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The Doom-Whisperer’s Duality


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The Doom-Whisperer’s Duality



When men shake hands with nightmares,

 Restful nights shall surely cease.




Blood on the Grass


They will fill histories about your bloodlust,

Build monuments to your shame.

They will garnish the streets with dark wine,

For the all the people you have slain.


Called menace, willful aggressors,

No real manhood can you foster,

Oppressors who view all as lesser.

Controlled by the pettiest of monsters.


You have idled in the doorway,

Held breaths on the edge of the long night,

Now when war comes to your doorstep,

What action have you but cowardly flight?


You shall watch your cornerstones crumble,

while witnessing the defeat of every ally.

For when we stepped into the fray,

Our war cries drowned out your weak rally.






From the Ashes of a Dying Star


We are those who look eastward,

To the rising of the Sun.

You are one who looks downward,

Wondering when night shall come.


Despites and Traitors

You breed the worst of monsters,

The sum of all your plundering,

Are our walls built back stronger.


Uproot, you blight,

You sickening disease,

For the day will soon come,

Where tirades will cease.


You will cry out,

As your empire falls before you.

You will contemplate failures,

Cursing your lack of fortitude.


And from ashes will rise,

Those brave enough to stand.

Those who you dismissed with ease,

The ones you scuttled and damned.


And they will build it back,

With more humbled hands than you,

With eyes that watch for wearied,

The lowly fires of the few.






This is a warning


You wish to take from us what can never be taken. 

We shall never relinquish that which lives within us.

Strength, Honor, and Hope shall shine forevermore.



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