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The Last of Her Time [PK]


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The Last of Her Time


    Mera Camian was born into a world of cataclysm and upheaval. She remembered little of those earliest days of her life during the fall of Arcas – scattered flashes of memory were all that remained; the shadows of childlike anxiety, mentions of demonic armies and the shattering of the sky over Morsgrad. Her first complete memories, though, were of her family and the founding days of Varhelm. For a time, then, there was peace, lasting through her first two decades. She began her endeavors into scholarship, made herself a friend of the Rimetrolls, and traveled a considerable amount. Yet it was not to last, and in her twentieth summer, the era of strife began which she eventually came to name the Bloody Years.


    Beginning with King Sven’s War, Norland entered into a period of successive wars, unending for well over half a century. Though hardly a warrior, Mera spent many years across many battlefields, losing blood to men, beasts and abominations alike. From defeat at the Empire’s hands, to the great slaughters perpetrated by the Svarlandic warhost, to the raids of the Skanarri tribals, she fought and fought, time and again. In the midst of the bloodying, at least, there was cause for some celebration, but so too was it a time of lament. While on one hand she assumed the office of High Keeper, once held by her grandmother and personal idol, on the other she saw a home destroyed for a second time in her life. By the time the next great war was to begin, however, she had already become elderly and was left to watch from afar as the world changed in the most drastic of ways.


    First, she watched as her homeland changed around her, well beyond her abilities to stop despite her best efforts. Then she watched as war toppled an Empire, and soon after even  the disappearance of its vestiges. Unifications, dissolutions, reformations and catastrophes had reshaped the world so considerably that Mera no longer recognized it. No longer was the world the one she had known in her youth. Rather, she had lived long enough to see it become something she found alien, and like most things it left her feeling bitter and disdainful. She made her efforts to change it, of course; to swim against the current, to fight the tides of change. But she was left with little to show for it. 


    Now, in her final moments, she reflected upon it all – perhaps not consciously, or with any intent, but reflection nonetheless. A clawing negativity seized her mind for a time as she wished ill on her lifetime's collection of enemies, but soon after it was followed by a pleasantness as she thought of her family and their accomplishments. Perhaps she could not keep the world she had wanted as a child, but at least her children had lived successfully and happily. Then, gentle thoughts in mind, all gave way to darkness, and the woman made her final departure. Finally, after nearly a century of life, Mera Camian, the last woman of her time, arrived at that which she had so desperately craved.

Peace. Peace, at long last.


Welcome to the obligatory PK post OOC spoiler. Thanks to everyone who contributed to Mera's story, hope everyone enjoyed her as much as I enjoyed playing her. Have a lovely rest of your day.


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Below the mountain in the Forge-Depths of Kal'Darakaan, the Rhun Prophet mourns the loss of his favorite Norlander diplomat from his reign.

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