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Since the days of old, there has always been a sense that the discovery of GOD is the most important point in our life. It is from prayer to Him, where we get our wisdom to get on with our lives and leave our troubles behind, it is through GOD to whom we submit, it is through Him who lets us either be victorious or be lost.


It is what GOD has in store for us that determines the path of our lives, He tests those whom He loves the most and instead of feeling in deep sadness because of this test, live on to feel grateful for this test is meant to make you learn of your mistakes and do what GOD would have wanted you to do. 


It is however no secret that some people feel like they are above GOD due to their mortal authority that they have over others on these lands, yet to do so proves that you do not believe; you abuse the trust of the GOD worshiping people that you govern. To not believe is to walk into a dark cave without light and to eventually die in the said cave; yet with the light you are able to carefully guide yourself to where you had gotten in. 


During your baptism you prove yourself to live up to the teachings that the Exalted have written in the Holy Scrolls and with that comes the temptations that Iblees is putting in front of you during your lifetime and you will truly prove yourself when you know how to cope with such and how to make your Creator proud. 


We do not live to be so recklessly guided by daemons, we live in this world to acknowledge the authority of GOD in the our lives and how it is Him who keeps us from Hell once we pass. The importance of GOD is something that almost can not be described in words neither properly formulated for it must be occurring naturally to you that you see him as your only superior and the One True Church as His vicar.


Bring back philosophy!!!!


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The Holy Knight Halston reads over the missive carefully multiple times.. "Perhaps for some this would be a troubling thing to hear, I hope this man is not hated for revealing some truth indirectly into the actions of others. May flame guide him, and GOD keep his immortal soul."

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