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[Amendment] Fae Seed Drawback


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  • Epiphytes are only able to will themselves to produce a fae seed should the plant be dead, should there be a map change, or should leaving the plant result in certain death or corruption.




  • Producing a fae seed is incredibly painful to an epiphyte. They are incapable of using epiphyte abilities for 1 OOC day, producing a fae seed for 1 OOC week, increase their effective number of experienced rebirths by one, and find their next rebirth occurring 20 OOC weeks earlier than it should (to a minimum of 10 as normal.) This does not apply to map transition, initial placements, or pasting errors.


OOC Purpose
The vagueness of creating fae seeds in current lore seems to be confusing people, as on multiple instances I've seen it treated as just a chore rather than a painful sacrifice on behalf of the epiphyte themselves. It is supposed to act as a final last resort for an epiphyte or a penalty to not properly protecting a fae plant, which I hope this amendment will provide.

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Amendments/Additions implemented into main lore post. Thank you for your submission. Moving to correct subforum to prevent redundancy and clutter.

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