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Louis Brisache


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Basic information:


Nicknames: Lily Liver


Age: 16


Gender: Male


Race: Human


Status: Alive and drunk, wandering about Felsen





Height: 5'8, standing shorter than most.


Weight: 170 lbs


Body type: Stocky, a bit wider set then most, but proportionate.


Hair: A thick mess of light brown hair sits on his head, and though it is fair, his hair often appears wavy due to being improperly kept.


Skin: Extremely fair/white


Markings/tattoos: He is missing the lower half of his right ear lobe, sporting with it a scar across the right half of his jaw from an attack from a drunkard in Felsen.


Personality: A reckless youth, Louis grew up in Petrus the first half of his life, and Felsen the latter, his father being a half Waldenian refugee, and his mother a lowly peasant. Working from the early age of 5, he has never been shy of hard work.


Many experiences growing up have left him to be, ultimately, a greedy and bitter young man. Taunted mercilessly for his position in society by his merchant patrons, and the ever present economic pressure on him and his family has moved him to desire money more than anything else, not caring for fame, fortune, or prestige, but cold hard cash.


He bears a deep respect for the hard working lower classes of Oren, and a general phobia of anyone from another nation or sphere of influence. He now has left home in search of work, mostly working as a part time mercenary.


Louis is often spotted with a bottle in his hand, raving passionately about the men he respects, and the men he hates. Though he is not known for his literacy, he is incredibly well spoken due to his time working as a laborer, the ever-presence of his eloquent superiors giving him a vocabulary he uses to talk his way out of trouble, or into a job.


He still has yet to find real success in talking his way into the latter, though.




Alignment:  Neutral


Deity: The Creator


Allegiance: Oren, primarily


Job: Unemployed, though he sometimes takes on odd jobs


Title: None


Proffesion(s): Brawling, unskilled labour




Though not particularly skilled with a sword, Louis has learned to throw as solid punch growing up. He's also very well spoken, though this is often offset by his temper and general disdain for being spoken down to. He's hard to intimidate, and often quite courageous. Easily described as bold, he is not fearful to do what he is certain he can get away with, which has secured his sword and only real income.




Generally insecure about his unimpressive heritage, he is very easily offended by those who generally bear, or try to bear, an air of authority while talking to him. He's prone to drinking, and with that, acting on his angsty views. Driven by greed, he is quick to turn on those he feels owe him. Bitterness runs in his blood, and will not just let an issue drop, dogging anyone he has an problem with.




None, but if I like him enough, I'll commission some.

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Publius, you turned into a gender bender? 

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Gender: Male





Publius, you turned into a gender bender? 



(oi m8 ur goin the right way for a smacked bottom)

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