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"The Prince's Charge" (1st version) a Minitz era folk song

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A illumination of an epic medieval charge, at the head of the charge a blond and courageous prince the army have green and blue banners

(Verse 1)
In the deep of Minitz, where banners sway below,
Prince Leon led the charge, through the seaweed's gentle flow.
Against Veletz and Stassion, and the warlord Krugmar,
They fought for ocean's grace, beneath the moonlit star.

Hark, the hum of currents, the swirling waves,
In the heart of Kanunsberg, where bravery engraves.
Singing tales of valor, in the coral cheer,
The ballad of Prince Leon, all merfolk hold dear.

(Verse 2)
Cousin Alfred, stern and strong, scales marked by battles past,
In the seaweed's warmth, memories shared and cast.
As kelp swayed like banners, forging bonds so tight,
In the fellowship of merfolk, preparing for the fight.

Hark, the hum of currents, the swirling waves,
In the heart of Kanunsberg, where bravery engraves.
Singing tales of valor, in the coral cheer,
The ballad of Prince Leon, all merfolk hold dear.

(Verse 3)
To Whitespire swam the Prince, 'neath the royal banner,
With King Jean and Godwin's kin, a valiant manner.
Tensions rose as Fredericksburg's walls drew near,
Strategic minds convened, dispelling any fear.

Hark, the hum of currents, the swirling waves,
In the heart of Kanunsberg, where bravery engraves.
Singing tales of valor, in the coral cheer,
The ballad of Prince Leon, all merfolk hold dear.

(Verse 4)
Walls were breached, in the siege's swirling dance,
On the coral, 'midst the chaos, heroes found their chance.
Fierce and valiant, they fought for ocean's might,
Martyrs born, their sacrifice embraced the night.

Hark, the hum of currents, the swirling waves,
In the heart of Kanunsberg, where bravery engraves.
Singing tales of valor, in the coral cheer,
The ballad of Prince Leon, all merfolk hold dear.
(Verse 5)
Victory proclaimed in seaweed's sweet embrace,
Praises sung for Leon, through every coral space.
In Kanunsberg's depths, kin and allies cheer,
A triumph celebrated, banishing all fear.

Hark, the hum of currents, the swirling waves,
In the heart of Kanunsberg, where bravery engraves.
Singing tales of valor, in the coral cheer,
The ballad of Prince Leon, all merfolk hold dear.

So, raise your fins up high, in the ocean's gentle glow,
Let the ballad echo, as the tides of victory flow.
In the lore of Minitz's seas, the tale shall persevere,
The legend of Prince Leon, for all mermen to revere.




Folk Song Written by Halfdan Dale


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