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[✗] [In-Game Ban] [Tiocfaidh_ar_la (I forget the other one)] Appeal


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Minecraft IGN(s):


Tiocfaidh_ar_la (I forget the other one)






Ban Selection


In-Game Ban


Ban Reason


Major Toxicity [Transphobia]


What circumstances led to this ban?


(Re-posting the first half of the requirements below as it is relevant)

Over a period of several weeks, an individual in the Haelun'or Discord had harassed me multiple times and acted in a bigoted and hateful way towards me because of my Religious and Political convictions. I brought these instances to the moderation several times to no avail. The abuse continued to happen and so I decided to test a theory, to see what the outcome would be if I targeted this person over something that they held dear, in this case, the fact that they are Transgender.

Ultimately, I was banned for posting a Transphobic meme, and the owner of the Discord reached out to inform me that due to 'optics', I had to be banned and that they couldn't be banned, as it is a worse offence to insult someone because they are Transgender as opposed to someone being Christian or Conservative. Which led to me actually leaving the Discord and community - A community I had been apart of for 10 years, without issue.

With regards to how this can be avoided in the future, I will endeavor not to react and reply. There is a lot to be said about being the bigger man in situations like these, and the only person I'm letting down is myself for stooping to the levels of others. I should have been more mature and sensible and not posted the meme, I should've simply stopped replying and contacted the moderators again, or pushed for a ban report on LOTC.


Are there aspects of the ban you agree and/or disagree with?


Upon some introspection, I am fully in agreement with the ban, though I would've appreciated some more understanding as to where I was coming from, the ban was certainly warranted and in fact, I am thankful for the ban as it has allowed me time to reflect upon my actions and has led me to a better place today.


What motivates you to return to LOTC?


I'd like to be unbanned as I've played on this server for many, many years and though it has its faults and sour moments, ultimately it is a force for good. I don't think one mistake should define someone and I'd very much like to continue playing on lotc. I do see the error in my ways and what I did was not right, if I could take it back, I would without hesitation.


Attach other relevant information.


I reached out to the moderator that banned me and also the individual whom I offended to apologize. I hope I can be forgiven.

Luke 6:37
“Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.”

Edited by Gavin_
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It's very worrying how you're writing these appeals. It's obvious that you don't take any accountability for what you've said or done.



On 2/10/2023 at 8:56 PM, Gavin_ said:

I brought these instances to the moderation several times to no avail.

IF this is true, then the report wasn't substantial enough.


In your next appeal, please do the following:

  • Offer an apology to the person you insulted
  • Offer an apology to the community for what you've done
  • Refrain from justifying your actions. It doesn't show you're sorry.


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