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The Hammerites


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"If you have found this journal, then you have helped me complete my only goal in life. This will be my last entry, I am certain that my days are numbered.

It was by the hand of the Great Builder that you stumbled upon our lost hold. My brothers and sisters have all perished. I was the last to be born into the order and I am unfortunately not well versed history. However, my father told me that the High Priest’s study lies intact deep within the keep. I was unable to find little more than sketches of the hierarchy and a few resource logs written by the leaders of each of the branches. It pains me that I was never able to uncover a copy of the holy scripture. I don’t know how we came to this land. I was told that we were guided by the Builder and the two statues who guard the mouth of the strait to the east, were the High Priests who led us here and founded the temple in the name of the Builder. They now sit with the Builder, we are his creation, we are his children... Perhaps I’ll sit with my fathers soon enough."

- The Last Hammerite

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It saddens me greatly to learn that an old branch of the order is no longer here. But it gives me renewed strength that we can rebuild it. Worry not lost brethren this is not the end of the order but the begining of a new chapter.

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What are the Hammerites, I found that journal ingame but couldn't find anyway to get further into the keep.

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The Hammerites are a secret order dedicated to our god The Master Builder. We pride ourselves on our craftsmanship and building skills. Over the course of two millennium we have been sent from the City to push back the darkness and corruption that creeps towards our holy temple St.Edgar.

I myself have been granted High priest ship from the Grand priest himself. For every fifty years the Grand priest sends one priest and two companions to vanquish the Chaos god's grip on the uncharted lands. Each time to never return from the unknown, I've seen countless lands and worlds in my travels while combating the chaos lords minions of darkness. Our goal is to remove The Chaos lord from all walks of life and to build great monuments to The Master Builder!

Such great marvels as the Anvil of David


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(in character about topic)

Lock'eed day 7 morn~Just an update as to my progress on the first mountain hold. I've unearthed the ruins and cleared out most the earth and debris. All that appears to be left are some minor details here and there and it should be fully operational in a few days.The Master Builder guides my shovel and pickaxe as I clear, praise him! So far there are three gatehouses a barracks a captain of the guard's quarters and a weapons vault which contained intact weapons and armor. I cleared the dust off alot of these items and placed them back in their respectable chests. I counted almost seventeen grand tonage in cobble...which of course I smelted back into working stone brick for repairs.

It is a grand sight...I hung our colors back upon the masts...


Lock'eed day 7 eve~So once I finish out a few things here I'll continue on to the second mountain and see what secrets are left to find. As for the two statues outside one is a high priest holding the staff of vindication and a weapon pointing back to the east, this world may not hold our beloved City but we will always remeber the direction from which we came. And last the other appears to be his master forger, there should be a third statue somewhere nearby if this is to be true to the order....a high priest his master forger and an elite guard all sent out to bring lite into the darkened lands. In any case maybe the last mountain may contain clues as to where this third statue resides. Hopefully I can find answers as to why this chapter fell.

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(Thief series....))

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((based around the lore of thief series yes, I've been the main leader on a older server for the past year that has recently closed down. But yeah its based around the concept building/builder you get the picture.))

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It went up in flames because of you. Though no hard feelings. Its nice to see that you're still trying and sticking to the hammerites.

Xlockeed i wish you the best of luck! :D - Dennisomgwtf

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