked to Raigeki as a father figure which the easterner detested at first but soon grew an obligation to look after the trouble maker who would often chase women in the capital. Raigeki would also reunite with his cousin Koneneme, who shared the news of his father's death and his mother's seppuku. The news shook Raigeki's frame of mind but in memory of his father, he stuck to the business. Koneneme would decide to help him run the business, easing the burden from Raigeki who was most thankful. These less chaotic times would not last however. A rebellion was brewing in Oren. Raigeki tried his best to maintain focus on his work but the rebellion would knock on his door, quite literally. Cedric Silverblade, one of the rebels who was enjoying food and a smoke from his pipe, had his head bashed in by Kaelys Hightower's mace. Kaelys and Raigeki were commonly at odds, usually over damaged property on Kaelys' part which Raigeki forced him to pay for. In the case of Cedric Silverblade, Raigeki himself dumped the body off the cliff of what once overlooked Old Abresi's docks after taking Cedric's pipe for himself. Little to Raigeki's knowledge, Eadgar Tarus was one of the rebels and the raid on Raigeki's ramen shop, though not directed at him personally, forced Raigeki to close down for a week out of grief. Although not originally fighting on either side of the matter, Eadgar being a rebel made Raigeki uneasy and a rift in their friendship came about when Raigeki began siding more along the Kingdom's.


A saint's night before the first battle, the Vandorian Order was contracted to make last minute defense adjustments to Shadowcastle. Accompanied by Kaelys and a couple of well meaning capital citizens, the Vandorian Order stripped Shadowcastle of its interior to barricade weak points and prepare siege weapons. Traps were made on the battlefield to detour a rebel invasion. Lastly, on a mountain of equal height to the opposing teuton castle, the Vandorian Order worked all night until they had completed "Fort Critikal". A makeshift base, it was accompanied by a trebuchet and two ballistae. The Vandorian Order, though their official roster was composed of only men, had a few women assist them in the battle including Koneneme who helped Raigeki work the two ballistae at Fort Critikal. The Vandorian Order was later accompanied by Orcish allies after the rebels had been pinned down at their base by orc and strelt cooperation. Together, after having bombarded the teuton fort with siege equipment, they rushed the teutons, killing many that were in their path. Along the way though, Raigeki was ambushed by a Grandaxe Dwarf that pinned the easterner down. Raigeki gouged its eyes, buying enough time for him to escape the pin but was pushed into a field trap by the disoriented dwarf. Caught in the trap, Raigeki swung his blade feebly at the stout but was rescued by an orc swung his axe at the dwarf, cleaving it in two.


Shadowcastle was defended and the rebels lost morale. The Vandorian Order had only one casualty. Unfortunately for Oren, Siegmund Carrion had passed away. Along with his death was the obliteration of talks for relocating the Vandorian Order outside of the capital in land of their own. Disheartened, a few members left the order. Shaken by Oren's chaos, Koneneme left Abresi in pursuit of a quieter life. The promise of a new king, one who would equal the work of Siegmund, ascended the throne by the name of Heinrik Carrion. With the rebels absent from daily life in Abresi, hiding amongst society or in far off lands, the new High Pontiff Lucien II recognized the hard work and potential of the small order and after talks, swore them under the True Faith thus renaming them after the patron Saint Lucien. Raigeki's rank transitioned to Brother-Sergeant of the new Order of St. Lucien. One of the first missions of the order was to accompany Lord Marshall Walter Stafyr to the North on an expedition. Raigeki acted as record keeper for the expedition, taking into account the sites they would see. Upon reaching what appeared to be an abandoned village banketed by snow, they entered an eerily looking chapel to hold out. From the distance, the sounds of a pig were heard. Rymeul looked outside with his weapon out hoping for a meal but was shot in the chest by a primitive arrow. If he were not wearing armor, he would surely be dead. Voron and Raigeki quickly dragged Rymeul back insideto safety while others stood outside in hopes of catching the beast. Later confirmed to be a bohra from old, the soldiers ventured out despite orders from Grandmaster Jack Rovin to remain. Naive and full of spirit, the group was quickly divided. An ominous presence entered the room with the sounds of a woman and child crying. Appearing before the chapel was a woman on her knees. The priest and High Inquisitor that accompanied the Order approached the woman and brought her to her feet.


"Please...h-help me." She said weakly. She appeared to be a dark elf to group, which may have lead many to assume she was not what she appeared to be. Bickering ensued and the group of men that returned to hunt the bohra, significantly smaller, returned fruitless. While the men argued, Jack commanded that anyone smart enough should follow his lead. Before he could continue his orders, a blast of magic was shot out from an overlooking hill, scorching the armor of an initiate. Immediately everyone, other than the woman who vanished, ran into the chapel. Raigeki took out his journal after bandaging Rymeul up near the alter and began recording what he was seeing.


Before me, men adorning red and white tabards much like the one I wear fight a mysterious force able to give rise to charred skeletons of misfortune. Many succumb to the might of this witchcraft. This force is more ruthless then those I've seen in the rebels of Shadowcastle. I pray an end is in sight.



Rymeul was soon fit enough to join in the fight. Raigeki followed suit, packing the journal in his backpack. When the minions were vanquished, pews were moved to block the entrance in anticipation of more fighting. The woman reappeared again, sobbing. "Don't go..."


"I must stay here to protect the woman from the heresy lurking in this land." The High Inquisitor announced. Immediately, from the altar, more hellspawn appeared, attacking the men from behind. More from outside would climb over the pews blocking the entrance, pinning the men down. Those who survived grabbed the bodies of the fallen, using them as shields as they broke through the minions behind them, running down into what appeared to be the catacombs. The charred skeletons continued their chase down the stairs. Screams from the back of the order were heard, but turning back was no option for only certain death awaited them if one moment was taken to look back. Finding a network of tunnels, the group opted to split up in hopes that at least someone would find the way out. Raigeki accompanied Voron, remaining close to his best friend as they made their escape down one tunnel.


The night was long and what was later identified as a harbinger, the bringer of this destruction, 

had launched volley of magic blasts at the brave men. Raigeki and Voron found shelter in an abandoned library. Its shelves were barren and ashes covered the stone floor. Looking out the window, Raigeki saw Jack, Rymeul, Liam, Father Rags and Walter in the distance running across the snowy wasteland away from the burning town. The two friends ran out of the library, catching up to their surviving comrades. They ran until the sun was high in the sky. Then they were sure their pursuer was gone. This was not the end however of their troubles. Upon reaching the border of Oren and the snowy wastelands, a hansetian bear attacked. Walter gave his life to tackle the bear down a cliff, ending them both. The mission troubled the men for months on end, having lost most of their men on the first mission to the North. Jack knew that morale was low, thus he implemented the Vander Code. It was a reminder of times of old when they were of the Vandorian Order-as well as a successful attempt to reignite the fire that had burned out from the experience. The Vander Code was an oath that accompanied the newly made Lucien Code to reaffirm not only the morality of the men, but their bravery. Those who chose to take this new oath remained in the Order, swearing to Protect the Church and to be brave doing it.


More men began to join the Order of St. Lucien. Those by the names of Rosencrantz Revandir and Rydel Elendil would live on as prominent figures of the order. Land was granted by Heinrik Carrion to the church for the Order to use and a mountain fortress was made. It took two years to dig into the stone of the cliff, but the men were successful and they were pleased with the results.








-Credits to Saechu

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