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The Rexdom of Krugmar


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The Rexdom of Krugmar is the longest standing orcish civilization among the ancestry of descendents. Deriving its name from the first uruk, Krug, these lands are filled with battle-hardened people who strive for strength, power, and spirituality above all.


Below will contain information regarding the current leadership positions within the Rexdom.


The Rex is the leader of the Rexdom. Their role is to lead the urukin and their allies to new horizons and to expand the nation in ways they deem necessary. This role is decided by the current Rex at the time, or through a leadership council. This role is not gained through the ideas of “might makes right”.

The Dominus, a hand of the Rex, is tasked with all things diplomacy and anything relating to it. He handles relations with other descendants across the realm. If it were land you sought for your people, a pact of sorts, or wish to set up caravans to come to Krugmar, he would be the one to speak to first. In his absence, you may speak with the Rex directly on these matters. In the absence of the Rex, you are to speak with the Dominus instead in urgent matters relating to the Rexdom. He works closely alongside the Rex and Targoth to assure the Rexdom is safe and will continue to thrive.

The position of Targoth is dedicated to the member of Leadership that is in charge of the military of the Rexdom. They are tasked with working hard to recruit, train, and prepare the Rexdom for any conflicts whether they are present or future.


The Motshaman is the leader of the faith within the Rexdom. They must be a shaman and are hand-picked by the Rex to attain this position; however , challenges are welcome. Their goal is to guide the shamans within the Rexdom and to serve the urukin as a link to the spirits and their descendent souls. They often guide the leadership of the Rexdom in regard to what favors the spirits most.


The Yazgurtan is tasked with performing tasks for the Rexdom in regard to construction, industrialization, and more and is selected by the Rex however challenges are welcome. This position is essentially the “steward” of the nation and handles matters pertaining to housing and taxes.


The Rukagoth, a tool of the urukim. He is in charge of the creation of items, artifacts, and collecting such items that could better the Rexdom in many different forms. From the creation of powerful weapons, spiritual items, armor, tools, and even the mundane such as tankards, chairs, thrones, and specialty trinkets. He is the one to go to if you look to have something commissioned!


The Huntsgoth is the member of the leadership that is in charge of leading legendary hunts that aid the Rexdom. They are tasked with working with the Grubgoth for food supplies, holding hunting events, and training urukin to survive through the lands. This position is selected by the Rex; however, challenges are welcome.


The Grubgoth, the one who cooks and provides food and drink across the Rexdom. He is the individual who generally owns the taverns and bars and hires individuals to work them. He also provides the many food and drink options the Rexdom has to offer and actively searches the realm for new recipes! If you have any needs for food and drink, you should contact the Grubgoth!


Wargoth’s are the Clan Leaders within the Rexdom. Their role is to lead their clans to enlightenment and to serve the Rexdom faithfully. They are strong voices within the leadership of the government and serve crucial roles as representatives of their ideologies. 



The Goth position is the lowest form of leadership within the city and is given to individuals who have proven themselves to be useful to the Rexdom and are granted specialized orders and rewards from the higher echelons of the Rexdom’s Leadership.



Clans are the life of Krugmar. They are comprised of like minded orcs and often serve dedicated spirits and perform specific tasks based off of the clan itself. Below is a list of the recognized clans within the lands of Krugmar. Uruks can create a clan of their own by attaining members and approaching the rex with a declaration of their clan that must be accepted.

Clans who show significant dedication to the Rexdom may receive benefits such as land, titles, and more.

Clan Akaal was formed through the unification of three enlightened clans: Ram, Izig, and Mog. Dedicating themselves to shepherding their urukim brethren to the Stargush'Stroh, the Akaal emphasize blood and spiritualism. Seeing the threat of the darkness, the Akaal seek to be the light that vanquishes those dark forces that threaten the world. For these reasons, shamans, alchemists, and haruspex are common within the Akaal, working together to pioneer a new age of blood and flame for their people.

Clan Dregort was founded upon the basis of expanding the orcish race onwards into the sea that surrounds not only the orcish lands but many of the different nations and kingdoms upon Almaris. Descending from the son of Krug Dregort, this clan takes many sea-like aspects into its culture such as sailing, ship building, pillaging, and trading. The task given to this clan not only of the Uzg but of their ancestral lineage is to protect the harbors and docks of the Uzg alongside expanding the might of Krug throughout the seas.


