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10th of Harren’s Folly, 1955 I.T

10th Msitza ag Dargund, 508 E.S





Law is the fundamental tool by which greater society and civilisation are built by. Thus, by the Order of the Duke of Brabant, a Scroll of Law shall be created to built a fair and just society.


This Scroll shall reflect the values of the Duchy of Brabant and shall serve as a tool to uphold the integrity and strength of the Duchy. It shall also define the government that shall govern the state and assist its Head of State, the Duke of the Duchy of Brabant. 


The Scroll of Law 508 E.S | 1955 I.T, by Stefan Starling and The Most Honourable, Ser Sterling Whitewood, Duchy of Brabant.



Section 1: Government and State 

Article 1: The word of the Duke is Law and the Duke is the head of state and government in the Duchy of Brabant. 


Article 2: Since his word is law, the Duke is the ultimate judge of the law. 


Article 3: The Duke shall allow themselves to appoint and dismiss any series of advisors to attend to the needs of the government and its people and to assist the Duke in decision-making.


Article 4: These advisors shall be allowed to appoint their own retinue to better aid in their ability to administer to the needs of the government and state.


Article 5: By authority and command of the Duke, the local garrison is allowed to do what is necessary and proper to maintain order and enforce the law of the Duke. 

Chapter 1: When a crime has taken place, it shall be the duty of the guard to hold the accused, until the accused has been given an arraignment. 

Chapter 2: If the accused is guilty beyond any reasonable doubt, the guard may be allowed to hold the accused until a judiciary can come and assign the necessary punishment. 

Chapter 3: All members of the garrison and knighthood are still citizens of the land, but will be held to a higher standard. They are subject to the law as any other citizen.

Section 2: Crime, Punishment, Court

Subsection 1: Laws of Crime

Article 1: Any person below the age of eighteen will be judged and punished proportionally to his age.


Article 2: Any person with an unsound or simple mind at the time of a crime will be judged and punished proportionally to his capability.


Article 3: One is guilty of the crime of Negligence if they commit a crime by acting recklessly and without reasonable caution.


Article 4: One is guilty of the crime of Attempt if they conspire or attempt to commit a crime will be guilty of the crime of Attempt.


Article 5: One is guilty of the crime they help or conspire with another to commit said crime.


Article 6: One is guilty of the crime of Murder if they slay another outside of battle or not in self-defence.

Chapter 1: Refer to Section 4, Subsection 3, Subdivision 1 for the definition of self-defense. 


Article 7: One is guilty of the crime of Assault if they harm another outside of battle or not in self-defence.

Chapter 1: Refer to Section 4, Subsection 3, Subdivision 1 for the definition of self-defense. 


Article 8: One is guilty of the crime of Theft if they steal the property of another.


Article 9: One is guilty of the crime of Banditry if they extort another under the threat of arms.


Article 10: One is guilty of the crime of Forgery if one fabricates currency without the authority of the Duke, or falsifies the weights and purities of precious minerals and metals.


Article 11: One is guilty of the crime of Impersonation if they present themselves presents themselves with the identity of another.


Article 12: One is guilty of the crime of Defamation if they wrongly and untruthfully slander the name and honour of another.


Article 13: One is guilty of the crime of Trespass if they intrude on the land of another.


Article 14: One is guilty of the crime of Vandalism if they deface the property of another.


Article 15: One is guilty of the crime of Treason if they conspire to bring harm against the Duke, House of Whitewood, or the Duke.


Article 16: One is guilty of the crime of Fraud if they trade in stolen or defective goods.


Article 17: One is guilty of the crime of Obstruction if they impede the judicial processes.


Article 18: One is guilty of the crime of Desertion if one abandons their duties as a soldier.


Article 19: One is guilty of the crime of Harassment if they persist as a nuisance to others.


Article 20: One is guilty of the crime of Corruption if they abuse their station for improper gain.


Article 21: One is guilty of the crime of Adultery if they lie with another outside of matrimony while in matrimony.


Article 22: One is guilty of the crime of Miscegenation if they lie with a Descendant of another race.


Article 23: One is guilty of the crime of Invasion if they belong to a foreign military or organization enacting law or will in the Duchy.


