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A Survey of Ocean Based Aquate Root


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As you open the bound text your eyes are bombarded with various drawings and illustrations of Aquate Root and fanciful blue lettering which dot the yellowed parchment.  The text is organized into an essay style format, with page numbers included but no clear chapter markings. Standard for an academic text.




Good evening. I want to thank you for deciding to read my survey on the Ocean Based Aquate Root. This survey will be structured in an essay style format with a bit of history and background on the Aquate Root at the beginning of the text, with the survey in the midsection of the text, and with a conclusion and discussion at the end of the text. For starters I will define what an Aquate Root is, as some reading this volume whether they be researchers in a different field using this text for reference, or novices to the sciences of the sea may not know what specifically an Aquate Root is. Before we can truly understand the physical nature of an object, we must understand the etymology surrounding the object. Aquate Root can be easily summarized into the first prefix of the phrase, that prefix being “Aqua” no doubt in reference to the vivacious blue liquids which are present inside the flowery bulb. The “ate” is transitional and could hint that the liquid inside is subject to the process of Aquation while it develops. The root is self explanatory as the bulb is connected to the ground with roots. I find it helpful to understand a word in depth before looking at what that word describes, it keeps me well rounded.


Now that we have talked about the etymology of the word, we must move on to the survey. This was a survey of life in the sense that I, perched from afar, watched the plant for a period of three Elven Days. In that time I was able to analyze how the environment of the sea accepted the plant, that environment which is comprised of the various substances floating in the liquids that contain the various flora and fauna which habitate it. The physical description of the Aquate Root is one of a flowered bulb that contains blue liquid, perched atop some roots. It is most notably seen in swampland areas, on the bank of the bog, however, the ocean based Aquate Root is most often seen on the shoreline, slightly submerged under water with only the flowers of the root peaking out. It can be suggested that those flowers peak out because they are absorbing the sunlight and looking for signals in a manner unobstructed by the translucent fluids which bind it into its sandy home. The bulb itself, excluding the flowers, is submerged just below the surface of the water, unmoving as its roots clamber to the sea floor. The marine wildlife that surrounds the plant acts in a peculiar way, they do not make any attempt to crack open the bulb and drink from the fluids that reside within, but rather they ignore it in favor of the seagrass and kelp which dot the submerged landscape. This could be as simple as they do not want to expend the energy cracking a bulb when they can simply nibble freely, or it can be as complex as the Aquate Root being toxic to those aquatic creatures. The former is more likely than the latter however, as an Aquate Root is perfectly edible and safe for consumption, it is also used for cosmetic purposes which further adds to its track record of safety. All and all it is a curious subject which begs for more study, study which cannot be concluded by a simple visual survey such as this. This survey however was conclusive, in the fact that it shed new light onto the oceanic variant of an Aquate Root. 


As we near the conclusion of this survey we must be ever mindful and reject any notion that declares this survey the end all be all of Aquate Root research, rather we should encourage more individuals whether they be the most senior of sea scholars, to the most novice of newborn researchers, to explore the marine world which does not sit far from our own home, here. I would suggest that those individuals interested take a new approach on the Aquate Root, examining the structure with blade to see what comprises it on the inside, and examining the cycle of life with hoe. More research into these subjects is always encouraged, and suggested. With that I would declare this rudimentary and brief survey into an Aquate Root complete. This text and all it contains shall be donated to the Eternal Library, where new knowledge is formed and where the spark of curiosity and investigation is tended. 


Herein penned, 



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