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Body Guard/Bard Extraordinaire for Hire!


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Ever been in need of an entertainer, yet found that most of them are useless when it comes to a scuffle and easily killed, or a well-abled bodyguard, however found that most, if not all of them are plain faced, bland, brutes? Well look no more! My spiffing, yet very affordable services offer a variety of services! Including, but not limited to the playing of lutes, a rather aengelic singing voice, and a well abled fighter if you're looking to fend for yourself when outnumbered! My morals are few and my willingness to do most things when paid should be quite a plus side to having me by your side! My payment can be negotiated, whether it be a tad share of whatever you gain from certain ventures to a single set sum and I'm yours in all senses in exception of sexual, I may have a willingness to do what I'm told if there's minas in it however I am an old fashioned chap, a few drinks and I'm all yours!

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