Unlike uruks or ologs, goblins tend to lack the pure physical strength that others of their kin have. They are simply just not made to be these giant fighting machines that crush their enemy with their bare fists. Instead their strength lies elsewhere; in their mind. Goblins are cunning and creative creatures with the ability to come up and even create the most amazing machines. So, instead of crushing their enemy with their fists, they create something to accomplish that for them. Maybe a rock falling off at the right time, or maybe a very spiky roller being spun by the movement of the wagon pushed by some animals towards the enemy line.


This is what goblins are for. They think, plan and create machines of any purpose for their kin. Clan Ox intends to bring as many of these goblins together, to work together for even better inventions and creations. After all, where one may get stuck when inventing, another may find a way forward.


Clan Ungri is a clan of ologs created by the one known as Drekür. They are ferocious in battle and serve many purposes within the Rexdom. Whilst their knowledge does not span great lengths, they are capable of worshiping three spirits in which they devote themselves to fully; Enrohk, Leyd, and Gazigazh. The primary entity of the Ungri’s worship is the Great Maw.


The Lur clan has made their mark upon the Orcish people through their prowess in hunting, animalism, and husbandry. Lur himself was renowned for not only slaying large and insurmountable beasts, but for taming them as well. Lur-Goi, one of the first orcish cities, sat atop the back of the most fearsome opponent; a Scaddernak. Paying respect to the honor of his lineage, the trials have been changed to better reflect this.


The Lak clan is a clan known for their devotion to the Spirit of the swamp, Laklul. The members of Clan Lak are very identifiable due to their blue skin, a trait which is very rare to be seen outside of the clan. The Laks typically favour their clan hall to be located in the swamps and marshes around Krugmar.


Clan Dezokh-Nur specializes in diplomacy, storytelling, history keeping, and the material arts such as alchemy. While the clan isn’t specifically a clan of honoraries, it has a concentration of them larger than any other. As a result, those of Dezokh-Nur are Proto, Dark, or High Elves by blood mainly, with few rare Orcish bloodlines.


The Ugluk Clan are a semi-nomadic culture which subsists off of the bounties of their impressive livestock and from frequent raids upon their enemies. To be an Ugluk is to be a warrior, first and foremost, with all other aspects of life coming second. This is not to say that Ugluks are incapable of the arts or craftsmanship. To the contrary, Ugluks are renowned for their love of all things which bring passion to one’s life; whether it be through song or paint. Lastly, Ugluk culture is dominated by the ‘Two-Hornz’ philosophy. This doctrine holds that by competing with one another and creating conflict, all uruks will grow and prosper as one unit. The ‘Two-Hornz’ are headed by the patron spirits of Ugluk; Karazept and Qarkah.


Formed by the most fierce warrior of his time, Malgunus, Raguk is a clan dedicated to the defense of the Rexdom in its entirety. Using a particularly important metal known as bloodsteel and traditionally riding huge beasts known as Myrzym. The Orcs of the Raguk clan typically possessed red skin and worship the Trio Pantheon of Leyd, Gazigash and Genthrauz. 


Simply put Raguk is dedicated to three things above all else, defense of the Rexdom, strength and the pouring of blood.

Ever since the unification of the Orcish people, few names have stayed as constant as the name Gorkil. Renowned for their honor and ferocity in battle, they have been called by some the ‘Prime Orc’ - strong and honorable, but in return incredibly prone to their own bloodlust. Fueled by pride and a passion for combat, the clan has stood as a pillar of not just Orcish society, but the world. Empires have been founded and crumbled, the dead risen and fallen, but Gorkil still stands, steadfast, eternal.


Yar is a long-running clan of wisemen and those who dedicate themselves to reverence and worship of the spirits, founded by the great shaman Malog in Anthos. All Yars are given ruthless trials before adopting the name to properly instill in them the pillars and pitfalls of honor. Every Yar is expected to think for themselves and to have an acute awareness of the Spirits - for their eyes and Krug's are always upon us. 


There exists not the distinction among the Clan for 'good' and 'evil', as these are subjective terms even to the Spirits- what is not up for subjectivity, is honor and discipline. Though not every Yar will be famed as a 'great thinker', all can bring honor to him whose name they share through their thoughts and actions.


Among the Yars, bones are sacred as a symbol of structure, integrity and uprightness - several of the Pillars of Honor taught to every aspiring member. The removal of bones as a Clan punishment, an excruciating and fatal process known as Deboning, is a means by which the Yars declare a lack of these traits in the offender. Due to their symbolic nature, it is a practice among the Yars to adorn themselves with the bones of fallen enemies or of beasts slain in hunts, be it by simply hanging them from their person or by fashioning piercings thereof.


