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Silence Broken


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Verily, indeed then, did that loathsome 'geist slumber 'neath the waves,


Though, yet still, its head would rise, solemn, it who called itself Raev.


'Twixt bindings damnable, it harkened to the call,


For though it walked as one, it stood as they all.


"O' woe betide the dead and those bedamned by this horrific coil,


Of ye who kneel 'afore the heavens and this mortal toil.


Hark, for I say this but once, this omen of most import,


Make way for the Shepherd; He whom suffers no retort.


O', for shale and shore know no command,


Yet even still, guided, we are, by that unseen hand.


Glory to ye who walk as Lord...


For what lurks in shadow may no longer hide, yet they who walk in Light may no longer be ignored."

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