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The Ascension of the Amethil


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Princely Letters for the

Amethil Talonnii

Published; 19th of Grand Harvest, 180 S.A.


ilMaehr'sae Ilkun'ehya”




It is a pleasure to reward the esteemed Amethil Talonnii for their hard work within the Principality of Celia’nor over the last century and announce Lauririi Raziel Amethil to be appointed as Laurir. It is due to their loyalty and accomplishments within the Principality that their kin has earned their title through progressing above what is expected of them. They are tasked with maintaining their lands and holdings within the lands of Celia’nor that they have been tasked with preserving and to continue to serve the Principality with knowledge and steel.






His Royal Majesty, The Prince of Fi'andria, Evarir of the North, Descendant of The Silver Phoenix, Enforcer of the Star’s Will, Prince of Celia'nor,  Illthrak Ibarellan of the Principality of Celia’nor


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Irelia Py'lrie would gleam with pride upon the newly announced noble Talonnii, the Amethil's! As she would go seek out Lauririi Raziel! 

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A certain blonde haired, green eyed elfess gazed upon the missive. Upon reading the missive, Ariselle gave a bright and wide smile. She was happy for Raziel and the Amethil talonnii and has seen firsthand how hard they were working.


"Well done Raziel! I'm proud of you! I look forward to the future and the amazing things this talonnii will accomplish and the potential they will bring!"


The elfess carefully folded the missive for safekeeping, then gazed outside her window quietly to enjoy the sunlight and clear skies.

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Mathi Lensul’em nods with approval smiling down while she reads the missive “About time.”

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Llora smiled upon reading the missive, the Amethil's now noble. "Happy for you guys!" she hummed glancing over to the winery with joy.



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"So I am no longer alone," Raziel stated bluntly.


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Uriella Amethil fell asleep with a couple of bottles of wine by her that day, locked in her room for a good rest after a while.

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