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[✓] [In-Game Ban] [Gloonkey] Appeal


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Minecraft IGN(s):






Christfallen Warrior#2026


Ban Selection


In-Game Ban


Ban Reason


https://imgur.com/a/H3HdqBE Hopefully this link works, if it doesn't, just ask me to create a new one.


What circumstances led to this ban?


I was going to Celianor shortly before my ban. I was, without my prior knowledge, attacked ICly by another player, Nerdpocalypse (I don't remember his name in full), and immediately logged off as soon as I was attacked. I was later confronted on this by moderation (I won't say who unless asked because I don't want to seem vindictive at all) who decided, after my past convictions (I've been warned and banned numerous times in the past for this exact rule violation) that it was a boy-who-cried-wolf scenario, and that I would be banned for 3 months, at the time to my chagrin.


Are there aspects of the ban you agree and/or disagree with?


I'll admit, I do agree with the ban. It was also stipulated that this ban was for 3 months, which I ultimately came to see the reasoning of. It's very easy to get angry at a ban at the time, but I'll admit, I was in a deeply toxic mindset at the time, and I think the break from LOTC was necessary in hindsight. I was a pretty unpleasant player and person to be with both ICly and OOCly, and often let my OOC feelings bleed into IC, which negatively affected RP. But I also think that I'm ready to return to LOTC in a controlled fashion at this point.


What motivates you to return to LOTC?


I've spent a lot of time righting past wrongs and improving myself. I won't name names, but I've done a few things to try and make it up to the people that I've been unpleasant to in the past, and I'm hoping to continue on that trend. In the event that that stops to be the case, then please, ban me again. I'll probably be very vindictive and angry about it, but ultimately it'll be for my own good. This might sound like a pessimistic statement, but I have, somewhat, come to terms with the fact that at least in certain instances, my judgements can be stunted by emotion. I'm not quite sure whether this is motivated by ADHD or something else that I might have undiagnosed, but I am admittedly determined to find out what. Regardless of this, I want to return to see if I can do it again properly, without messing up, and I ask you guys to be patient with me on that front. Apologies if this seems a little bit on-the-nose, but I do wish to be transparent with staff & the community regarding this.


Attach other relevant information.


Nothing that comes to mind, but if it does, I'll either add to the thread or ping whomever takes this.

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