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The Covenant Of Sanctuary


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Lorethos, I believe it would be more appropriate for Marshalls to be able to recommend new Guardians and Charities to both you or the Seraph.

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[[Yea man. I hate having to stay up till 3am just for you. ;_;]]

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((Everyone has the ability to recommend members. That's just a free will thing, no one has to permit that. My hours are restricted right now because of rehearsals for a play I'm in that plays this weekend. I'll try to get on but if I do it'll be maybe 10 PM PST.))

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((What if your server/character application was lost in the reform of the application forums, and put into the old archives? What do you link instead for that part of the guild application?))

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((can anyone apply to this or do they have to be chosen in-game like the ascended where?))

((Edit: im getting the vibe that anyone can apply at this point? if that is the case where do I sign up?))

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((Fill it out, send it to me and xmrsmoothx or just post it here on this thread. Sorry if my responses have been slow, it will not be the case following this week.))

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The Firebrand, Drog'Bahr IV

I think 'The Iron Beast, Drog'Bahr' is more fitting for Archy's character in my opinion. ^^

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Seth Harken/Ergent Seth



Possible Role:

Most Preferably an Arcane Marshall, if not then an Arcane Guardian

Previous or Current Affiliations:

I have been part of the former Laurelin Vanguard, leading them as their magistrate. I was affiliated with a small charity organization known as the 'Tree Top Inn', as their Guard Captain.

Link to Character Application:

((Application lost in the reform of application team. Here is a backstory. ^^))

A shattered past, a reformed present, a mysterious future. Seth Harken is quite an odd high elf, living in the trees with the wood elves, not caring for the tradition or any of the views of the other elves, only guided by his own morals and wit. His appearance appears to be different from most elves as well, only wearing white button up shirt, black pants, and black shoes, instead of the usual elven greenery. On his forehead, stomach, chest, back, and wrists, rests blue diamond jewels embedded on his skin.

Seth, for the longest time, lived the life of a weapon, causing slaughter, destruction, and chaos. Over the course of this sad life, starting to feel a tinge of sadness for every stab, ever drop of blood, and ever shriek. Soon, he left this lifestyle, going to aegis to pursue the life of a regular being, guided by the natural good, or his view on the natural good, per se. Throughout his journey in the lands of Aegis, he soon met a women, Valer D'avore, who ends up being his wife in the new land of Asulon. Valer changed Seth, making him feel real, genuine, and not an emotionless tool for others to use for their advantage.

Seth now resides in Asulon, learning how to protect those he loves, but in the end, he also ends up hurting them in the process. Seth needs to learn how to defend others, and not pain them doing so. He is willing to go through any obstacle and assignment, if it means for the betterment for his loved ones. He will expand that protection to others, helping other individuals cope with the pain and misery, from suffering under the sinister. Seth doesn't want to be a weapon anymore. He wants to be a shield.

What is Your Goal:

My goal is to either refine the power I have, or find a way to live without it. I've lost many comrades in the past few years, including my own brother, because of my lack of strength and power. I want to learn how to protect others properly and effectively, including my own family. I'm sick and tired of dark beings constantly haunting me, and I just want to live a normal life, with my wife, my daughter, and possibly another child coming, as well. I also want to expand this protection to those who're unable to protect themselves as well, because I tire of those out there dishonorably massacred at the hands of the cruel.

I want to travel as well, finding ways to end the suffering of others, as well as my own. There are individuals who may be like me, and therefore if I meet them, I can also understand them, and help them with their pain.

Why Join the Covenant?:

I believe the covenant is ran by able personnel, that can teach me the real way of control, and the act of protection. It is a way where I can learn how to get rid of my own suffering, and also take away the pain of others. The covenant is a place where I can atone.

Wood elves are battling humans. The wood elves appear to be losing. What is your response?:

Immediately, I rush to the aid of the wood elves, defending those struck down by the humans. I look around trying to find wounded personnel, immediately getting them out of the fray. I bring the wounded wood elves into a medical encampment, and I immediately go, in to help defends the woof elves, fighting humans and incapacitating humans, but not going for killing blows.

After a strenuating fight to the nail and fist, you are badly injured, but your opponent is even worse off. What course of action do you follow?:

I stand up, dizzied by the fight between us two. I look at my opponent, and turning around, asking for the aid of any bystander watching, to give him medical aid. I ignore his protests and insults of being cowardly, and smile as I limp away. I've done what i needed to do, I do not finish my opponent off, because the only reason why I truly fight is only for self defense, and the defense of others, which is the case in this event.

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"I'll have to discuss with Annabelle, but you seem a perfect addition. Go to Aegis Keep. You can find it if you head into the Wilven Valley Sanctuary and head through the small cave opposite the large Cloud Temple."

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