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[✗] [Feat] Keepers of Velulaei


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Darkness does not always equate to evil. . .”


As the ages flew by the race of mali’ker dug deeper and deeper into the depths of the world. For their ancestors and deities before them had begun such a trend the mali’ker alongside their dwarven cousins ventured low into the earth below them, so low that discoveries of old soon found themselves in the hands of the descendent races.  

And dig they did, over the next several years they excavated great expanses of tunnels and caverns. In these, they built their homes, and inside them they thrived. Great cities were built, carved into cliff-faces and great cavern openings. These cities were decorated with shrines to many spirits, most to Luara of the moon. Most cities had a place where light filtered in from the surface, a place where dark elves could go to catch moonlight.”

As the depths of newfound lands such as Almaris began to grow deeper towards the center of the earth such discoveries as mentioned above became revealed to the races that ventured the darkness below. An unknown mali’ker of Velulaei’s decent was the first to make a discovery of the ancient practice of Light Keeping as it was inscribed to be in ancient elven. This practice that was revealed upon him was one that he took as a sign, a sign not of the Aeunguls and Daemons who plague the universe that surrounds them, but one of heritage, ancestry, for it is viewed as an ancestral rite to be blessed with the knowledge of this practice. Studying it and refining the craft of bending the shadows and the light to his will this practice birthed a new generation of sorcerers named after the acclaimed creator of this magic Velulaei, and through this the Keepers of Velulaei were born.


The Keepers of Velulaei is a “light magic” or a “shadow magic” that is powered through mana manipulation and is powered by the individual that possesses it. As light and dark cannot really be “manipulated” by magic and sorcery, this magic is accomplished through the Keeper manipulating the world around them through the eyes of others. For example, when they use the ability “Light Alteration” and make a room go dark, they are merely making the room appear dark by the affected party as they can’t really extinguish sunlight, flames, reflecting light, etc.. This magic is also not only for mali’ker or dwarves or any specific race in general, it is merely tied to Velulaei for the story aspect of how and why such a thing would have an importance on this server as lots of players have characters that are tied/associated to moonlight, velulaei, luara, etc. Casting of the ability is through ancient elven. This is because, as mentioned in the lore, it was a “discovery” of a magical practice. All abilities performed by Keepers emit from the direction of the caster and spread out to their limit in a “wave” like fashion.



The way that Keepers cast their magic is through chanting of ancient elven, alongside channeling their inner-mana. The chanting is what is used to “meditate” and bring forth the power of the caster. The first emote of casting is the connection emote, in which the light around the Keeper will begin to draw near them unnaturally. Upon the second emote the light around a keeper will grow dark/light and their appearance and form will appear as if it is pitch black or a bright white depending on their intention. From every emote onwards this light will seep outwards from the keeper like a wave onto the affected area, affecting every individual within it. For the complete duration of casting, ancient elven is to be chanted in reference to the spell being cast.

The casting process can be disrupted by any direct movement from the caster, such as dodging an attack, running, or anything more than casual stepping in one direction or another. The Casting process lasts as long as the Keeper can maintain this connection.

The size of casting is determined by the Keeper’s tier. Tier one keepers may only cast in a 5x5 area, tier two 10x10, and tier three 15x15 around their character. This only affects area’s in their direct sight, meaning they cannot do it over a wall.



-Seers and Constructs are not affected by this magic as well, they don’t have mana to manipulate and/or have an altered sight unlike the mortal mind.
-After the initial emotes, ancient elven does not need to be specifically typed out and can instead be referenced in the action part of the emote instead of dialogue.
-Any abrupt movement or anything more than talking, taking very slight steps will stop casting.
-Casting will not create an opportunity for ranged objects to miss you, you are still very much so vulnerable to getting shot at.
-If the affected area is left, then the visions/alterations cease to exist for the individual and vice-versa, if you enter the area you gain them.
-Casting area must be visible to the caster should they turn around in a 360. (No casting over walls)

Ancient Elven Language:

Light Alteration - Combative / Non-Combative - 3 Emotes
The core and main ability of a Keeper is Light Alteration. This ability can be used to manipulate the light in an enclosed area such as a cave, a house, a room, etc. for a temporary amount of time.



Non-Combative: A Keeper can manipulate light and darkness in enclosed areas as they wish non-combatively. This means that they can’t do it during or before a fight, or to negatively affect other players. To do this they must perform the three required emotes and can affect an area for as long as they are present in such after performing it. The non-combative form of this ability can make a room appear as bright as a summer day, or as dark as a stormy night.

