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[Complete] Report (subprofits)


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Starting at around 7:28 PM, PST, An acre rally encountered subprofit's character standing at the gates of the Acre Keep. Upon sighting him, my character emoted a halt emote, threating their character to stay still while also brandishing a weapon.

[19:28:42] [Render thread/INFO]: [CHAT] APA 'Warlock': “Attention, Unknown.” The Behemoth boomed. “Cease, and Desist. Failure to comply will result in, extermination.” It declared, baring an ax on horseback.

During this time, another character, Seaxburh of Arichsdorf, whom was among the rally, approached the gates as subprofit's character began running without emote. Seaxburh emoted the following fiteen seconds after my emote.

[19:28:57] [Render thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Shout] [Recruiter] Seaxburh of Arichsdorf: “Halt!” The levyman would shout as he'd unsheathe his weapon, attempting to block the path of the oncomer.

Other members of the rally began filtering into the keep, as well as wandering outside, while subprofit, as of yet (From what I personall saw) was not hit, jumped off of the Acre wall without emote, and landed on the north side, close to the moat. Subprofits is now being chased by myself, Seaxburh, and one other on horseback, with other members of the rally reacting, when he logs out in the moat itself.

Seaxburh, on horseback, chased after, and emitted the following emote a mere second after the log.

[19:29:16] [Render thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Shout] [Recruiter] Seaxburh of Arichsdorf: “Halt!” The levyman would shout as he'd unsheathe his weapon, attempting to block the path of the oncomer.

It is clear that at the very least, subprofits is very well aware that he has been halted by a hostile rally, and is being chased by said rally when he fails to stop. With members of the rally on horseback, and subprofits stuck in water, sub opted to log out rather than face the rally.

A significant portion of the rally began to idle near the spot, suspecting that, at the very least, with a suspision that subprofits either had a conneciton issue, or deliberately logged out. The Acre Rally then observed as subprofits would log in, and then upon seeing that he was quite litterally surronded by the Acre rally, logged out. Around every time he logged in, a halt emote was provided by myself, which was ignored. This repeated a few times, before subprofits seemed to stop making his attempt to log in. It is around this time that a /modreq is made.

Following this, a significant portion of the Acre rally left to confront what was believed to be a hostile rally from subprofit's allies, leaving myself and one other to observe the log out location. It is only when the Acre and Mud(Subprofit's allies) have spotted eachother, that subprofit attempts to log back in. Upon seeing that there are two others staying near his log out location, subprofits logged back out.

Subprofits then began using his brief log in times to manuvere his avatar. When logged in, Subprofits seemed to have a few seconds of invulnerability, likely due to either a server-side mechanic, or rendering/latency. Subprofits would use these few seconds to continuesly move his way further and further down the moat, logging out and logging back in to make his manuevers. Even when the Acre Rally returned, Subprofits logged in, and was able to avoid hits. At one point, due to rendering, Subprofits logged in, and went unseen for a number of seconds, during which he made a distance of around twenty blocks before he was spotted. When players mounted on horses caught up to Subprofits, he immediately logged out. Finally, Subprofits logged on, and was not spotted or rendered. Using this time, subprofits left the scene, and escaped.


After five hours of waiting, all online moderators and admins had logged off without responce, prompting a forum report.




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DM TheVoiden#8514


1562, 96, -1202



Evidence of uncooperative conduct.


DM TheVoiden#8514




Before posting on this thread, please review the Report Rules.

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After speaking with both parties the roleplay was able to be redone and completed under proper guidance within the rules. Subprofits was given advice on how to handle the situation in the future in a better manner. Report closed.

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