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Now Hiring: Academy Instructors

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Now Hiring





We are seeking instructors and professors for the Academy of Hohkmat in the following fields.


Instructors and teachers will be employed within the Academy’s “Circle of Practical Arts”. Instructors are not required to be Mages, but should be comfortable working with an entirely all mage institution.


Duties and Responsibilities include:
1. Providing classes to the general student body in your field. You may hire assistants as necessary. Instruction should focus on how your field of expertise interacts with Voidal arts and its users and be relevant to the student.

2. Managing, designing, and maintaining the physical space for your profession - renovation expenses will be paid for by the Academy.

3. To adhere to all Academy rules and regulations, taking direction from the ‘Head of the Academy’ and the Master of the Circle of Practical Pursuits.

Salary Negotiable

Send a letter to the Grand Magister, Razad the Fatebinder if interested.







GRAND-MAGISTER, Sorcerer-King, Hierophant of the Mysteries,

Master of the Ziggurat of Hohkmat


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