Combative: To perform this in combat, the Keeper must successfully perform their three emotes before they can manipulate the light in a room. Combatively they may change an enclosed space around them to either have the effect of direct sunlight, or direct moonlight.  This lasts for the duration of the combat so long as the keeper is not broken from their chanting/casting.

-Does not affect mystic fog.
-Will in fact cause irritation of sunlight by those affected (ex. Corcitura)
-Will never blind or disrupt someone from casting unless they choose to do so.
-Only as bright as direct sunlight on the ground, not looking at the sun.
-Only as dark as direct moonlight, meaning people can still see nearly fine.

Ancestral Sight - Non-Combative - 4 Emotes
For the blessed line of Velulaei is cursed with colorblindness and is one of the many core things that make them distinct from the many other families of the world. With this ability Keepers may alter the colors that affected individuals see to their liking, even resembling such colorblindness that the blessed line of Velulaei experiences themselves.



Mechanics:  This ability lasts for the duration of the Keeper being able to perform their casting. Once the ability is cast, the alteration that the affected individual sees cannot be changed. For example if a grayscale color blindness is cast, then it cannot be changed to be a red monochromatic sight after 2 emotes. This cannot be used in combat as it will have no negative effects upon those affected.

- Cannot be used in combat.

Lunar Charm - Non-Combative - 1+ Emote(s)
Keepers are able to make charms that individuals may carry with them that are a direct show of light/dark manipulation. Keepers may “charm” an object by inscribing a chant among its surface. This is a lesser version of light alteration and is often used to communicate a keeper’s existence with other keeper’s.




Mechanics: Taking an object and inscribing the ancient elven tongue upon it with a chant directly stating the purpose of the object in regards to light manipulation, a keeper creates a “Lunar Charm.” Lunar charms darken or lighten an individual's aura or the aura of an area around it. When placed on an individual the charm produces a 2x2 radius of Lightness or Darkness around them. This is a very minor spell and is exampled as if an individual is standing in sunlight, or their is a shadow cast upon them.

When an object is charmed within an area such as a totem, a monument, etc., Keepers create a passive version of Light Alteration. The same radius applies as it does casting based on the Keeper’s tier.

-Does not affect mystic fog.
-Will in fact cause irritation of sunlight by those affected (ex. Corcitura)
-Will never blind or disrupt someone from casting unless they choose to do so.
-Only as bright as direct sunlight on the ground, not looking at the sun.
-Only as dark as direct moonlight, meaning people can still see nearly fine.







-This magic does not affect seers and constructs.
-This magic is a feat, and is compatible with all beings as alchemy so long as they can speak.
-Light cannot be used to blind characters with this magic.
-Do not break any redlines.



Tier System
The tiering of this system relies on the Teacher using the teachings of mana-manipulation and ancient elven to teach their students to manipulate the light around them. For each tier that a student gains on a scale of 1-3, the area that they can affect grows larger. Once a student gains tier 3, they may apply for a TA and have their own students. Keepers may only have 3 students at a time.

Tier One : 2 Weeks 5x5
Tier Two : 4 Weeks 10x10
Tier Three : 6 Weeks 15x15



The purpose of this magic is to provide a fun way that players can enact environmental changes and affects to the active story around them through using their characters mana, alongside playing into the story of the many cave cities and races! It is a near-harmless feat and is mainly here to add onto the flavor of roleplay and storytelling.

((In other words, ik this may seemed as silly or stupid but hey, that's half of the roleplay on this server <3))

Credits - Qizu : )


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gonna be honest, i dont see how this magic goes any further than copy-paste elven scripts that a grand majority (Nivndil exempt) would likely not understand, as well most of the spells are already covered by other magics


also Velulaei was a shaman she wouldnt make her own magic (i would assume)

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15 minutes ago, Bhased said:

gonna be honest, i dont see how this magic goes any further than copy-paste elven scripts that a grand majority (Nivndil exempt) would likely not understand, as well most of the spells are already covered by other magics


also Velulaei was a shaman she wouldnt make her own magic (i would assume)

That could verywell be true, just got bored and did something for fun without any big hopes or dreams with it! Also hoping I could inspire someone to take such ramblings further with a different submission if it inspires them to do so!

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Could be interesting to look into and see in practice. Perhaps a whole slot magic based around incantions of ancient languages with inner mana might be something fun to look into!

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This lore has been denied.



Although well intended and written there are parts of this lore which thematically/fundamentally don't make much sense; such as the powersource being a sort of vague, undefined thing. The spells are a twist on illusion while the team has appreciated are somewhat thematic, don't seem to add much to the server or any notable community at the time; it's sort of  barebones and leaves question as to what it might add to the server, is simply all.



In any case thank you for your submission, take it easy.

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