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Pact of Grugnar : The Man In The Cave


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The Spirit Grugnar within his Cave.




The rocky and cave-like shrine of Grugnar stood at the end of a small and otherwise empty alleyway, three seekers approached with reverence, kneeling before the shrine as one offered a humble clay totem in sacrifice to the mighty spirit. Rhythmic chanting was lead in the elder tongue of the spirits, one master and one acolyte spoke in unison as they called forth the primal energies of the spirits – soon the group began to feel drowsy, and they awoke to find themselves hurtling through the comic void. All was black, yet there was a distinct smell of mud and earth in the distance as the trio fell into a large canyon of red rock, in front of them was the legendary cave of Grugnar.


Soon they entered the cave, and heard the sounds of the primordial past echo throughout the cavern. The smell of salt and water hit them as they went deeper, conversing of what to do in this situation, it was then decided that they would call out to the Spirit in the elder language. One by the name of Bjarg’Duhr stepped forward, echoing forth as he called upon the spirit, who soon echoed back from all around, asking of intentions and wishes. Bjarg soon responded, asking to be the spirits servant, their agent in the mortal world… This was accepted, and the pact was made as Bjarg lowered his head – various cave paintings about the cavern lit up, and grew ever brighter, blinding those travellers as they soon returned to their bodies, awaking nearby the shrine. Bjarg knew this was just the beginning of his journey to serve Grugnar, and with humble words did he thank the shamanic master for their wisdom and guidance, before setting off to contemplate what to do next.



Bjarg’Duhr’s Pact with Grugnar, lesser of Kotrestruu - 4/5 magic slots.


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