 “Wisdom is born of a strong mind. It is more practical than philosophy, agh goes beyond mere knowledge. It is the ability for right living, common sense, wit, resolution of life’s problems, agh success beyond material gain. Gruk for latself, but heed the blahings of those more experienced with the respect agh consideration due them. Learn from life, agh apply latz learning in a way that means something.”


-The Contemplations of Malog, V1



The trophy system is the initiative system set forth by the higher leadership of the Rexdom to promote interaction between Clans and the Rexdom. Below you will find a list of events and things clans may perform to attain trophies towards their name, which are exchangeable for rewards on behalf of the Rexdom. Individuals are not allowed to gain trophies for themselves, and must work with a clan to attain rewards or create their own.

Failure to attain any trophies during a two week period results in the deformation of the clan until they have returned to strength, and will lose wargoth status within the Rexdom.

Trophy Opportunities
+ 1 Public spirit for Rexdom members to one of the clan's designated spirits.
+ 1 Public event hosted by the clan within the Rexdom.

+ 1 Public military training hosted by the clan.
+ 1 100 Mina or More Donation on behalf of Clan.
+ 2 Public Event at the Clan Hall of the Clan in which 5+ members were present.
+ 2 500 Mina or More Donation on behalf of Clan.
+ 5 Clan Rallied 5+ members for the defense of the Rexdom.
+ 5 Defeat within a Clan War.
+ 1-5 Donations made to the treasury on behalf of the Clan.
+5 1,000 Mina or More Donation on behalf of Clan.
+10 Victory within a Clan War.


Trophy Rewards

5 The clan receives a spirit walk from the Motshaman.

5 The clan receives a guided hunt for a legendary beast on behalf of the Huntsgoth.
5 The clan may receive a special item crafted by the Rukagoth.

15 The clan may declare clan war upon another clan.

15 The clan may ask the Rexdom for amounts of gear for specific purposes, or items from the Rexdom’s storage.
20 The clan may take a loan from the Rexdom’s Treasury for clan improvements.
25 The clan may earn a clan hall outside of the city for themselves, paid for by the Rexdom.

25 The clan may appoint one of their members to a Goth position within the Leadership.
25 The clan receives a build from the Yazgurtan or other Engineers within Leadership.



Clan wars have served as a strong inner-conflict for ages within the lands of orcs. However in recent times, the presence of such has diminished almost entirely. However, they are essential to the growth of the Rexdom therefore the process of such a war must be defined clearly.



To declare a clan war, the Wargoth of a clan must publicly declare such to a clan and then make a paper declaration that will be posted within the Rexdom. After this declaration, the defending clan has a minimum of 24 hours of grace before conflict may begin. To declare a clan war, the clan must have the set forth requirements listed above in the trophy system.

The rules of a Clan War are simple. Clans are able to deface and destroy property, have conflict, destroy objects, and more. Clans however are recommended not to bring death upon other urukin and can be punished if they are found to seek such of the other clan. During clan wars the Rex may declare terms for victory or alter terms set forth by the clan as they deem necessary. Clan wars may also be put on halt should the safety of the Rexdom come into question.



The will by which the orcish people follow. To go against the ancient codes is to spit upon KRUG and his people. 





On the Krug-Hai


Here follows the ancient code of the Krug-Hai, Krug’s most loyal warriors. All warriors are expected to hold these as their own honor.


Code Azh; To go against the will of the Rex is to spit on Krugs name. Below the word of the Rex is the Dominus and Targoth, who may only be defied by words directly from the Rex.

Code Dub; One may not overthrow the Rex without previous approval of all the goths followed by a klomp.

Code Gakh; One may not kill the defenseless or unarmed. They may be captured, but not slain. 

Code Futh; To raid or attack the allies of Krugmar is to violate the will of KRUG

Code H’; Using one’s military rank to influence the decision of their superiors is to dishonor one’sself and demerit their worth.


On the Spirits


Here follows the laws of the spirits, which govern religion and mojo within the Uzg. All Uruk-hai are expected to hold these as their own honor.


Code Azh; Faith in the Spirits must be absolute; The gods of outsiders may not hold higher in one's heart than the spirits do.

Code Dub; Greater than any other weakness of faith, practicing bûrz’mojo such as Dark Shamanism, Necromancy or Naztherak disgusts the Spirits and violates the will of KRUG.

