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Lathai Backstory:

Lathai's date of birth isn't exactly recorded in a history book, nor his parents. The only information we have about his age is from just looking at him, doing so he looks as if he is around 12-13 years old. Lathai was found in haystack outside an unknown village by two guards (likely a human one), growing up within an orphanage a human one. He was regularly discriminated and segregated from the other human children. He usually kept to himself doing what he could to gain knowledge, reading whatever he was able to sound out at the time, eventually, he gained a lot of useful information for his age. When Lathai wasn't alone he enjoyed playing with his fellow elves, pretending he was a prestigious knight in a human kingdom. After one night he left the orphanage seeking a better life away from the discrimination and racism, he left his friends a note behind telling him where he'd go. 

  Lathai is normally calmed in nature talking softly and carefully when he feels comfortable around someone he will more likely show off his energetic side talking at a much faster pace, with plenty of voice cracks. Though of low-birth, Lathai carries himself highly more than some nobles at times, even coming off as a little prideful, which makes him seem meaner than most. Lathai likely will treat people the way they treat him,(allow me to put this in perspective if someone approached Lathai in a rude way, he would most likely show the same amount of rudeness) Though this isn't very often. Lathai enjoys learning things and plans to continue learning until he dies. Lathai very rarely will back down from fights, unless told to. Even going into a fight head on without planning ahead which sometimes makes him a liability.

Appearance Description:
Lathai doesn't have many distinct elven features these features consist of his ears, which are small in width but are quite long, and his skin which is fair similar to most elves but with a human skin tone. From a distance, Lathai could perceive as a human due to his height and stature, along with his hair which he kept ear length, and his pale blue eyes which were like looking into a snowstorm or ocean.


Present Time & Motive:

Currently, Lathai resides in Stangeia, but he plans to move to Arbor a barony within Renatus-Marna. He plans to move there to further improve his training as a knight, alongside with Ser Magnus Ironwood who he hopes to take him on as his squire.

This forum will be further edited as the character gets even more fleshed out and older.  

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