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[✓] [In-Game Ban] [AstienGreenhart] Appeal


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Minecraft IGN(s):








Ban Selection


In-Game Ban


Ban Reason


Investigation Ban


What circumstances led to this ban?


(It's been a while, but this is how I remember it)
There was a discussion in the main LoTC discord server around a certain player (I can't remember their username after 3+months) having unsavoury tastes of a mature nature, and comparisons were made between LoTC and other game communities that they were in, in which they had reportedly begun looking at things in an NSFW way. It was revealed that they were a part of a group that I'm vehemently against, and I became quite emotional. I also had DMed the player on discord to ask about the claims the other person made, and they revealed even more of the (to my mind) messed-up things they were interested in.

It was late at night, and I made some bad decisions, speaking out against this person in the discord server in ways that definitely went way too far - saying things along the lines of "A ban isn't enough, they need to be crusaded IRL", "Doxx and show up with a bomb".

I did intend for the statements to be cruel, to show hate, but I didn't think of them at the time as being literal. When the moderator I spoke to phrased it as encouraging someone to do those things, it made me realise exactly what I'd said, and, though you might not believe me, I was horrified.

I was subsequently banned for 3 months from the server and the discord servers while they investigated whether it would need to be an admin ban or not. I haven't had an answer yet on whether it was, so I'm sending this appeal through both channels. I allowed myself to get too involved, when I should have let things run their course with moderation, or whatever else needed to happen. I got too heated, and knowingly broke the rules. I genuinely regret what I did, and in future, I believe I can separate my IRL prejudices more.


Are there aspects of the ban you agree and/or disagree with?


None that I disagree with. I realise that I went way too far, breaching policies left and right. The punishment was necessary, and I fully agree with the decision to inflict it.


What motivates you to return to LOTC?


Overall, it's just something I very much enjoy doing, playing on the server. I used to be active whenever I was able to, and I've been wanting to return since the ban started.


Attach other relevant information.


[Resubmission of previous appeal with more information on ban reasons, as requested by moderator annabanana1014]

Screenshot 2023-08-31 211402.png

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Appeal accepted.


Please do not let this happen again.


Welcome back!

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