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Matter of The Illness

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A letter is published to the Lesanov Royal Courts, addressed to the King and Queen of Hanseti-Ruska.



To His and Her Royal Majesties,


To hear of Princess Anastasya Milena’s illness had brought me much trouble.  I recall the polite company of Her Highness as we all took refuge within the walls of Morteskvan, her kind and warm demeanor despite our time of strife.  It would bring me much ease to see her health restored.


In my childhood, I often suffered through bouts of illness that wracked my body and left me weakened.  A nagging and unforgiving cough was one of such symptoms, which left me winded and growing faint in the day.  While I am still prone to these bouts of illness, I am vastly strengthened and recovered from the most wicked torrents.


Before I had departed from Hanseti-Ruska on my pilgrimage with The White Comet, I was guided on a smaller pilgrimage to The Cross of Blessed Dmitry that is erected upon one of the snow-sheathed peaks.  The hike was long and straining due to my ailing health, but I pressed on.  Upon reaching the summit, I sat myself beneath the cross and bowed my head in prayer beside Her Grace Tatiyana vas Ruthern and the star-eater Lianhua; the latter which guided me through a technique of breathing meditation.


Within moments, I felt clear air pass through my lungs with ease and I felt as if I could breathe with no struggle anymore.  Ever since that day, I’ve rarely been troubled by a cough for long.


I would urge for the Royal Family to undergo a similar pilgrimage as I had, in hopes of having Princess Anastasya’s health restored. She shall be included in my prayers otherwise.


Lady Rezalisa Kovachev,

Bossiras of Kovgrad

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