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[!] The following missive is distributed throughout Haelun’or, pinned to posts and boards. [!]







“I have fulfilled what the will of Silver has asked of me, and now - as autumn leaves fall, it is time for their sacrifice to nourish leaves anew.”

Malaurir Braxus Ni’leya. 



The 11th of Amber Cold, 177 S.A, will forever be known as a day of disgrace among those loyal to Haelun’or and her ancient traditions and customs. Then Sohaer - Theveus Sythaerin, committed an act most heinous. As Malaurir Braxus Ni’leya stood to present a petition urging the Sohaer to listen to his people and call an election, the armies of Celia’nor on invitation of the Sohaer, arrived at the Citadel with one purpose and one aim - to murder Malaurir Braxus Ni’leya. Theveus refused the Malaurir’s petition, instead offering him to Celia’nor as a “gift”. 


Our current Sohaer, Ashwyn Sythaerin - a close relative of Theveus watched and did nothing as the Malaurir was bound and taken to Celia’nor to be stoned to death on the streets - without trial - and beheaded after. In fact she refers to this event in her first missive to the people as the “Storming of the Silver Citadel” - a “date that will live in infamy”, albeit it was no storming and to say otherwise is nothing more than a bold faced lie. One must question why the Sohaer has allowed her relative to resign and why she has not brought charges against her kin for the vital role he played in the murder of a Malaurir, which is among the highest acts of treason one can commit.


Theveus Sythaerin drew no sword, but by his words and actions, condemned the Malaurir’s head to fall. Recall the words of this Talonni, “Those who walk among serpents must watch their step.”.


 May Braxus Martyr rest in peace, and may elparir’tiran be summoned to enact justice upon Theveus.







Laurir’ii Edgars Sullas Anasul



"Do not wait for change, be the change"

Edited by __Zuko
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"A surprise to me at the time, but not a murder from what I have seen and read. Theveus allowed Celia'nor to finally have justice for abhorrent acts against them via the hands of Braxus, by taking him into their custody to receive judgement. His fate ultimately became theirs to decide, justice theirs to reap."

Yera tacks on the end.

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[!] The following missive is ripped down from said posts and boards across Haelun'or [!]


Sorcaril would sigh as he arrived at the final board, noticing Yera reading it he'd rip it from their hands!



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[!] A note is attached underneath Yera's [!]

"As an Evarir in Malaurir Ni'leyas Sillumir during Ivarielle's attempted Coup, we were never sent on any offensive raids against them - we never attacked first, we only defended ourselves from inside our City. Braxus' only apparent crime was stopping Ivarielle and Fenn from taking over Haelun'or by brutal means. Furthermore Braxus was not trialed, he was bound and stoned to death on the streets - this is not justice, it is Murder."



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Yera pouts as she has the missive taken from her hands. "Rude! I was trying to read that deliberate attempt at sparking dissent and instability in Haelun'or."@Cobbler

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