Article 24: One is guilty of the crime of Kidnapping if they abduct another against their will.


Article 25: One is guilty of the crime of Heresy should they commit a crime against the Chruch, use dark magic, or are of unholy origin


Article 26: One is guilty of the crime of Malpractice if they, as a medical professional, neglect their duties or give substandard treatment that causes harm, injury, or death to a patient.


Article 27: One is guilty of the crime of Deforestation if they cut the trees of the Aetherwood forest without the Duke’s authority.


Article 28: One is guilty of the crime of Poaching if they hunt within the Aetherwood forest without the Duke’s authority.


Article 29: One is guilty of the crime of Animal Cruelty if they torture an animal and or deprive one of necessary sustenance

Subsection 2: Laws of Punishment

Article 1: Let any person who attempts, conspires or commits “high crimes” such as:  treason, murder, poaching, heresy, etc. be subject to immediate prosecution.


Article 2: Let any person who commits assault, theft, harassment, or vandalism only be charged if the victim of said crime or the one who accuses such an individual seeks to file charges against the accused.

Chapter 1: A charge can be brought to court or to a member of law enforcement where then it shall be up to the discretion of the law enforcement and the accusing party to decide the process of moving forward.


Article 3: The administration of the head lawmen and/or the Duke shall decide upon the necessary and proper punishment.


Article 4: No citizen who has been accused or deemed guilty may be allowed to escape punishment, and any attempt to escape punishment will lead to an increased charge upon which the person has been returned to the state.


Article 5:  Darkspawn who seek to be turned or healed and wherein that ability of such can exist, will not be subject to immediate prosecution.

Chapter 1: Immediate prosecution for such kinds of Darkspawn shall only occur if such Darkspawn reneges on their promise or refuse to be healed. 

Subsection 3: Laws of Criminal Courts

Article 1: All citizens accused of any crime are to be deemed innocent until proven guilty.


Article 2: Any instance of murder and treason in the Duchy is immediately under the prosecution of the state.


Article 3: The call for a criminal trial for an accused shall be left under the purview and discretion of the administration of the head lawmen who shall decide a trial when it is necessary for one to occur.


Article 4:  Trials can be done again if new evidence has come to light or if there was deemed a mistrial.

Chapter 1: It shall be the discretion of the judiciary to determine if a mistrial will result in the accused being innocent or lead to another trial.

Chapter 2: Refer to Section 4, Subsection 2, Subdivision 3 for mistrial due to poor legal defense. 

Section 3: Nobility


Article 1: Houses who have shown great promise, service, and loyalty to the Duke and the Duchy may be granted a title and land of nobility.


Article 2: The head of the noble house shall have the title of nobility and shall be allowed to follow the Duchy’s or their own rulings on how the heirs to such titles may come to pass.


Article 3: Titles granted by the Duchy cannot be retained in or transferred to other realms.


Article 4: The titles of nobility are as follows:

1. Barons / Reeves, the first order of nobility, a noble will receive. 

2. Viscount, the second order of nobility a noble family can receive. 


Article 5: Upon reaching such a title, nobles shall enter a feudal contract with the Duke. 


Article 6: The Duke shall be able to call upon their nobility to summon a levy and may call upon their nobility for material contributions to the Duchy. 


Article 7: It shall be the discretion of the Duke to decide nobility, promotions of nobility and title, and also demotions of nobility and stripping of rank.


Section 4: Citizens, Civility, Civil Courts

Subsection 1: Citizens

Article 1:  All people in Lotusgrad shall be deemed to be free of any system of thralldom and shall be of their own selves, and act of their accord and thus be granted the rights of men free of thralldom. 

Chapter 1: They shall also then be judged as free persons of such law and be judged accordingly. 


Article 2:  All citizens who live in taxed property must pay taxes to the state. 


Article 3: For any citizen, The recognition of self-autonomy and self-action is to be recognized at the age of 18 and so will be judged accordingly and treated the same as any adult citizen of the land from henceforth.

Chapter 1: In doing so, the age of adulthood at which the age this government recognizes will be held at the age of 18. 


Article 4: The right to marriage shall be recognized in this state. 


