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A Thesis - Apostasy


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A Short Thesis by Cardinal Sutica






"And so I shall guide you in a theater of virtue, and the virtuous shall not live except by My Word" (Virtue 1:7)


"So I am the Most High, and in pursuit of My Virtue, I bid my faithful this: You shall not blaspheme My Word, nor any thing that is holy." (Virtue 1:8)



Brothers and sisters of the faith, it is well known to you of what an apostate is, a baptized member of the church who has renounced their faith, and chosen to go down a path of paganistic and evil deeds. These apostates typically worship false gods, and participate in evil rituals. A devoted and virtuous member of the church would never allow themselves to be lead to such a path, a path of evilness. A true believer is one that embraces the Holy Scrolls of the Exalted, and therefore, the Holy Word of GOD. It should be known by all faithful for when you are baptized, you agree with the covenant of GOD.


I, myself, have had experience with apostates, the state I once presided in, had abandoned GOD, and allowed themselves to fall under a dark path. They allowed themselves to fall under this path, on their own freewill, but this does not mean they cannot repent. If an apostate were to repent for their sins, their evil deeds against GOD, they would be able to rejoin the holy communion, and recreate their eternal vows to GOD. We as men of the cloth must help lost souls such as apostates back on the path of righteousness. If they do not want to accept our help, and they do not repent, then their soul is not saved, and they can enjoy the rest of eternity in the void.


Even your duties as pious laymen of the church include helping the lost souls of the apostates back onto the path of GOD and his teachings. We as members of the church must make it our duty, our priority, to help the souls of the lost, not only apostates, but heretics and heathens as well. If GOD forbid that we must lay down the ultimate punishment, death upon the apostates, we must do it with mercy, as GOD would want us to.


If these lost souls, these apostates choose to try to corrupt the minds of our faithful and pious members of the church, then they must be punished, by means that would not go against common morals, those being punishments with mercy and those that abide by the virtue. Apostates sometimes hide out in plain site of those of our common pious folk, and we as canonists need to find them, and help them go on the path of healing and redemption. All apostates can seek redemption and repent, and we must show mercy and allow them to, of course we must help them with this path or else they can once more lead themselves down a path of apostasy once more.


To conclude, only us Canonists can help the world thrive, and apostates  unfortunately get in the way of this, that is why we must help them seek redemption and repentance for their sins against GOD and his covenant, and if we must punish them, we use mercy and fairness.







A thesis by Cardinal Sutica, Francisco Altamirano on the

15th of Horen's calling, 1808

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"Amen praise be to GOD. May the red hyspians see the light once more, before they are forever lost to the void" Padre Javier Altamirano would state, reminiscing on his time before being banished by Hyspia, tearing up remembering how he fought side by side with Carlos Mendez and how close he got with the others before being betrayed by his fellow Hyspians 

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