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The Edict of Staalgrav, 466 E.S.


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Naf zwy 5th hag i Gronna ag Droba i 466 E.S.





In recent years it has become apparent to Us that our Judicial System is ailing. Since the dismissal of the former Jovenaar Atilan Bishop at the Recommendation of the Royal Duma and the High Justiciar, it has become evident to Us that a system in which the Aulic Court sits as part of the Aulic Council, and therefore finds itself subject to the whims of the Royal Duma, is one that is flawed, and lacks justice. A system where the Judge is also Prosecutor and Investigator is one that We cannot believe to be just and fair.


It had always been Our intent to revise the Aulic Court and the Judicial System during Our reign, but recent events has proven to Us a necessity to move forward with these revisions and reforms with the utmost haste.


We have long thought of how to muster this revision, as it stands, We see the Office of the Justiciar as an amalgamation of two offices: The Aulic Court, which encompasses the judges; and the High Justiciar’s Office of old, which encompasses the prosecutors and investigators. It is Our goal to return to a similar state of things, one in which the Aulic Court, the Judicial body, shall remain independent of all influence, not influenced by the Aulic Council nor the Royal Duma, but simply as servants to Our Crown and Kingdom.


We do therefore Proclaim the Following:


On the Office of the High Justiciar

I. The Office of the High Justiciar shall henceforth be defunct, and its duties divided as follows between the Aulic Court, the Office of the Lord Palatine, and the Brotherhood of St. Karl:

II. The duty to hold trial, cast judgement, and review the Laws of the Realm shall be maintained by the Aulic Court.

III. The duty to prosecute criminals shall fall to the Lord Palatine, who shall be responsible for the employment and training of Prosecutors.

a. The Lord Palatine may, at such a time where they view it necessary or prudent, delegate their duties to a Crown Prosecutor.

IV. The duty to investigate crimes and crime scenes shall fall to the Brotherhood of Saint Karl.


On the Aulic Court

I. The Aulic Court shall be responsible for the swift administration of justice and resolution of legal disputes put before it.

II. Upon the Aulic Court shall sit the Chief Jovenaar and their associate Jovenaars.

a. Jovenaars shall be appointed at the Will of the Crown, by nomination of the Chief Jovenaar of the Aulic Court.
b. A Jovenaar shall serve until their resignation, death, or removal by the Crown.
c. Those who sit upon the Aulic Council and the Royal Duma shall be ineligible to serve as Jovenaar.

i. A Jovenaar who wishes to serve upon the Aulic Council or the Royal Duma may temporarily vacate their position as Jovenaar, whereby they shall be reinstated once their term is over.

II. The head of the Aulic Court shall be the Chief Jovenaar, who shall be the most senior of the Jovenaar, usually elected by seniority at the discretion of the Crown, and who shall be tasked with the training and nomination of prospective Jovenaars, as well as the organisational duties of the Aulic Court.


On Present Matters

I. The current Jovenaars, those being Lady Adele Ludovar and Mister Arthur Stafyr have been given the choice of continuing as a Jovenaar of the Aulic Court, or becoming a Prosecutor under the Palatial Office.

a. Lady Adele has chosen to continue her long career as a Jovenaar. Mister Arthur elected to continue as a Jovenaar. Additionally, Lord Haus Weiss also chose to continue pursuing the position of Jovenaar, and has thus been elevated to it by will of the King, having completed his training.

b. The same shall apply to all wards presently in the Judicial Office, who shall be offered the choice between being educated towards becoming a Jovenaar or a Prosecutor.

II. The current curriculum for the former Office of the High Justiciar shall be reviewed and revised by the King, Lord Palatine, and Chief Jovenaar, to further the apt education of future Jovenaar and Prosecutors.

III. Lady Adele Ludovar shall, as the previous High Justiciar and the most senior Jovenaar, sit as the Chief Jovenaar of the Aulic Court.



Damar lifsti va Edlerviki,

His Royal Majesty, Georg, by the Grace of Godan, King of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Hetman of the Army, Hochmeister of the Order of the Crow, Prince of Bihar, Dules, Lahy, Muldav, Solvesborg, Slesvik and Ulgaard, Duke of Carnatia and Vanaheim, Margrave of Korstadt, Rothswald and Vasiland, Count of Alban, Siegrad, Werdenburg,  Alimar, Baranya, Graiswald, Karikhov, Karovia, Kaunas, Kavat, Kovachgrad, Kvasz, Markev, Nenzing, Torun, and Toruv, Viscount of Varna, Baron of Esenstadt, Kraken’s Watch, Kralta, Krepost, Lorentz, Rytsburg, Buck, Thurant and Astfield, Lord of the Westfolk, Protector and Lord of the Highlanders, etcetera.

Her Excellency, Adele Emma Ludovar, Chief Jovenaar of Hanseti-Ruska

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Adele Ludovar, now the Chief Jovenaar of Hanseti-Ruska breathes a heavy yet relieved sigh as she hefts her aged body up from her desk. "At last ..." She whispers.

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