Article 5: Should a spouse go missing for five years or feign their own death, then their spouse shall be free to marry anew. 

Subsection 2: Children and Inheritance

Article 1: Those born of a lawful marriage shall be lawful children and inheritors of their family name and holdings.


Article 2: Those born outside of lawful marriage shall be bastards, incapable of inheriting their family name and holdings.


Article 3: The Duchy may legitimize a bastard, bestowing unto them the name, rights, and honours had they been born lawfully.


Article 4: Children born lawfully but whose parents are dead or missing can be adopted and raised in a family and assume all names as if born to that family.


Article 5: Children born lawfully but whose parents are dead or missing can be taken and cared for by a different family.

Subsection 3: Civility

Subdivision 1: Self-defense 

Article 1: All citizens will have the legal right to self-defence and may engage in the necessary and proper actions necessary for that.

Chapter 1: Self-defense is any action in which one seeks to avoid harm to oneself or others that the person believes to be defending. 

Chapter 2: But any action that may be deemed not necessary or outside the means of self-defence can be taken criminally if it fits the necessary criteria for that crime. 

Subdivision 2: Laws Regarding Contracts

Article 1: All those above the age of eighteen may sign a contract, which must be either verbal or written and must be upheld by the agreeing parties.


Article 2: Those between the ages of eighteen and sixteen may sign a contract with the consent of their legal guardian.


Article 3: A contractual agreement may be terminated by the state, should they see suitable grounds to do so.


Article 4: All written contracts must be signed in the presence of a qualified lawman of the state who shall then sign off on the contract as the mediator and as a contractual witness for a written contract to be considered valid.

Subdivision 3: Laws Regarding Legal Defense 

Article 1: The Law will recognize a party's right to legal defence or the right to defend himself in a courtroom. 


Article 2: If there is evidence that the legal defence was not adequate or grossly not defending his client in a manner deemed necessary and proper, this can lead to a hearing for a mistrial. 


Article 3:  If someone enforces the right to defend himself and it has been determined that he is of sound mind to do so, any liability involved necessary for a mistrial shall be waived. 


Subdivision 4: Handling of Disputes

Article 1:  There are three types of Trial in which a civil dispute may be resolved:  

Chapter 1: Trial by Combat - A trial wherein the parties shall duel to first yield to determine the wrongdoer.

Chapter 2: Trial of Wit - A trial wherein the parties shall play a game of chance or wit in which Godan will favour the righteous.

Chapter 3: Trial of Civil Court - A trial wherein all parties shall present their case to the court by word of mouth and evidence. This shall be the default when the parties cannot agree to undertake the other aforementioned trials. 


Article 2: A member of the judiciary is charged with being the arbiter of trials of each of these types. In the case of a Trial by Combat, they will serve as referee to the fight. And in the case of a Trial by Wit, they shall determine the rules of the game that is played.


Sub-Subdivision I: Trial By Combat

Article 3: Dueling is a legal method in which conflict can be resolved without the use of courts to settle disputes. 

Chapter 1: Any party may wish to call another party to a duel; however, both parties must consent to it and go through the full process of that duel to be seen as a legitimate process. 

Chapter 2: The rules and the process of the duel shall be decided by the members but the Duke may be allowed his say and his say shall be followed in such matters. 

Chapter 3: Once the duel has been completed, the losing party will accept the terms agreed upon.


Article 4:  The judiciary is allowed to deem a duel to the last man breathing illegal if the circumstances necessitate it and one party doesn’t wish to die.  


Subsection 4: Civil Courts

Article 1:  A Civil Court shall proceed if two parties find themselves unable to come to resolve a dispute, would like a legal judiciary to handle such dispute, or if the judiciary deems such a dispute worthy of being sent to the Civil Court. 


Article 2: The liability or guilt of the defendant must only be proven by a preponderance of evidence, unlike criminal courts which must be guilt beyond reasonable doubt. 


Article 3: Refer to Section 4, Subsection 2, Subdivision 3 for the rules regarding legal defense. 





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10th of Harren’s Folly, 179 S.A




Titles: The Scroll of law has been updated to reflect the change in rank and status of the Duchy. With Marquis of Lotusgrad being changed to Duke of Brabant

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