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[Clan Jusmia] Sect Carnelian

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Carnelian was the second-born child of Jus and Mia. Carnelian counted himself among the Veluatites of ancient Magara'lin. Turning his attention to the spirits. Carnelian bore credit to the shamanic arts spreading to his family. An understanding of life was key for Carnelian, the simple how and why of the material world. These teachings were passed down from generation to generation until making their way into the modern world.
Sect Carnelians’ Function in Jusmia
Carnelian serves as the most spiritually attuned. Their focus is on understanding the material world and the spiritual world. Where these two worlds collide and to further bolster Jusmian faith in Vau’loz. Knowledge of the ancestors reigns supreme, where stories are fashioned from the past. These storytellers guide many in their times of need. Tending to shrines, their creation, and spiritual scriptures for the clan fall in the duties of the Carnelian.  
Sect Carnelians’ Ideology & Spiritual Theorem
Carnelian Ideology revolves around the worship of Immortal, Elemental, and Ancestral Spirits. Notely, understanding them and their whims, and drawing the lines between them. How these spirits interact with each other and the material world. The spirit domain, for Carnelian and as they teach it to Jusmia as a whole, is that the spirit realm is this world's subconscious. Unlike Daemons and Aenguls that deal only in absolutes, if the mortal world changes, so does the Spirit Realm. This understanding is carried with them through all they do, that it is upon them to spread this knowledge and shape the spirits as mortals see fit. Only their actions can ever change these deities, and it is for this reason, that the spirits need power above all else. Or the mortal races will ever be bound to unchanging Aenguls and Daemons. 

Sect Carnelians’ Tatau

Sect Carnelians Tatau is given upon completion of Sect Trials. These are mortal markings or shamanic markings as proof of growth.

Tatau of Carnelian
Granted upon adoption to Sect Carnelian.



Tatau of Immortals
Granted Upon Completion of Sect Carnelian Immortal Trials



Tatau of Elementals
Granted Upon Completion of Sect Carnelian Elemental Trials



Tatau of Ancestors
Granted Upon Completion of Sect Carnelian Ancestor Trials



Tatau of Tales

Given upon completion of Sect Carnelian Tales Trials



Tatau of Faith
Given upon Completion of Sect Carnelian Faith Trials



Sect Carnelian Trials

To be counted among theCarnelian, the Jusmia must perform and complete at the very least, two Carnelian Trails and be marked by their tatau by another Jusmia as proof of completion. Once two trials have been completed, they are marked with the Tatau of Carnelian.

Trial of Immortals
Carnelian Trails are centred around the spirits of the spirits. Making their completion long and gruelling. The Trail of Immortals begins with the offerings at any Immortal spirit shrine. Then, one enters that Immortal Spirits domain to locate one lesser spirit of it. To complete this trial, the Jusmia will have proof that they have located three lesser spirits of three different immortal spirits after conducting an offering at the Greater Immortal Spirits shrine.

Trial of Elementals
Carnelian Trails are centred around the spirits of the spirits. Making their completion long and gruelling. The Trail of Elementals begins with the offerings at any Immortal spirit shrine. Then, one enters that Elemental Spirits domain to locate one lesser spirit of it. To complete this trial, the Jusmia will have proof that they have located three lesser spirits of three different immortal spirits after conducting an offering at the Greater Elemental Spirits shrine.

Trial of Ancestors
Carnelian Trails are centred around the spirits of the spirits. Making their completion long and gruelling. The Trail of Ancestors begins with the offerings at any Ancestor spirit shrine. Then, one enters  Stargush to locate an Ancestral Spirit of Jusmia. Then, undertake a task for that ancestor in the spirit realm or material world. To complete this trial, the Jusmia will have proof that they have located three Jusmia ancestors, and conducted the tasks asked of them by that Ancestoral Spirit. 

Trial of Tales
The Maehr in question will write five stories of Jusmia for Jusmia. Be it stories from older clan members or Ancestor Spirits, or short stories of their own design. 


Trial of Faith
The Maehr in question fully converts another mortal soul to the will of the spirits. 

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Kor'garr, Skriptgoth of the Horde, hums with clear interest as red eyes look over all the details of Sect Carbelian in their description-slash-charter. A large handlebar mustache curls upwards below the furrowing of a bushy, singular brow.


"Minii clan wythin dah Clan Jusmia? Fazcinatyng. Zhuld blah wyth dem next tik aht Nor'Azath."

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