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Writ of Dissolution


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Peace and Blessings,


The College of Cardinals write with sorrow to institute the dismantling of a union which has lasted many years. Marriage remains one of humanity’s most holy of sacraments, inspired by the example of the Exalted Horen and Saint Julia. Yet after a close discussion with Lord Dietrich, the College of Cardinals understand why it cannot continue, the marriage will not now, not ever be fruitful for the two. Their relations are cold and no children have been born from the marriage.


Therefore, we hereby with the imprimatur of the High Pontiff declare the union of Dietrich Barclay and Odessa MacPherson dissolved on the grounds of marital abandonment. With the union dissolved they are permitted by the Holy Office to remarry, but we implore both to take more caution in seeking matrimony going forward and demand that both seek the Church’s permit for future unions.


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“I wish him and his family all the best.” Odessa smiled a sad smile upon seeing the finalization of her divorce. “Bless you, Dietrich. We both know this was for the better.”

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William Lucian d'Arkent strained as he read the writ, his heavily inbred d'Arkent blood shouting profane things from out his subconscious to his foreconscious, "Your hot mom is single, William..." He shrieked and balled fists over his eyes, frantically shaking his head. In a frenzied burst of mania, his legs bolted before he knew it was happening, crashing himself against the brickwork of their shared basement and falling unconscious. 

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