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[✗] [In-Game Ban] [Kardika] Appeal


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Ban Selection


In-Game Ban


Ban Reason


Improper Villany, meta-gaming https://imgur.com/a/wBFo5I8


What circumstances led to this ban?


I thought it would be funny to go on a drunken rampage with a buddy and light a few houses on fire and act like a general nuisance irp. So I first lit a house on fire in Norland (sorry Aehmi), before traveling to Nor'asath. In nor'asath I broke down a few doors chasing some people. when the door was jammed I lit the inside of the house on fire and put a few signs before running away. The ban is completely fair, I basically disregarded the rules of villany rp. this is not an excuse but I was under the impression that you were allowed to light stuff on fire without asking staff, due to a previously resolved modreq. However I should of looked over the rules before doing anything irp. As well, I forgot that you had to make an emote for each attempt to breakdown a door, I usually forget that is a thing you have to do but it is no excuse and now I do know better. It was an honest mistake, while having a bit of fun I completely disregarded the rules of Villany rp, and in the future I will be sure to follow the rules. Even though no real lasting damage was done I understand why it was reported. I can see from their perspective that it was probably annoying to deal with someone not following the rules even for a minor incident.


Are there aspects of the ban you agree and/or disagree with?


The only thing I do partly disagree with was the accusation of metagaming. it was a few days ago but I remember seeing the people going behind a few locked doors through a window of their shop. so I broke down the first set of doors, and then attempted to break down the second set of locked doors which then jammed. I would say my character irp knew the people were hiding and so would realistically book it for the second set of locked doors instead of the unlocked upper staircase or room, (i dont really remember the house layout.) However I do admit that I was following their nametags once inside so I knew where they went, but I believe my character irp would have come to this conclusion on his own. However in this sense yeah, I agree that meta-gaming was a fair ban reason as well, and I will make sure not to do so again in the future. I may be forgetting stuff related to the meta-gaming reason, I didn't think to take any screenshots of chat or anything at the time so apologies if I have left anything out / un-addressed.

Besides that I agree that the ban was justified, while trying to goof around a bit I disregarded the rules of villany rp and was punished accordingly. While I did break the rules I believe it was relatively minor and a small mistake while trying to have fun. Since then I have read over the villainy and crp rules so that if I am unbanned/wait out the ban, I will able to provide more enjoyable experiences to people.


What motivates you to return to LOTC?


I am having fun interacting with people on the server and committing myself to doing a few questlines and stuff. I try to make enjoyable interactions with people and not take the rp too seriously, however due to this recent ban I realize now I still gotta keep in mind the rules/guidelines. I also enjoy creating parts of the wider world if that makes sense, I have made a cool little hobbit mansion, and I am also building designing settlements/homes for 3 different people atm.


Attach other relevant information.


tl:tr: forgot about the rules of villany rp, and did some light meta gaming. Looked backed and re-read the rules to make sure I follow the guidelines for the future.

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Appeal denied.


Your ban will automatically expire on 29 November. We are not accepting appeals for temporary bans.

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