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Issued the 15th of the Grand Harvest, in the Year 182 of the Second Age

   With the signing and promulgation of this document, the Exilic Kingdom of Númendil and the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, henceforth referred to as ‘the signatories’, do agree on their honor to the terms laid forth hereafter.


ARTICLE I: Non-Aggression

  The signatories agree in the absolute to a pact of non-aggression. There shall be no military conflict between either state, nor between their constituent vassals or noble Houses. The signatories, adhering to Adunian cultural traditions of peace, shall dedicate a bench to the Monarch of the other signatory within their lands. Any breaches of this term shall be resolved through the appropriate diplomatic channels.


ARTICLE II: Sovereignty

  The signatories mutually recognize the other as the sole sovereign state over their respective lands, and all titles affiliated with their respective styling.


ARTICLE III: Defensive Alliance

  The signatories shall, in the event of war, rise to each other’s defense. This term shall apply only to defensive conflicts. In the event that a signatory party is the aggressing party, however, participation may be discussed as a separate agreement.



  The signatories shall, pursuant to mutual benefit, commit to free trade, and shall permit merchants from either nation to travel and trade free from tariff or harassment. Additionally, a stall shall be provided, waiving annual rents, in either signatory’s capital.


ARTICLE V: Duration

  This treaty shall remain in effect for the duration of the reigns of Tar-Caraneth Aryantë and Grand King Thurgrim Silverbraid, whichever should come to an end first. In such an event, this agreement will be open to renewal or renegotiation.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement as of the day and year first above written.



HER ROYAL MAJESTY, Tar-Caraneth Aryantë of the House Arthalionath, by the Grace of GOD, Queen of the Númenedain, Princess of Númenost and Minas Amath, Protector of the Adunians, Master of the Sharadûn, Templar of the Archangel Michael, Knight of the Realm


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HIS GRAND MAJESTY, Thurgrim ‘Angrimsson’ Silverbraid, Son of Angrim, Son of Ongrim, Son of Svardin, Son of Delric, Son of Elie, Daughter of Chaecus, Son of Herot, Son of Thrain, Son of Bogrin, Son of Urguan, Grand King of Urguan, Lord of the Silverbraids, Reckoner of the Guild of Reckoners, Grand Tanner, Truth Seeker 




HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, Eriantiel Esteleth Caranethiel of the House Arthalionath, Princess of Númenost, Lady of Aran-în-Eryn, Lady of Langenkirch, Royal Castellan of the White Court of the Númenaranyë, and Knight of the Realm

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