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Inquiry of the Auditor of the Tribunal


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Inquiry of the Auditor of the Tribunal.



No man should believe every word and suggestion, but should carefully and reservedly consider all things in accordance with the will of God. Such is a weakness of Man, that evil is more often readily believed and spoken of another than good. Even a perfect and most pious man will not easily believe every tale that is told to them, for they know that man’s nature is prone to evil and his words to deception.


It is wise to not be hasty in action, nor to cling stubbornly to our own opinions. We must not believe all we hear nor hasten to report to others what we hear or believe. Many take counsel in a wise and conscientious man, and seek to be guided by one who is better than themselves, rather than to follow your own opinions. A good life leads a man in nearness to God, and the more humble and obedient to God a man is, the more wise and at peace he will be in all that he does.


Remember that whoever puts his full confidence in men or in any other beast of this world is very foolish. There is no shame in being a servant of others for a love of Virtue, and to appear as many mendicants do to appear poor to this world. Do not put this trust in yourself but your whole confidence in God and God will bless your good intention.


It is God alone who knows the heart of man.



It is the duty of the Auditor of the Tribunal to judge, apply and enforce ecclesiastical penalties of the Church. His office is that of an executor of the High Pontiff, his position the second-highest of his curia due to the authority bestowed.


As much as the accused is never bound to confess guilt, it is the duty of a cleric to investigate to presume neither innocence or guilt of the accused as to not taint the reputation of the faithful and the church alike. The High Pontiff is judged by none but God and clerics are bound both oath and faith to show reverence and obedience to the High Pontiff and their ordinary.


It is only through unanimous agreement of the College of Cardinals to rebuke a High Pontiff, which they are charged to do prudently and remains the only avenue to remove a living High Pontiff from office beyond his own resignation. Interdiction and excommunication remain ecclesiastical penalties that can only be issued and lifted with the approval of the High Pontiff. A rebuke is something that is without appeal, stripping the High Pontiff of his office while retaining his clerical state as emeritus.


As a trial of the highest office is beyond my authority and without any provision in canon law, I wish to meet on the following date in the Basilica of Ex. Godfrey to enquire further on these claims before I personally argue them before the College of Cardinals.


We will sit at a table as peers and discuss the merit of each claim.



10th of Tobias's Bounty, 1805 [ 358ES ]

Basilica of Exalted Godfrey.

Providence, HOE.




Illustrissimus et Reverendissimus Dominus Vicary Episcopus Rochefort
Auditor of the Tribunal of the Church of the Canon
Servant of God.



16;00 EST
21;00 GMT
Friday, 29th of January.




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