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A Talon’s Journal: The Dreamer’s Marsh [Report 1]


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The Document was fixed on the Band’s noticeboard within Amathine and given to couriers to spread news throughout Aevos, firstly around the regions of Nor’Asath and Talar’Nor. All had to know to stray clear of that dreaded place.


The Band's Expedition Log


Location: The Dreamer’s Mash

Date: 7th of The First Seed, Year 133 of the Second Age.

Attendees: One High Flock Councilor, One Master Sealgair, One Talon, Four Novices, Two Recruits.


Reports of disappearances from the realms of Nor’Asath and Talar’Nor resonated far and wide, reaching the Band of the Crossed Claw. The threats that lurk in darkness claimed the lives of many; of brave adventurers, scholars and common folk who had ventured within, never to return. They were all gone without a trace. The sacred Oath, sworn before the Wild, called. The Council of the High Flock thoroughly planned the expedition, with the purpose of comprehending the dreaded Nightsong, the dreamless sleep. It is unknown if this phenomenon is the manifestations of ancient remnants of dark arcane arts or a natural occurrence of the region, thus, march not with holy fire and aurum, for this must be preserved if it concerns Nature’s balance.


A stern warning to the foolish, the greedy, to the savage mercenaries, as well as to the untrained hunters: those whose intent is to disturb nature’s balance, take heed, all nature shall be left untouched, free from further harm. Venture not in this place.


The Band located an opening in the earth, a sinkhole that gave way to an intricate network of subterranean caves. The fissure is wide enough for a large individual to take the plunge in the dark, requiring a sufficient length of rope of at least 20 feet to safely descend within. The humid air permeates the upper levels, streams of water infiltrations create a prolific environment for luminescent moss to grow, so far, no toxic gasses have been detected and fire is a safe method of fully illuminating the darkness, at least, in the upper levels. The labyrinthine tunnels extend horizontally devoid of major inclines. Yet they are susceptible to tremors, brought forth by the ever shifting Marshland above, thus collapses are common and fresh fault lines emerge every day. The primary method of exploration is finding these fault lines as they manifest above ceilings of the deeper levels of the caverns. Traces of expeditions past have been found, the unfortunate remains are stripped of all flesh, rendering identification impossible. Nonetheless a burial will be arranged, may they be one with the Hunt. It is still unknown if other fissures exist or if the caverns creep deeper in the underworks of the Marsh. The caves are nests for nocturnal predators of the marshes; Aevos harbors a new magnificent specimen of carnivorous vespidae, lurking the upper levels of the caves, only to resurface with the favor of the dark and prey upon victims of the Marsh.


Pyrana Wasps.

  • Physiology
    • About half an inch of length and dark in color. These insects possess similar physiology to that of bees and wasps, divided in 3 distinct parts, head, thorax and an extremely oblong abdomen.
      • Head: Oval in shape, with red eyes which reflect light in darkness, their sensory organs are very susceptible to sudden changes of light.
      • Thorax: Round with narrow waist which connects to the abdomen.
      • Abdomen: Oblong and elliptical, their barbed stinger extending further than other insects.
  • Habitat
    • Dark recesses of swamps and marshes, they are nocturnal predators and only come out at night.
  • Behaviour
    • The Pyrana wasps move in giant swarms, so packed that they appear as one entity, often mistaken for lurking shadowy creatures, dotted in red eyes. At night, they prey on the unfortunate which cross their path, puncturing skin with their strong and serrated stinger and crawling in deeper with their mandibles. Ineffective alone, dreaded together. They can strip flesh from bone, leaving nothing behind. Their small size allows it to get into gaps of armor and clothes.


Karkossa Spiders.

  • Not enough have been observed to provide an accurate description: The ones found so far are small and able to spit a potent acid that melts through metal with ease.


A second expedition is in the works to reach deeper, armed with the newfound knowledge unearthed from the depths.


Report End.




OOC: Public report of an event (06/16/23) taken place inside the Dreamer's Marsh hosted by White_Wolf. Many thanks to them for the awesome exploration!



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