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Reklu Grandaxe


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Reklu Grandaxe
Nicknames: The Champion, Reklu the Runner
Age: 537
Gender: Male
Race: Dwarf
Status: Alive

Height: 5'3"
Weight: 250
Body Type: Muscular
Eyes: Charcoal
Hair: Dark Brown, almost black.
Skin: Tanned
Health: Sober
Personality: Easily angered, extremely loyal to his clan.
Further Details:

Life Style
Alignment*: Neutral Evil
Alliance/Nation/Home Kingdom of Urguan
Job/Class: Forgeling, Legion Stoneguard. 
Title(s): Legion Champion Stoneguard Reklu Grandaxe
Profession(s): Blacksmith, Legion Guard.
Special Skill(s): Combat and Smithing.
Flaw(s): Ale

Current Status:
Current Spell(s):

Fighting Style: Reckless fury
Preferred Weapon: War Hammer
Favored Weapon: Battleaxe
Archery: Crossbow

Parents: Valen Grandaxe
Children: Balen Grandaxe
Extended Family: Bazian Grandaxe, Thorik Grandaxe, Thorin Grandaxe and the rest of the Clan.
Pet(s): A grizzly bear.


-= The Forging of a Grandaxe =-

Reklu was born to two wonderful parents. His father, Valen Grandaxe, was the Consular for the Dwarves and was well respected. His mother he never knew, for she died giving birth to him. Even with no help, Valen did his best to raise Reklu how his mother would have wanted. He trained Reklu daily in weapons and taught him the skills of blacksmithing. As he grew older he started going to more and more clan battles in the arena watching and waiting for his time. Valen finally thought Reklu was ready to fight. “Alright Reklu, yer’ up! Make’ me proud.” Reklu smiles and climbs down the ladder into the arena. His opponent happened to be an Irongut. “Are ye’ ladies ready?” Valen says with a loud voice. Both lads respond in unison that they are ready. Reklu charges his opponent swinging his battleaxe anticipating the Irongut’s first move. He was right. The Irongut swings right for Reklu’s head. Reklu quickly drops to the ground sweeping out his opponents feet and dropping the lad right to the ground. Quickly jumping up, he rushes to the lad pinning him down with the handle of his battleaxe. “Reklu wins!” Valen’s voice booms throughout the arena announcing the winner. Reklu stands up smiling loving all the attention. From that day forward Reklu won all of his single matches. Reklu loved his life but he always had a sense of adventure. He wanted to explore the world and see the rest of Asulon.

-= Sea Bound =-

When Reklu was but still a beardling he made a decision that would change his life forever. He decided to take a journey through the human lands and all the other outlying nations, by sea. Life as a sailor aboard a human trading ship was rough. The humans treated him like garbage and never cared to really give any help to the young dwarf. Reklu grew angrier by the day at the mistreatment he received from the humans. Each day despite all the hostility he received he managed to still get training in weapons and further his experience with the battleaxe. Finally he was ready for whatever came his way.

Now, the first mate of the ship was of great importance in Oren and was a Sariant in the Teutonic Order. He treated Reklu the worst out of all the rest of the crew. One day, Reklu was below deck practicing with his iron battleaxe his father had given to him when he left. The first mate came below deck looking for Reklu to wash the deck above. “What do ye think yer doin’ you annoying twit? Get up on deck and get to scrubbing.” Reklu stops mid-swing a turns to the first mate mustering all his courage. “You go wash the deck! I am trainin’.” The first mate now enraged hits Reklu in the face with the back of his hand. “I will kill you were you stand. Now watch your mouth and get up on deck. While you’re at it you can give me your battleaxe since you will not need it anytime soon.” Reklu stunned from the blow finally regains his composure and looks down at his battleaxe then back at the first mate. Without any warning Reklu swings his battleaxe at the first mate’s leg knocking him to the ground. Now on the ground Reklu stands above him with his battleaxe raised above his head. “I shou’ bae treated just tae same as you! My father is tae Consular of tae dwarves!” With this said and the first mate looking up at Reklu, eyes wide, he brings the battleaxe down on the man’s skull instantly killing him. Now realizing what he had just done, Reklu quickly runs up the stairs onto the main deck and jumps of the ship and down onto the docks below. The ship had been docked somewhere in the Elven kingdom. Reklu now on the docks looks around and quickly runs into the city. Not really knowing what to do now, he goes to a shop and buys some meat and bread with the little money he has and starts off down the road home.

-= The Black Forest Mercenaries =-

Walking on the road Reklu thinks hard and long about what he has just done. He doesn’t quite know if what he did was right or wrong. In one sense he thinks he was defending himself and in another he thinks he has just murdered a noble. His train of thought was broken by a human calling to him. “Ello laddie! Ye’ in need of some work?” Reklu thinks to himself for a moment then replies. “Aye, I coul’ use som’ werk.” The man grins and responds. “Then follow me and I can get ye’ a position in our mercenary guild. Ye’ are paid 100 minas a week.” Reklu thinking back to his days in the arena decides that this could be fun. He follows the man to a small stone compound with four guard towers at each corner of the compound. “Well, here we are! Welcome to the Black Forest Mercenaries.” Reklu looking around curiously nods and begins walking around. The man chuckling says, “When yer done looking around come over to war room right there. We will get ye’ set all set up.” The man finishes by pointing at the war room situated at the back of the compound. Reklu nods and continues looking around.

Reklu’s life in the mercenaries provided him with much military experience. He became very talented at going into cities and spreading lies and false information to cause wars. The creative ways he used to call attention to himself proved vital to the survival of the mercenary group. He also learned many lessons from his mentor. One of the greatest lessons he took to heart was that his only ally was a dead one. He would remember this for the rest of his life.

-= Finally Home =-

After years and years away from home Reklu finally decided to return back to his father and clan. The day he arrived at the entrance to Kal’Karik was a peaceful day and Kal’Karik was filled with the hustle and bustle of Dwarves and battles in the arena. Reklu slowly walked in, as the gate was opened, marveling at the architectural wonders of his long forgotten brothers. Out of the corner of his eye he sees his uncle, Bazian Grandaxe. “Bazian! It’s Reklu!” Reklu runs over to his uncle giving him a big bear hug. “Yer’ back! How ye’ been laddie?” Bazian says with a great big smile. “Good, jus’ glad tu be back. Where’ Valen?” “He is ‘ight ove’ ‘ere. Follow me.” Reklu follows Bazian over to his father. Reuniting once again he begins his life as a Grandaxe once again.


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Woops that's supposed to be 5'3" haha thanks! [].

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