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Alisgrad Newspaper; Issue I

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Alisgrad Newspaper.

Issued this 3rd of Snow's Maiden


A new king.


Following the last Kingsmoot during year 70 of the second age, Ragnvald Eiriksson Ruric was placed upon the throne much to the delight of many. Already he has been seen out with the locals and encouraging many with their goals. He has also brought in new titles, bestowing many as Knights. Hopefully, his good reign will last.


The patrols of the North.


Popularity within Alisgrad towards the Ashguard has doubled within the last few years and the recruitment drive has proven successful. People often crediting that to the new Marshal Asmund Camian. Many of the troops have been seen going on patrols, travelling within all of Norland and keeping the vassals and people safe. Ashguard is still looking for more members, promising pay, training and protection.


Popularity increase.


After the crowning of King Ragnvald, the once-sleepy city of Alisgrad seemed to bustle with activity once more. Many travelling to trade or to simply have a drink and talk. The locals themselves seem to have perked up, bringing old stories and reminiscing of times in Varhelm and the like. The popularity of Alisgrad doesn’t seem to be decreasing any time soon.


Newspaper recruit!


After many decades of an inactive newspaper, it’s within our best interest that it may return so no more locals are in the dark about internal affairs. So as a result, the newspaper is recruiting members who can go out and search for topics to report on and write up said reports. For now, the job is totally voluntary so pay will not be provided.




The official Alisgrad newspaper.


Head editor,

Olivia Freysson Ruric

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