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Edicts of Succession, 37 SA


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Edicts of Succession

The 14th of The Grand Harvest, 37 SA






~ Overview ~


With High Prince Evar’tir Oranor’s rise to power, the Crown of Elvenesse exited a tumultuous year of succession, which saw the flaws of Edicts designed to destabilize centralized Almenodrim rule. Now, under past advisement of the late Sohaer Orrar, a more direct system of appointment is being established.




~ Principle ~


The Crown of Elvenesse brings into action the position of a Prince-Heir, legally defined as the recognized successor to the Crown and Rule of Elvenesse as appointed directly by the seated Royarch. In the event of immediate catastrophe or untimely demise without an apparent Prince-Heir, the sovereign Consort is charged with appointing one as charged with the auxiliary power as Crown Regent, under advisory by the Council. The Prince-Heir ordinances and powers are outlined as follows:


- The Prince-Heir, in the event of untimely demise of the seated Royarch, may legally ascend to the throne only after proper funeral rights and execution of last will and testament.


- The Prince-Heir may stylize themselves as a legally recognized Prince of Elvenesse, under the style of lordship.


- The Prince-Heir may, with the blessing of the High Prince, conduct diplomatic proceedings.


- The Prince-Heir may, with the blessing of the High Prince, host court and call Omenhatu


- The Prince-Heir title may be transferred or revoked by the High Prince at any time if deemed necessary. If done in a last will or testament, it must be without coercion, and officiated with signature.


If found to be in violation of proper ordinances or the Indor Tiran, the Council may move to impeach the Prince-Heir in a Council vote. If unanimously decided upon, the Prince-Heir's titles and authority is stripped unless reinstated within reason by the High Prince and approval from the Council.



    Uell ito Maruthiran,

    HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Evar'tir Oranor, High Prince of Elvenesse,

        Prince of Caras Eldar, Praetor of Elves, Adjudicator of Malchediael



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