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The White Ravens (now recruiting)


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Hail it is me Alvaska, Magistrate of The White Ravens and founder of the clan, builder of the stronghold, and I lead and make decisons for the advancement of the clan. You have probably heard alot of people saying they have "merged" with me. This is hardly true, Indeed i did negotiate with mythmaster26 about compensating his name for a clan, however he was already part of my clan and had no members. I gave him partial leadership of the clan, and full leadership of the guard and military department. Erictorchlighter also claims he "merged" with me, He claimed he had members however none of them where ever present at the guild. He is just a normal member regardless of the thread. I may allow him more power within the clan in time, however i am not ready to give another person co-ownership. However we do have a strong alliance with the AFF. I just wanted to make all this clear as my name has been popping up alot on some of these threads.


I am now officialy posting a recruitment thread for our order and what it stands for. We are a nuetral party who's goal is to unite the nations of aegis, slay the undead, and rid areas of corrupted or unfreindly parties upon request. We are also very vigourous builders! There is a place for everyone in our clan. Free rooming and your own personal locked and safe chest is provided at no cost to all members.

Ranking Order:

High Councilmen (3 Max. current 3): Magistrate Alvaska, Overlord Shadows, and Emperor Gregory.

( High Councilmen are the leaders of the whole guild and are to be treated with the utmost respect. Any orders given by a High Councilmen are to be followed to the letter.)

Councilmen (5 Max. current 1): Adviser Collin, . ( councilmen are the High Councilemens second-in-command. There are 2 councilmen for each high councilmen (more will be added soon).)

Captains (3 Max. current 1): White Raven Triloq, (Captains are the leader of squads. They have 2 men assigned to their commands and carry out orders given them by higher officials.)

White Gaurdian (current 1): White Gaurdian Sicorax (White Gaurdians are players who have undergone and passed our sacred ceremony, and are highly regarded members of the order. They are a legendary rank and few shall recieve such. They are members who will undertake the most imporant missions and asignments, some missions will even be kept secret from the rest of the order)

White Raven Guard (12 Max. current 2) White Raven Guard Geo, White Ravengaurd Zack (they are members who take up mitions posted in the gaurd house, and report back to Shadow when mission is complete. A log of each gaurds completed missions and filled reports will be kept under the barracks for the use of promotion and achievments. Often ordered on patrol in other cities upon request. Patrol armour consiting of a full iron set and a diamond sword will be provided and returned upon completion of the shift.)

White Ravens (No Max. current 1 ) (Ravens are the entry level position and are the basic troops for the guild.)


No stealing from fellow white ravens, this may result in banishment from the order and death.

No killing other white ravens

All disputes will be settled with a boxing match if diplomatic resolution can not be achieved

Slander of any member will result in severe punishment

Do not build outside the walls with out asking Alvaska or another highly ranked player first

Do not greif

Do not commit villinous acts will part of the order

If you would like to join please fill out the application below and post it here, or contact me in game via /tell (ogedi)


RP Name:

Why do you want to join:

What position or hobby are you intrested in: (gaurd, gatherer, architect, scholar, or normal)

Do you understand ign rules and clan rules:


Please post below if your town or establishment would like for the white raven gaurds to patrol and keep order, it shall be done upon request. No fee what so ever is required.

If you need a certain assignment completed we can fullfill that too at no cost, as long as we see purpose with in it. If it is a task for your own personal gain, a payment may be required.

-Alvaska Magistrate of The White Ravens

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K, first of all great job on the topic man. Second: ... U did did not just do that. *shakes his head and glares* you know ogedi i think we better have a niiice looong talk. I am founder and co-owner of the white ravens guild. Ogedi here had made a guild called the grey wardens but the name was already taken so at the time i was a member of his guild and around the same time i had just recruited a member to the white ravens guild (a vigilante guild which i had started) so because his name "grey wardens" had been taken he wanted to sign a treaty with the aff and my guild had a good name so he signed the treaty as owner of the white ravens without me knowing. then after he had signed the treaty and everything was done he THEN he told me and also said yeah we have to merge and if you dont then get out of my guild (now the white ravens prevoiusly my guild) you see what he did here? HE TOOK OVER MY GUILD. so i made the revised white ravens topic saying that ogedi nope54 and i were all CO-OWNERS and asked him what he thought. He said it was good and agreed to my post, ok? so now hes trying to gain complete control over MY guild that I founded and saying im "just a member". This whole time I have always been fighting him for equality and co-ownership of MY guild and I'm getting tired of putting up with this so you know what? I OWN THE WHITE RAVENS. those who want to be a white raven are to meet me outside of the stronghold and those who want to for some reason side with this lying, worthless, manipulative traitor can stay with him inside of the walls. and to ogedi I'm going to be gone all weekend and when i get back I'm taking my stuff from my chest and I'm taking the white ravens with me. I'm sick of your games and I'm taking a stand for my honor.

Good day people of malinor and thank you for your time *bows*

-Mathias Shadows, OWNER Of The White Ravnens

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Ogedi your options are A. the above or B. give me PERMANENT CO-OWNERSHIP and EQUALITY and the RESPECT I have been trying to get this whole time.

Thank you for your time, *bows*

Mathias Shadows, Overlord Of The White Ravens

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you had no build, no men, and not a single post from another person on your thread after 2 weeks and you where a member of my guild. You had a catchy name, that is all. I gave you power in our order for a name. Go ahead and take "your" men with you and wonder around the world of aegis, however i assure you that I will still be refrenced as the leader from our allies. I have spoken with everyone, and they will not follow you, if you leave your leaving alone. I didnt have to do anything for you, i gave you a safe chest, free bedding, armour and weapons from my own vault.

If you wish to leave on your own, so be it.

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You see that's where you are always wrong i had a build and i was recruiting and I did have a member, he was the first one to join. YOU stole my guild and I don't care if all of the other members want to betray me and side with you because i am leaving and taking the guild with me. so you can go get your own name and allies for all I care.

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It doesn't matter to me if i have to start all over. But i now realize that it was a mistake to merge with you. But I can walk away from this guilt-free knowing that all I ever fought for was equality and what was already mine.

Good day Alvaska

Mathias Shadows Leader of the White Ravens

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Ok first of all im sorry if i offended you i shouldn't have tried to grab power. I only did this because some troubling things have happened irl and i didn't have control of my temper. second because I have nothing left i have committed suicide (stopped playing on the server) so i would just like to congratulate you.



Have a good time playing lotc hunter

sincerely mathew mix

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That is dumb, forget him don't quit because he is a jerk, start up something new, forget him, I have almost quit several times because some people are just jerks, that's who they are, whether there openly jerks, or passive aggressive jerks who pretend to be innocent, they do exist. Become a villain, with the rp purpose that you have so much anger built up from someone stealing your own guild, there are several things you can do, but to quit is just giving up, don't let him win. There

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This current Guild has been deemed inactive and has hereby been moved.

If you wish to appeal this decision you must present evidence to myself proving the guild is still active.

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      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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