Code Gakh; To use the gift of Shamanism to further one’s personal agenda, rather than as a tool to guide and worship, is to abuse the Spirits themselves.

Code Futh; Injuring or killing a shaman outside of an agreed-upon klomp violates the will of KRUG, the Spirits, and weakens the Uruk-hai.

Code H’; To conspire with, shelter, or conceal a Dark Shaman is to be an accessory to their abuse of the Spirits.


On Honor


Here follows the laws of honor, the cornerstone of Orcish culture; It is they that keep us on the path of Krug. All Uruk-hai are expected to hold these as their own honor.


Code Azh; To klomp one who is unarmed, one must cast off their weapons as well. To ignore this command weakens one’s honor.

Code Dub; To slay one who is outnumbered or vastly weaker than you is to shame the name of KRUG. They may be captured, but not killed.

Code Gakh; To kill someone who isn’t expecting it, such as during an honor klomp where death is not agreed upon or when they believe they are one's friend, spits upon the name of KRUG.

Code Futh; Slaying a brudda outside of an honor klomp where such was agreed upon weakens the Uruk-hai.

Code H’; Knowingly evading the consequences for one's actions, whether defeat or violation of the codes, is cowardice; One should accept their punishment.

Code H’Azh; To form an oath or give one's word but fail to uphold it violates the will of KRUG and weakens one's honor. One’s word should never be questioned; It is one's law.

Code H’Dub; Intentionally sewing rebellion and strife is not the uruk way; It is Krug’s will that his people openly state their dissatisfaction, not whisper of it in the shadows.

Code H’Gakh; Refusing to honor the terms of a klomp spits on KRUG’s name and weakens one’s honor. Krug favors those who fight the hardest for what they believe.

Code H’Futh; A klomp without reason is a klomp worth no honor; This includes klomps with outsiders who have done nothing to slight the Uruk-hai.

Code Azhty; To intentionally harm a kub of any race disgraces KRUG as well as oneself. Injury during training, trials, or klomps challenged by the kub themselves are the only exceptions.

Code Azhty-Azh; Stealing from one’s bruddas, whether through stealth or honorless klomping, weakens one’s honor.

Code Azhty-Dub; Kneeling to any-ONE or any-THING violates the will of KRUG and weakens one’s honor.

Code Azhty-Gakh; To force another to kneel disgusts KRUG; The dishonor of the act falls to the one who forced it to happen.


On Snagas


Truth be told, the Snagas of old were an outdated act to abuse the powers Krug has granted us. It was to give into the spirits demands and forgo a true sense of HONOR above all else. The honorable alone are strong enough to conquer any task at hand and require no aid from those who are not driven by a sense of honor. Finally, many times has Snagadom led to the abuse of those forced into it and resulted in half-breed children left to suffer a cursed life. 


On Punishments


Should an honorable stray away from the written codes, their punishment will be decided by the Rex, Dominus, or Targoth. It may also be delivered by their clan’s Wargoth. 


Painting; A period of atonement served by painting an orc’s body with symbols, words and pigments to shame them. They may not wash the painting off until their atonement has been served.

Disarming; A period of punishment delivered by the confiscation of an orc’s weapons and barring from obtaining more until the punishment has been served. They may not participate in raids or challenge others to klomp during this time.

Pugging; A period of penance served by painting an orc’s tusks and face and encouraging the community to flog and shame them without retaliation. During this time, their klomps are invalid and they are considered honorless.

Cursing; A period of penance served by an orc submitting themselves to being cursed by the shamans for their crimes, directly inflicting the spirits’ ire upon them for a period of time.

Branding; Atonement served by the permanent branding of a sigil representing the offender’s crime.

Mutilation; Crippling or maiming an offender in such a way that in the future they are unable to perform their crime again; The severing of a thief’s hand, the removal of a liar’s tongue, etc.

Whitewashing; Atonement served by banishment from orcish society and allowing them to be hunted with impunity. Those who are Whitewashed must undergo trials to lift their status.

Sacrifice: Execution carried out in the name of the spirit or spirits that an orc has wronged, optionally delivered through klomping until they are slain.

Execution; Execution delivered without the right to klomp or done in the name of the spirits, considered the harshest possible punishment, as it is a death denied of any honor.



The Krug-Hai is an army dating back many generations of orcs. Tasked with the purpose of defending the realm of urukind as well as performing operations set forth by the residing government within the orcs.




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These pictures remind me of 80's and 90's fantasy book covers. Pretty.

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Hm... missing the part that bans relationships. I know it exists. 


In addition, trophy system? 




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